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Bastion = Same as all the other servers


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All I've heard of mvp is that they got beat by casuals on PTS.


I realize PTS is not the superbowl of SWTOR PVP, but even my old ranked team of randoms has beat casuals before. Admittedly, far less often than we lost.


TLDR; losing to a good team doesn't make you good, important, or well known.


i think mvp beat casual on the pts too.... sooooooo does beating a good team mean anything?

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Lets change this to east coast vs west coast.


West coast rules cuz we got snoop lion, the late mac dre and tupac




Also some pug team from Harbinger beat Mvp and Casual. I don't remember what happened in matches that I was in that didn't end in a victory so those are all irrelevant. Everyone move to the closest RP server!

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i think mvp beat casual on the pts too.... sooooooo does beating a good team mean anything?


I never heard that and it might be true. I heard mvp lost. I also heard they rerolled Pot5, lost, and went back to Bastion. All second hand, so I'm sure I don't know the whole truth, but I do know what the perception is.


As I said before, even my old team of randoms has beat them before. Albeit rarely. So, yes, it would mean something, just not as much as you hope it does considering the entire history.


All bravado aside, it really hard for people to accurately gauge how good they really are. You might be great, you might be delusional. In most cases, it's the later.

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