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Begeren Colony Vs Ebon Hawk?


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I came back to the game after a long time a couple days ago and have never played anywhere but Ebon Hawk. The wait time between warzones for the times i play is too long for my taste (20+minutes) and the server overall seems less populated than i remember. I noticed Bergen Colony seems to have standard Population during the times i play when Ebon Hawk as light or they both have standard. Does anyone play on both EB and BC and know which server is more populated/better for unranked warzones while leveling?


My highest level character at the moment is 17 so it wouldn't be a problem just starting from scratch though my legacy name i got very early on after launch and doubt i can get it on a different server. Also i live in NYC, is there a big difference between East and West coast servers?

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The WZ wait times here depend on the time of day and your level bracket.


Legacy Names are no longer unique.


I played on EH for a while, but havent in ages. So i cant compare the two.


In short, the que times for FPs depend on your class/role/lvl and for wzs it depends on the time/bracket. Time of day is also a factor for FPs as the server typically dies around 1-2 am cst during the week. Some nights pvp and fps/ops are still hopping up til 3ish cst.


Cant speak much to the RP community, i dont RP all that often, but i believe they have their own forums at Begerencolony.org if i got the site wrong, i'm sure someone will correct it.

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