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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

DPS Companion


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Another vote for Kira.


I find the melee dps companions to be the best dps overall, because their attacks are all instant. I don't really like it when a companion is charging/doing a 3 second cast, when the mob just needs one more whack. And, since most mission mobs are easy anyway, you just need quick, fast damage.


Agree, the tank/healing companions really do poor dps, regardless of how well they are geared, or how well you "stance" them. they are generally best, at what they are supposed to do. If you try to make them something they aren't - they naturally won't be as good.


Though, they could function if you wanted to do that =)

Edited by jaliscoautuick
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Another vote for Kira.


I find the melee dps companions to be the best dps overall, because their attacks are all instant. I don't really like it when a companion is charging/doing a 3 second cast, when the mob just needs one more whack. And, since most mission mobs are easy anyway, you just need quick, fast damage.


Agree, the tank/healing companions really do poor dps, regardless of how well they are geared, or how well you "stance" them. they are generally best, at what they are supposed to do. If you try to make them something they aren't - they naturally won't be as good.


Though, they could function if you wanted to do that =)


Although I agree with you on dps value, My defense guardian with Kira thus far is great. I had huge issues at first with my Sent, I know it is partially a lack of experience and the way I built him but I got owned by Lord Scourge and also had problems with Valis but when I switched to a guardian/defense build I owned them both on the first go around. My Commando loves Elaro also as I do great dps and she just keeps me alive, love her. So depending on the char determines my preference. Being a soloer this is my where I am coming from but it just depends on the class.

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Most DPS companions are equal for most classes. Knights run into a special situation with Rusk due to the bug where he is under-performing. so I agree with the Kira sentiment.


Course, I run heals for the most part, but when I pull a Dipser, its KakakakaKira.

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