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People can be greedy

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First off, not sure why I'm posting this here as there isn't a lot anyone can do.


I was on the fleet, and a F2P guy was selling a Major Experience Boost. He was asking 85k for it. That's 50k above the cheapest one on the GTN. I informed him of that, and he whispered me and said he would sell it to me at 30k. I figured he could use the credits and I could use it on an alt, so I agreed.


I try to trade with him, and find out he's F2P. I tell him I can't trade with him because of this. He said, "I'll throw it on the GTN and you buy it." I accepted. He then goes to the GTN and accuses me of lying, saying there isn't any of these on the market. I searched again and found the same 14 that were listed, the lowest 4 sitting at 35k. I told him this.


He says, "Ok, but I need the money can you do 40k?" I told him no, that's pointless because I can just buy one for 35k and don't really need one that much anyway. He says, "Ok I'll price it for 35k." I decide to go ahead and buy it even though it's not what we agreed. He tells me it's up, and I find it. 35.5k. I was irritated that he was trying to trick me into paying extra credits when I didn't even need this thing he was selling.


I bought a 35k one, told him good luck and left. This is the most in-depth example I have but it's not the first I've seen of people basically begging for credits. I know it's not ALL F2P but it seems to be one of them most of the time. I don't see a solution to this, other than just not trading or even communicating with someone of this nature.


/rant. Thanks.

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This is one reason that I do not buy off the peddler market in Fleet chat, or planet chat.


I'll even pay more to pull an item from the GTN then a price being hawked in chat. WHY? because I support the GTN and people that use it. Anyone who cannot be bothered to use the GTN (especially with todays' low deposit fees) is, by definitiion, working for a credit edge of some sort IMO.. and I don't want to be drawn into the drama.


I get that other people like bartering in chat.. but I personally do not.

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This is one reason that I do not buy off the peddler market in Fleet chat, or planet chat.

I don't mind someone posting something on chat. However, if they post it in general chat instead of trade chat or they post the same thing more than once in a few minutes, then I won't buy from them. I don't mind people using trade chat....that's what it's there for. However, people spamming trade chat or posting trade stuff in general chat annoys me.

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This is one reason that I do not buy off the peddler market in Fleet chat, or planet chat.


I'll even pay more to pull an item from the GTN then a price being hawked in chat. WHY? because I support the GTN and people that use it. Anyone who cannot be bothered to use the GTN (especially with todays' low deposit fees) is, by definitiion, working for a credit edge of some sort IMO.. and I don't want to be drawn into the drama.


I get that other people like bartering in chat.. but I personally do not.


Not true. I use chat if I want to sell something immediately. For the same price as the lowest GTN or a bit lower. The reason is simple, I want credits now, not tomorrow. Id be surprised if I was the only one doing that.

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That's why i don't deal with f2ps ^^


Too much hassle. But I prefer buying / selling things manually becasue gtn steals too much for using it. I remember selling rare hilts / armoring back in the good days and the message saying that gtn takes 200k comission just brought tears into my eyes. I can only imagine how many millions went there from me.


Andryah likes to lose credits.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Not true. I use chat if I want to sell something immediately. For the same price as the lowest GTN or a bit lower. The reason is simple, I want credits now, not tomorrow. Id be surprised if I was the only one doing that.


I'd be surprised if you were so credit strapped you just had to have those credits nao.


Just admit you don't want the GTN getting 6%, and call it a day. :rolleyes:

Edited by Andryah
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I'd be surprised if you were so credit strapped you just had to have those credits nao.


Just admit you don't want the GTN getting 6%, and call it a day. :rolleyes:


I didnt even know it was 6% that GTN is taking until now, I never counted that, I hardly ever read the number. So no, that is not the reason I sometimes use chat.

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I'd be surprised if you were so credit strapped you just had to have those credits nao.


Just admit you don't want the GTN getting 6%, and call it a day. :rolleyes:


Sometimes if I think it's a popular enough item, I'll throw a message up in trade chat to see if anyone bites. Wait a minute, and then if not just throw it on the GTN.

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This is one reason that I do not buy off the peddler market in Fleet chat, or planet chat.


I'll even pay more to pull an item from the GTN then a price being hawked in chat. WHY? because I support the GTN and people that use it. Anyone who cannot be bothered to use the GTN (especially with todays' low deposit fees) is, by definitiion, working for a credit edge of some sort IMO.. and I don't want to be drawn into the drama.


I get that other people like bartering in chat.. but I personally do not.


So you won't support someone because they're being enterprising? Okay...


I don't suppose it occurred to you that people may be trying to maximize their profit by avoiding the GTN cut. I never see drama in trade chat unless someone is trying to sell something way above the market rate.

Edited by Cupelixx
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So you won't support someone because they're being enterprising? Okay...


I don't suppose it occurred to you that people may be trying to maximize their profit by avoiding the GTN cut. I never see drama in trade chat unless someone is trying to sell something way above the market rate.


To me.. the enterprising ones are the ones that use the GTN. They factor the sales commission into their business and they are more often consistent sellers as well. In general... better merchants IMO.


As for drama....the OP just shared with us a prime example of drama. ;) Now, the most commonly observed drama that I see in trade chats is people getting price checks...and then getting silly price suggestions. I imagine they are also getting lots of tells with low ball prices as well. Hopefully they are wise enough to get through the doo doo. At a minimum, people should use the GTN for establishing current market price. Takes less then 30 seconds.

Edited by Andryah
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Wait, the GTN takes a cut? Huh, never noticed. Well, more to the point didn't care. Credits come, credits go, credits fall out when I blow my nose. Generally I sell stuff on the GTN, first because it's much easier to set it and forget it, and I don't have to worry about whether the person is F2P or haggling with them. Either they want what I'm selling or they don't. I am non-negotiable.
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At a minimum, people should use the GTN for establishing current market price. Takes less then 30 seconds.


If you know of a way to get people to research market prices on GTN, that would be great. Too many even list on the GTN without paying attention to the prices.... Yeah, I make millions off of mistakes (no joke), but sometimes its just plain silly and so many people lose out on so much money because they are not interested in researching.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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Wait, the GTN takes a cut? Huh, never noticed. Well, more to the point didn't care. Credits come, credits go, credits fall out when I blow my nose. Generally I sell stuff on the GTN, first because it's much easier to set it and forget it, and I don't have to worry about whether the person is F2P or haggling with them. Either they want what I'm selling or they don't. I am non-negotiable.



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If you know of a way to get people to research market prices on GTN, that would be great. Too many even list on the GTN without paying attention to the prices.... Yeah, I make missions off of mistakes, but sometimes its just plain silly and so many people lose out on so much money because they are not interested in researching.


A lot of them are just people dumping what they don't want or can't use and don't care what it is really worth. I don't tell them, i like the profit margin too much.

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To me.. the enterprising ones are the ones that use the GTN. They factor the sales commission into their business as well and they are more often consistent sellers as well.


As for drama....the OP just shared with us a prime example of drama. ;)


Fair enough, but I still disagree. Personally I only sell on the GTN because I make a lot of listings. I would love to bypass the GTN cut, but with how many items I sell, it's not worth doing it piecemeal through chat. For rare or big ticket items, sure. I think 'beating the system' by avoiding the GTN cut is smart in that case. If someone is offering a good deal or even a fair price for something I want, I would rather them keep all of the profit.


I don't think what happened to the OP is typical. I've played MMOs for a long time and only had something like this happen 2 or 3 times. Certainly not enough for me to not 'risk' jumping at a good deal if I see one advertised. If I don't get it, what's the worst that happens? I lose a couple minutes and eventually see the same deal or better on the GTN?

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A lot of them are just people dumping what they don't want or can't use and don't care what it is really worth. I don't tell them, i like the profit margin too much.


I agree.


Anyone that really wants to know the fair market value of an item can determine that with a simple GTN check. Not our responsibility to monitor their commerce practices. :)

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I know it's not ALL F2P but it seems to be one of them most of the time. I don't see a solution to this, other than just not trading or even communicating with someone of this nature.


/rant. Thanks.


It doesn't have anything to do with F2P/Preferred/Subscribers.

It has to do with something much more basic: human nature and lack of manners.


i've got two stories to share with you.


I once helped out a guy. My credits are 100mil+ so it's not like I would miss the 200k he said he needed for some upgrades to his gear. I would've probably spent them on a Cartel Pack. He was so happy when I gave him the credits, because he didn't expect it that I honestly wouldn't have felt that good even if I had found that Hoverchair i've been dying to get my hands on. He thanked me like a million times. That made my day, because I realized that we don't have to be a##holes to everyone all the time.


A month or so later, I got a message in the mail from him. He sent me 500k and thanked me for helping him out when he was starting out. It surprised me so much that he had obviously friended me just so he could pay back what he (but not I) considered a debt. And it's not even about the credits, because 500k is nothing when you have 100mil+ and you don't even have anything to spend them on. It's about the gesture. The reaffirmation that not all people will be greedy as hell, contrary to our greedy nature.



Another time I had a similar experience to yours. I wanted something someone was selling in general chat, so I asked him. He changed his price twice in 1min, told me he had to log off for a bit and when he came back he was trying to convince me that we had agreed on a much higher price and that I didn't understand the first time (although, I still had the previous discussion just a few pages up in my chat log).


People can be greedy. They can also be generous.

The mistakes of one person from a large group of people shouldn't dictate the way we regard that group of people, because stereotypes are always, always a bad way to move forward.

Edited by TheNahash
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It doesn't have anything to do with F2P/Preferred/Subscribers.

It has to do with something much more basic: human nature and lack of manners.


i've got two stories to share with you.


I once helped out a guy. My credits are 100mil+ so it's not like I would miss the 200k he said he needed for some upgrades to his gear. I would've probably spent them on a Cartel Pack. He was so happy when I gave him the credits, because he didn't expect it that I honestly wouldn't have felt that good even if I had found that Hoverchair i've been dying to get my hands on. He thanked me like a million times. That made my day, because I realized that we don't have to be a##holes to everyone all the time.


A month or so later, I got a message in the mail from him. He sent me 500k and thanked me for helping him out when he was starting out. It surprised me so much that he had obviously friended me just so he could pay back what he (but not I) considered a debt. And it's not even about the credits, because 500k is nothing when you have 100mil+ and you don't even have anything to spend them on. It's about the gesture. The reaffirmation that not all people will be greedy as hell, contrary to our greedy nature.



Another time I had a similar experience to yours. I wanted something someone was selling in general chat, so I asked him. He changed his price twice in 1min, told me he had to log off for a bit and when he came back he was trying to convince me that we had agreed on a much higher price and that I didn't understand the first time (although, I still had the previous discussion just a few pages up in my chat log).


People can be greedy. They can also be generous.

The mistakes of one person from a large group of people shouldn't dictate the way we regard that group of people, because stereotypes are always, always a bad way to move forward.


Well said. I try to help people where I can, but I don't often have the resources, time, or ability to. I should try to work on that.


On topic: I'm sorry that happened to you, OP. Some people will be greedy and petty. Honestly, that was just sad. Once I heard a maxed-out player taunting a GTN user over a stack of rare crafting ingredients mispriced by several (missing) zeros. People will be greedy, petty, and rude everywhere. There just needs to be a better system in place to deal with them. What is this system, you might ask? Well, I don't know. But there should be one :rak_03:

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Wait, the GTN takes a cut? Huh, never noticed. Well, more to the point didn't care. Credits come, credits go, credits fall out when I blow my nose. Generally I sell stuff on the GTN, first because it's much easier to set it and forget it, and I don't have to worry about whether the person is F2P or haggling with them. Either they want what I'm selling or they don't. I am non-negotiable.


that's basically my reasoning, though I did know that GTN takes the cut. I've even given up trying to respond to one of those "will craft with mats" adverts. just too much hassle.


I don't personally enjoy the trading game, so I avoid it as much as possible. i guess it also helps to skip out on some drama :D

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