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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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It is others' business... getting stuff for nothing effects other players. God, this generation of MMO players have been handed everything on a silver platter. There used to be uniqueness in MMO games, and a sense of accomplishment. "Dude, look that guy has that ****** sword, title, rank..." ...whatever. It keeps people playing and striving for the hard to obtain. You want to play a different AC, make another character. You want to get top end gear, earn it. You want that ****** title, you better do something great to get it... These days you do 2 warzones and get a battlemaster title - which doesn't make you too much of a battle "master." All I'm saying is accomplishments don't mean anything anymore... they should.


How does a level 45 changing AC affect how you play? I'm talking about a level 45 player changing their AC that you never met before.


I'm just wondering. Since this question will utterly destroy your entire argument(if you can call it that) that you were trying to make.

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What you are describing is a single player game. This goes against everything an MMO stands for. Maybe you should rethink your choice.


So now he wants all solo content removed from the game. Those level 1 quest? You need a 4 man group to do any of them now. Good job at making the game terrible.

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Gonna have to stop you there. "lol" as you put it.


So a person brand new to a MMO is supposed to know how their class plays out at level 10? I guess we must have many prophets among us, can you tell me who they are? I want to win the lotto.


Nice job assuming and trying to speak for the entire playerbase because of what you think. Once again, Anti-AC change can only provide selfishness, greed and arrogance. It's been displayed many times over.


Come back when you actually have something to discuss, instead of poorly attempting to speak for other players.


You have been debunked.


What brand new player will level a character to high levels and then start changing stuff around to this degree. Completely change play style with brand new abilities....a new player needs these kinds of training wheels...


You people keep setting up hypothetical "walls" and I'll keep knocking them down.

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It is my business. I happen to like the fact that there is no AC change. I think its good for the game. Would I rage quit if they change it? Nope, but I will speak my mind about it. So maybe you should stay out of my business. Currently BWEA's rules are no AC changes.


Yea they said they will probably(very likely) add this feature in the future. So, I'll let you stamp your feet until you come to terms with that.


Stop trying to tell other players how to play. It's as simple as that. You don't pay their sub, last time I checked.

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How does a level 45 changing AC affect how you play? I'm talking about a level 45 player changing their AC that you never met before.


I'm just wondering. Since this question will utterly destroy your entire argument(if you can call it that) that you were trying to make.


I already answered this question. Stop rehashing failed arguments.

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Making profit where it is warranted is fine. Expecting something for nothing is crazy talk.

Since the entire game is a totally optional endeavor on our part, the point you are trying to make is ... pointless.


We pay a monthly sub, make it worth my money, stop trying to get more out of me....this tool if implanted should be free with subcriptions

If you got to the point where you felt your subscription was not worth what you pay, you would cancel your subscription, simple as that. That's we would all do if we got to that point. And any purchases for cosmetic and/or convenience features are entirely within your discreation. If you think they are a bad deal, don't buy them.


You support a growing trend of gaming company greed...i ask why? Do you work in the industry?

No, I'm an adult capable of making my own decisions regarding when, where, how and why to spend my leisure time and money. If I were to feel ripped off in terms of the money I spend to play a game, I would stop spending that money. Does that not apply to you?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Making profit where it is warranted is fine. Expecting something for nothing is crazy talk. We pay a monthly sub, make it worth my money, stop trying to get more out of me....this tool if implanted should be free with subcriptions...


You support a growing trend of gaming company greed...i ask why? Do you work in the industry?


The game went F2P, they are going to nickle-dime you. That is how it works in MMO's when they go F2P. The money has to come from somewhere.


Those guys that leveled a class to 45 or even level 12 put in effort. Because it doesn't meet other players view as "effort" doesn't mean it's any less. Horrible line of thinking.

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Yea they said they will probably(very likely) add this feature in the future. So, I'll let you stamp your feet until you come to terms with that.


Stop trying to tell other players how to play. It's as simple as that. You don't pay their sub, last time I checked.


No one is telling you how to play. We are discussing the pros and cons of an in game mechanic. What are you doing?

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The game went F2P, they are going to nickle-dime you. That is how it works in MMO's when they go F2P. The money has to come from somewhere.


Those guys that leveled a class to 45 or even level 12 put in effort. Because it doesn't meet other players view as "effort" doesn't mean it's any less. Horrible line of thinking.


Are you oblivious to the fact that a subscription is the desired goal under the current model? Otherwise what's the deal with all the penalties on preffered?

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What brand new player will level a character to high levels and then start changing stuff around to this degree. Completely change play style with brand new abilities....a new player needs these kinds of training wheels...


You people keep setting up hypothetical "walls" and I'll keep knocking them down.


Let's see, I'll take "Any and every player" for 500 alex. Once again, stop speaking for every player, it makes you look bad.


Not sure how else I can say this- You. Don't. Pay. For. Other. Players. Subs. Stop. Telling. Them. How. To. Play. The. Game.


I broke it down for you, I might have to break it down further to get the point across it seems. Hopefully it'll finally click in though....I doubt it.

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I already answered this question. Stop rehashing failed arguments.


That's the thing, you never answered it. Stop bringing up bad points and I'll keep bringing up questions that debunk and utterly destroy your argument, every time.


Damn, it's really hard for you answer that question, isn't it?


Gonna talk about other MMO's now? That's the backpedaling kicking in when you don't have a point.

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It is my business.

No, it is not any of your business how others play the game.


I happen to like the fact that there is no AC change.

And you would never be forced to buy one. "Problem" solved.


Currently BWEA's rules are no AC changes.

It's not a rule, it is, as has been stated already, a game mechanic, which can be changed should BWEA choose to do so.

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Making profit where it is warranted is fine. Expecting something for nothing is crazy talk. We pay a monthly sub, make it worth my money, stop trying to get more out of me....this tool if implanted should be free with subcriptions...


You support a growing trend of gaming company greed...i ask why? Do you work in the industry?


What you call company greed I call a business model. These are not philanthropists I will have you know. They do not create these games and products for nothing just for your individual appeasement. There is a cost to do so because people need to get paid, and profits need to be earned for shareholders. One does not need to work in the industry of gaming to know this. One only needs to take a basic high school economics course.


So lay out for us what YOUR expectations for this game are because from what it sounds like, YOUR way would have this company go bankrupt in less than a year. How would THAT work out for your subscription?

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No one is telling you how to play. We are discussing the pros and cons of an in game mechanic. What are you doing?


I am providing an option that quite a few players would like added.


I just looked at the last ten pages, you provided no pro's and cons to well...anything!


Please stop trying to act like you want an adult discussion and start trying to provide one.


You are still at the stage of telling players how they should play the game. Once you decide the world doesn't revolve around you, then we can move on to the next level. You see?


Baby steps man, baby steps.

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I am providing an option that quite a few players would like added.


I just looked at the last ten pages, you provided no pro's and cons to well...anything!


Please stop trying to act like you want an adult discussion and start trying to provide one.


You are still at the stage of telling players how they should play the game. Once you decide the world doesn't revolve around you, then we can move on to the next level. You see?


Baby steps man, baby steps.

Maybe you feel the same, but I am fine with people simply saying "I don't like the idea of AC change" and leave it at that. That's an opinion of personal preference and I can't argue with that. But apparently they feel the need to turn their opinions into objective fact.

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I see nothing but pointless arguing and bickering back and forth between mainly 2 or 3 people. Stop trying to prove a point and just see they aren't going to do Advanced Class changes anytime in the near future or if at all. :) Stop the arguing and just agree to disagree. There is no point in this thread now if all it's going to be is continuous arguments.
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I see nothing but pointless arguing and bickering back and forth between mainly 2 or 3 people. Stop trying to prove a point and just see they aren't going to do Advanced Class changes anytime in the near future or if at all. :) Stop the arguing and just agree to disagree. There is no point in this thread now if all it's going to be is continuous arguments.

I'd like to know what your self-appointed thread-copping adds to the discussion. If you don't like the thread, the door, as they say, is that way ----------------->

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Since the entire game is a totally optional endeavor on our part, the point you are trying to make is ... pointless.



If you got to the point where you felt your subscription was not worth what you pay, you would cancel your subscription, simple as that. That's we would all do if we got to that point. And any purchases for cosmetic and/or convenience features are entirely within your discreation. If you think they are a bad deal, don't buy them.



No, I'm an adult capable of making my own decisions regarding when, where, how and why to spend my leisure time and money. If I were to feel ripped off in terms of the money I spend to play a game, I would stop spending that money. Does that not apply to you?


I'm fine with you making you own choices. I'm trying to legitimize my line of reasoning. What's important here, is that this mechanic would not be healthy for the overall game population. Sorry you can understand how it would negatively effect cohesive group gameplay. Not to mention devalue two classes who cannot potentially fill all roles.


I honestly think this thread is fueled by mad sentinels who have smuggler alts and have gotten lazy over the months since release.


Level your alt. use those legacy perks. Buy some experience boost since you guys are so worried about bioware's profitability.

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What you call company greed I call a business model. These are not philanthropists I will have you know. They do not create these games and products for nothing just for your individual appeasement. There is a cost to do so because people need to get paid, and profits need to be earned for shareholders. One does not need to work in the industry of gaming to know this. One only needs to take a basic high school economics course.


So lay out for us what YOUR expectations for this game are because from what it sounds like, YOUR way would have this company go bankrupt in less than a year. How would THAT work out for your subscription?




Bioware said they could pay the bills with 250k subs just before FTP was announced. Everything since FTP has been a growing trend of greed.


Are you defending poor business practice and customer care coupled with profit gouging?

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I'm fine with you making you own choices. I'm trying to legitimize my line of reasoning. What's important here, is that this mechanic would not be healthy for the overall game population.

Why? Because you say so?


Sorry you can understand how it would negatively effect cohesive group gameplay

Not as sorry as I am that you can't explain your position other than with "Because I say so."


Not to mention devalue two classes who cannot potentially fill all roles.

But not at the same time. I guarantee you most people would still play Knight/Warrior/Smuggler/Agent even if AC change were allowed. The game would not be reduced to nothing but Consular/Inquisitor/Bounty Hunter/Trooper.


I honestly think this thread is fueled by mad sentinels who have smuggler alts and have gotten lazy over the months since release.

Then your thinking is misguided.


Are you defending poor business practice and customer care coupled with profit gouging?

"Gouging" does not apply to a product/service like TOR. No one needs to play a computer game.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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It's really neat watching you try to emphasize how much of an adult you are.


*Updated: Any more?


No, I'm an adult capable of making my own decisions regarding when, where, how and why to spend my leisure time and money...


It is. Look up "petulance."


An adult recognizes that some people do not do things the way he or she does and does not insist that everyone else adhere to his or her notions of "fun."


Such petulance is understandable in young children. Not so much in adults.


And it works because I am an adult who is content to let others enjoy their game as they wish....


... Otherwise your position is rather childish.


...You are on a dark path, young one.


...It's no different from a child throwing a tantrum because he can't be the car in Monopoly...


Yes, no one can stop you from being a petulant child if you so choose.


...That's childish....
Edited by BlackSpin
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It's really neat watching you try to emphasize how much of an adult you are.

And it works because I am an adult who is content to let others enjoy their game as they wish. Even if I do on occasion take exception to posts in the forums, in the game, I don't care who does what or how they do it. It's none of my business. Others would do well to adopt such an attitude.

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Alright :) You win ;) If you are happy with having nothing but argument going on then so be it. I am not one to change one's mind on that. I already put my thoughts in why Advanced Class Change shouldn't be an option. Let the arguing commence.


Just remember, in the end, it's all pointless ;)

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I see nothing but pointless arguing and bickering back and forth between mainly 2 or 3 people. Stop trying to prove a point and just see they aren't going to do Advanced Class changes anytime in the near future or if at all. :) Stop the arguing and just agree to disagree. There is no point in this thread now if all it's going to be is continuous arguments.


Actually they said they will highly likely add it in the near future.


It's a matter of the Anti-AC change crowd to stop acting childish and actually talk about terms. Which they have yet to do.


Nice job showing bias though.

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Alright :) You win ;) If you are happy with having nothing but argument going on then so be it. I am not one to change one's mind on that. I already put my thoughts in why Advanced Class Change shouldn't be an option. Let the arguing commence.


Just remember, in the end, it's all pointless ;)

The entire game is pointless. So using your reasoning, we shouldn't be discussing anything having to do with the game.

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