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PvP suggestion


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Remove the expertise stat. Make bolster make EVERYTHING equal in PvP and make it so that you gain unique shells though PvP.


Real PvPers would LOVE an equal playing field, the ones who would be against it are the bad players who use PvP gear as a crutch to cover a lack of skill. You will have more people playing in PvP if it was skill based vs gear based. On top o that outside of warzones PvP gear is way too imbalanced against event eh best geared PvE players. Having 35% damage reduction and 60% bonus damage over another player trying to do something like dailies was an epicly stupid idea.


Even blizzard who has kept PvP gear and PvP apart for the better part of a decade has seen how stupid it was and made it so that the best PvP gear only make you equal to a PvE geared player in world PvP.


like i said the ONLY people who would not like are the bad players who need crutchs to cover the lack of skill. It would be nothing but positive for the game overall making PvP skill based vs gear based. So EVERYOEN can PvP on equal footing. Having PvP titles, mounts, and exclusive gear shells would be more then enough for any real PvPer.

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OP is asking for PvE gear from high-difficulty Ops and FPs to outclass all other gear in the game in every single situation.


In essence: He is upset that PvP players have better gear in two limited game situations (Warzones and Open-World PvP) and wants to remove both of those situations so that top-tier PvE gear is always the best gear that exists. Following his suggestion would


  1. Allow any PvE player to enter Warzones at the same level as veteran PvP players
  2. Prohibit PvP players from entering PvE play at any level except the very lowest levels
  3. Remove all gear progression from PvP
  4. Force PvP players to complete PvE content just to make use of their PvP rewards for quests at their level.


Shockingly, the OP is a high-tier PvE player.

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I'm going to agree with what Malastare said.

PVP players have to have something to work for and that something must be more substantial than a different outfit. Currently, PVErs can get top gear through raiding. You can't even craft top gear anymore, like you used to. So there is something to work towards that's not only about looks and titles. And if there's one thing we can be certain of, it's that the days when a few titles and a special mount were enough for PVPers, are gone.


What you're asking is for Bioware to remove the single reason people still PVP in this game (other than for the fun of it), which is having better gear in PVP than the rest.


I know it can be frustrating sometimes on a PVP server, but regardless of the reason, you and I both chose to be on one, so just deal with it.

Edited by TheNahash
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OP is asking for PvE gear from high-difficulty Ops and FPs to outclass all other gear in the game in every single situation.


In essence: He is upset that PvP players have better gear in two limited game situations (Warzones and Open-World PvP) and wants to remove both of those situations so that top-tier PvE gear is always the best gear that exists. Following his suggestion would


  1. Allow any PvE player to enter Warzones at the same level as veteran PvP players
  2. Prohibit PvP players from entering PvE play at any level except the very lowest levels
  3. Remove all gear progression from PvP
  4. Force PvP players to complete PvE content just to make use of their PvP rewards for quests at their level.


Shockingly, the OP is a high-tier PvE player.

This. . . .

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If they did remove the expertise they would have to give the pvpers raid 72s/75s on the pvp vender. Then you would be right back here crying about how it's still not fair cause pvpers get 72s/75s from pvping and you have to do raids. So the only way to keep you from crying on here again would be to boost how many comms it would take to get the 72/75 gear and thats not gonna work. The grind sucks as is to add more pvp players would just leave. They should just do away with the pve gear and make everyone use pvp gear.Lets face it this is SW it's mainly two factions fighting each other if thats not pvp idk what is. Edited by Throne-Drei
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