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Coming back after a year... any advice?


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Hey all, I re-subbed this weekend and wanted to know if anyone has any advice for a player who's been gone a year.


My only characters of consequence are a 50 Sentinel and a 41 Sorcerer. Leveling seems to be easier? My Sorc was level 37 on Friday and I didn't grind too much at all. I guess with the Sorc I'll learn as I go, but for my 50 Sentinel it's rather confusing as I see PVP/PVE gear has been completely redone. I've read some articles on it, but in general does anyone have any tips/suggestions/advice for a player coming back? Thanks.

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Unless you have the desire and means to keep spending on the game, save your cartel coins. Hoard them. Wait until something that you really want comes along to spend them on.


Other than that, game's pretty easy. Although builds have changed around a bit, nothing stunning or major has happened.

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Go buy the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion (it's only $9.99) and finish leveling your sentinel to 55.


I'm on a Sorcerer kick right now, but yeah I will this week.


Unless you have the desire and means to keep spending on the game, save your cartel coins. Hoard them. Wait until something that you really want comes along to spend them on.


Other than that, game's pretty easy. Although builds have changed around a bit, nothing stunning or major has happened.


Yeah, other than exp boost (which the game levels faster than any MMO I know anyway), I didn't see the point of spending them. Besides race unlocks or appearance gear, are they pretty much useless?


On top of the two stellar suggestions, I'd suggest not really frequenting the forums, unless you're in need of professional help like the rest of us :D


Oh, and welcome back :)


Are the forums that bad now lol?

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