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Rebuild guild help!!


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Hey all, I have recently been nominated Guild master by default on the imperial side. We have 50 members most of which haven't played in 50+ days as well as not really having any input besides me. I would like to find a group of players who are looking to start or join a guild who can fill the roles of officers to make it active like it was in the beginning. We have 2 Guild banksand a decent amount of crafting stuff in the first bank. The vision I have is for a pve/pvp with end game raiding when we have enough high lvl guildies. I wouldn't be opposed to a merger either I just don't want to fold something I have personally put resources and recruiting into. Thanks all and best wishes. Edited by thejohnnyrocket
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With such atrophy, I don't think that you'll really have a fair rebuild for the guild, nor would you be able to really keep it going...especially with apathy from the others in the guild.


I would suggest the strongest approach would be a merger.


Look me up in game, or talk to one of the officers of Vengeful Malice. I think we can either help discuss if a merger is possible with us...or whom may fit your best interests in the game.


Hope to hear from ya!

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