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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No, I am NOT a tank.


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That's not some secret spelling for "tank".


Now I understand that perhaps there is a natural inclination to believe that this class or others like it (Guardian, Vanguard, Powertech) are attuned to fill the role of a tank. I am okay with that. What I'm not okay with is when people automatically assume that because I've made the decision to play MY character in a somewhat unorthodox manner It completely voids my effectiveness in both PvP and even PvE. I know not everyone follows this school of thought, perhaps the amount that do is very few. But if you are one that automatically flushes away the effectiveness of unorthodox characters, I urge you to open your mind and give us a shot.

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But if you are one that automatically flushes away the effectiveness of unorthodox characters, I urge you to open your mind and give us a shot.


It's not "unorthodox" to play a Jugg as DPS. There are 2 entire specs for the class devoted to it that are *entirely* functional (in fact, Veng/Vigi is currently absolutely *amazing*). The only people that think it's unorthodox have no idea what they're talking about, just like the people that think it's "weird" to play a Shadow tank. ACs weren't designed around a single spec being what they're expected to play (like vanilla WoW or a number of other MMOs with very strict class/role constructs) so anyone that still adheres to that line of though is just asking for ridicule.

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just like the people that think it's "weird" to play a Shadow tank.


Not weird, but since 2.0 it's been making me have quite some anxiety attacks :p



To the OP: if you just play your jugg as a dps, you're fine, as long as (like any dps) you can do what you're supposed to do: kill stuff, fast.


If you're not using one of the few tested specs though, you might consider that there may be some truth in what those people are telling you: there *is* a limit in how unorthodox you can play your character, IE when that hampers your effectiveness in your chosen role, whether it's tanking, dpsing or (for other classes) healing.


But as long as fights go down well, no enrages, no random deaths, etc, you don't have to worry and just carry on as you are!

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Well you shouldn't have this issue if your in Shien or Shii-cho form as most everyone in this game knows those are DPS stances.


However I have a feeling, because of your use of the word 'unorthodox', that this is a thinly veiled attempt at justifying a hybrid build in Soresu form with too many talents in one (or both) of the DPS trees and you were called out on it because you weren't effective at either DPSing nor tanking. Yes?


If I'm wrong my apologies and just tell them they are bad and that they should check your stance before saying something.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Good DPS yes, but lacks the utility of Marauders/Sentinels. I'd still take the double wielder for the Inspiration/Bloodthirst buff ;)


this matter squat in the grand scheme of things. are you talking about bleeding edge content? or are you going to kick a DPS jugg from an HM run because he's not a maurader?


even with the DPS buff they get, mara's are still on par with jugg's. Juggs have the ability to apply a constant armor debuff, multiple bleeds, and their mobility and capacity to control mobs helps out a ton in every environment in the game. the only place i think you'd even want to worry about this is the new NM modes coming up...but ill bet there will be guilds that end up conquering those runs with a jugg in the group as DPS. it's a moot point. bring the player, not the class. I'd take a well played Veng jugg over a crud mara any day of the week, Buff or no.


to the OP: if your playing a well known and well developed DPS spec, your fine. Juggs are top DPS. they always have had good DPS, it's just easier now to get it out of them. anyone who thinks they can't do good DPS are still living in the stone age.


Of course...if your using a hybrid and are mixing and matching stats, and want to just hop into an HM flashpoint, you may get some backlash. right now edge content requires some focus and work from the team as a whole, and people expect a focused class build as a starting point. to me that is a reasonable expectation.


If you are leveling though, it doesn't matter what you run. I know peeps that have played Warriors with no AC all the way to end game, flashpoints and all. And this was prior to 2.0. so up to level cap you can do what you want. Story mode same thing.

Edited by Elyx
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