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Carnage marauder: Power vs Crit


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I've been trying to find the answer to these question for a while


I've been annihilation for a while now, almost in full 69s (72 MH hilt and couple of 66 enhancements ) and putting around 2.2-2.45k DPS on almost all the HM fights. Thinking of switching to carnage now.


Currently as Anni, my stats are.


99% Accuracy (109%)

70% Crit Multiplier (371 Rating)

~19% Crit Chance (with buffs)


1258 Power

0 Crit Rating.


1. What kinda Crit will I need for an optimal carnage setup?

2. What kinda surge am I looking for? (if I switch to carnage, I will have 102% Accuracy, which I can switch to Surge)


thanks for any replies, and sorry if this question has been answered before.

Edited by ShaanuJaanu
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0 crit rating is fine for carnage. Just as you suspected, tune for 100% accuracy and put the rest of it in surge. However, as accuracy > 100% improves offhand hit ratio and surge DR is quite steep at that point you won't see much benefit in that change. You *could* also try alacrity. The 72 legs for ultimate comms have quite good alacrity enhancements with +52 power or so and if you can replace a 66 accuracy mod with that it might be worth it for a start.

On the other hand, it will be quite a learning curve till you top 2.3k DPS in ops with carnage I think. Be sure to bring an armor debuff.

Edited by atschai
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cool, thanks.


I parse around 100-150 Dps higher with carnage than annihilation on the operation dummy, not sure how that translates into actual ops dps, will definitely have to learn proper timing for skills in ops as carnage, as most fights have breaks in between and it was all about finding optimal times so my merciless stacks didn't drop as anni.




as you can see, the DPS almost never fluctuates lol, done with above mentioned stats, except 73% surge, and 100.25% accuracy as I didnt have better enhancements to get rid of the extra accuracy I had from being annihilation.


was my latest carnage parse (Yes I'm actually a sentinel..but there are more ranked marauders than sentinels on torparse, thus the thread in maruader forums)

Edited by ShaanuJaanu
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