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Everything posted by waynemolina

  1. My brother seems to have a problem now where every time he tries to log in he gets this OTP thing that he has to wait for. He recently added a security key (mobile - Android) to his account as well so it seems like he shouldn't even be getting the OTP verification with the security key. On my account (same network) I don't experience this at all.
  2. I am a new player and trying to decide what class suits me the best. I have tanked in WoW over around 2 years (recently stopped around November of last year) as a Protection Paladin and Protection Warrior, and briefly tanked in RIFT as a Warrior, and I'm considering rolling a tank in SWTOR as well. I've been trying to do research on the different tanking classes to see which one suits my playstyle the best, and I am mainly interested in Force users so that narrows it down a lot As far as Juggernaut tanking goes, how do they stack up compared to the Assassin/Shadow (I have a level 13 Jedi Shadow I'm also experimenting with, but I feel more like a rogue than a tank at that level)? From reading a lot of threads the Sith Warrior storyline seems worlds better than the Inquisitor, and while the story is appealing to me I'm also interested in viability during the leveling process and at the endgame. What is the style of play for the Juggernaut? From the little bit I've done (My Sith just hit level 10) it does feel familiar to me as an ex-Prot Warrior (I even have my Charge and Revenge ability when I parry/dodge an attack!) I seem to recall reading that they were middle-of-the-road tanks, with Powertech/Vanguard being easier (but I really want a Force-based class...) and Assassin/Shadow being harder to master but possibly better overall? On my Warrior in WoW I had to have like around 30 keybinds and it felt ridiculous sometimes, so does the Juggernaut have as many situational abilities and cooldowns that all may be used at some point during a fight? What about the DPS side, if I decide to go that route; is Juggernaut DPS very complex and hard to master?
  3. Experienced tank in other MMOs here (new to SWTOR) but it's probably for the same reasons as other games: 1) As a tank you're expected to know everything. Where any pats are, what the kill order is for each pull, any special abilities, how to position the boss, what the boss' abilities are, how to navigate the instance, etc. 2) There's less room for error as a tank (same goes for healing). A newbie DPS can still be carried while they are learning, a newbie tank can often cause a wipe. 3) There's a lot of pressure on the tank; this is especially detrimental when you have a tank new to the game trying to learn content they've never been to before. It gets especially frustrating if the tank is new and everyone else is on an alt or otherwise experienced because they expect a "fast run" and aren't helpful. 4) Tanking used to essentially be the "easy mode" role, since all you really had to do was position the mobs and hold aggro, and maybe move out of things (the tradeoff for having to be the group leader and the pressure). For whatever reason game developers listened to the minority clamoring about how boring tanking was, and added additional complexity to the role. This turned a lot of people off; I wanted to tank because I did NOT want to deal with complex rotations/priority systems and having to micromanage cooldowns, but now in almost every game that still has the "trinity" tanking is just as complex, if not sometimes moreso, than healing or DPS.
  4. I recently decided to resub and try the game out again after having pre-ordered and played it briefly at launch, but ultimately deciding to stick with WoW. I have normally tanked in games (played a Protection Paladin and a Protection Warrior in WoW during Wrath and Cataclysm, and played a Warrior tank in RIFT) and I'm probably going to want to the same in SWTOR. However, I'm not quite sure which class to choose. Now, being a big Star Wars fan I am most drawn to Force users, and Jedi/The Force/Lightsabers are a big part of what "makes" Star Wars for me. That basically narrows it down to 4 choices for me for a class: Jedi Knight (Guardian), Jedi Consular (Shadow), Sith Warrior (Juggernaut) and Sith Inquisitor (Assassin). That said I have a few questions regarding the storyline and playstyle for each (I believe the playstyles are the same for each pair?): 1) How is the general storyline for each class? Doing a bit of research it seems like the Consular storyline is thought to be boring; the Jedi Knight storyline is what would have been KOTOR 3; the Sith Warrior storyline is being a total ****** (sounds good to me! lol); I haven't actually seen that much about the Inquisitor's story, but I know from early access I wasn't too thrilled with being a "slave", although I don't know if that factors at all into the story later. 2) From a playstyle perspective, is one more in demand for general group and endgame content? There usually is never a "best" class, but guilds tend to favor certain combinations for PVE nonetheless. 2a) If I decided to not tank but DPS instead, how viable is Guardian/Juggernaut and Shadow/Assassin in the DPS role, and are DPS of those classes desired? Is the content like many other MMOs where melee is always at a severe disadvantage in fights? 3) How is the general playstyle for each, with regards to tanking? From what I've read, Shadow/Assassin seems to be more complicated than the others, with a lot of cooldown watching to help their survivability. Is the Guardian/Juggernaut more straightforward then in terms of complexity? I am not a big fan of very complex priority systems/rotations or having to watch a dozen things as a tank (to give you some more insight, I stopped tanking in WoW after they introduced the "active mitigation" mechanics for all tanks in Mists of Pandaria because I felt it was needless complexity that made tanking a lot less appealing). Also, as I level I would probably do so with a tanking build -- is one or the other of the classes able to tank effectively at lower levels or do they all have to wait until higher level to hold aggro? Thank you for any suggestions/advice.
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