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Questions about Jugg tanking

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I am a new player and trying to decide what class suits me the best. I have tanked in WoW over around 2 years (recently stopped around November of last year) as a Protection Paladin and Protection Warrior, and briefly tanked in RIFT as a Warrior, and I'm considering rolling a tank in SWTOR as well. I've been trying to do research on the different tanking classes to see which one suits my playstyle the best, and I am mainly interested in Force users so that narrows it down a lot :)


As far as Juggernaut tanking goes, how do they stack up compared to the Assassin/Shadow (I have a level 13 Jedi Shadow I'm also experimenting with, but I feel more like a rogue than a tank at that level)? From reading a lot of threads the Sith Warrior storyline seems worlds better than the Inquisitor, and while the story is appealing to me I'm also interested in viability during the leveling process and at the endgame.


What is the style of play for the Juggernaut? From the little bit I've done (My Sith just hit level 10) it does feel familiar to me as an ex-Prot Warrior (I even have my Charge and Revenge ability when I parry/dodge an attack!) I seem to recall reading that they were middle-of-the-road tanks, with Powertech/Vanguard being easier (but I really want a Force-based class...) and Assassin/Shadow being harder to master but possibly better overall? On my Warrior in WoW I had to have like around 30 keybinds and it felt ridiculous sometimes, so does the Juggernaut have as many situational abilities and cooldowns that all may be used at some point during a fight? What about the DPS side, if I decide to go that route; is Juggernaut DPS very complex and hard to master?

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Well for the tanking questions if you don't want to tank like your warrior in WoW don't go the assassin tank route as they have many situation cooldowns and are spikey damage takers compared to the other tanks

Also Jugg and assassin tanking are pretty much even except i feel jugg tanking is much easier once you get the rotation down. Now if you want the in-depth breakdown on the tanking classes i suggest going the tanking forum as the more knowledgeable tanks from the different classes usually hang around there

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at 35 for Assassin the tank is quite different, some what more fun. But at times I don't feel like a tank.


For my 55 Jug I feel like a pure tank, I love it, feels lot like a Paladin in FFXI great for 1 on one like boss fights.

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I love the Juggernaut, i leveled with dps spec and moved to tank when i hit 50 (before patch) and quickly got the hang of both of them. You have awesome defensive CD including reflect, heavy armor (damage reduction).


I dont have a Assassin or a Powertech tank so i cant really say something about those.

Edited by Critical-
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Jugg Tank is in a good spot right now. they have amazing passive mitigations, and decent CD's. Threat is good, and there are no glaring deficiencies in the spec. fun and versatile spec.


Assassins are in an odd spot right now. they have to deal with spike damage cycles that are borderline broken. the class is viable, but many are discussing how to best balance the spikyness out. they aren't really better, only have more situational control (if you could say that).


If you like the playstyle of the jugg, stick with it, no tank spec at this moment is a shining star over the others. Of course, on the flip side, this also means that the other two tanks are viable, and if you want a different approach, go for it. the Assassin/shadow is very different from the jugg, and also different from the warrior in WoW. they must be very active in timing their defensive CD's to deal with incoming damage. that said, when CD's are useable, they have some of the best mitigations of all the tanks...but again, this is situational, which results in spikey incoming damage. but they are a fun class to play.


Can't say much about the PT/Vanguard, don't play one at level cap. but they are like the jugg in that they rely more on passive mitigations then active ones. and they light things on fire allot.

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I'd like to add on in that you can't really get the feel of what the specs are going to be like at your low teens.


For e.g., for Darkness, you don't get harnessed darkness (force lightning unint., heals per tick), wiither, thrash resetting shock c.d., overcharge saber at lower levels.


Basically the reason why you feel like you're playing as a rogue is because your playstyle at higher llevels will be radically different. You will get a lot more tools and survivability will go up dramatically, esp. once you get dark ward and related talents.


Low level sins basically play mostly like the deception tree :p

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I'd like to add on in that you can't really get the feel of what the specs are going to be like at your low teens.


For e.g., for Darkness, you don't get harnessed darkness (force lightning unint., heals per tick), wiither, thrash resetting shock c.d., overcharge saber at lower levels.


Basically the reason why you feel like you're playing as a rogue is because your playstyle at higher llevels will be radically different. You will get a lot more tools and survivability will go up dramatically, esp. once you get dark ward and related talents.


Low level sins basically play mostly like the deception tree :p


excellent points. Doesn't help that the Jugg is a late bloomer...none of the specs get really good until you hit the mid 30's. Assassin/Shadow tank suffers from the same situation...very squishy until they get to their late 20's early 30's.

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