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Forming A Republic Assembly/Imperial Council - Consolidate RP Players


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Jung Ma has been many of our homes for over a year now. There is something undoubtedly special about our smaller populated server. Name recognition means something here. We don't get bogged down with too many lag spikes, or too many instances of the same planets or fleets. High population can be a strength for sure, but our situation has benefits too, if we should choose to realize them.


But we need consolidation! We need cooperation!





I'm proposing the formation of an active, in-game Republic Assembly and an Imperial Council. These would be non hierarchical, brief, but regularly scheduled in-game meetings. Regularly scheduled and constantly occurring I feel are important to keep momentum going. Also, non hierarchical I feel is important so these meetings can function without central leadership. A core collective of organizers on each faction would be helpful though. Maybe we could have monthly elections for "moderator" or something, with temporary term limits. That could be fun. This also is not proposing the formation of a guild. This is not a guild. It's a summit of representatives of RP guilds and smaller communities from all over the server.


My proposed time slot would be 4 PM - 5PM every Sunday. Republic meetings would be held in the stunning grand hallway of the Senate Tower on Coruscant, and Imperial ones in front of the hauntingly beautiful monument to Lord Ergast in Kaas City.





4:00 - 4:25 - MEET AND GREET

- informal OOC (out of character) conversations and role play

- newcomers could group up with friendly RP instructors who will explain how things work and basics of RP


4:25 - 4:30 - INTERMISSION

- assembly attendees would gather into formation, and that day's speakers would meet in a private group conversation to go over the day's topics of interest, in an organized rational way. Or maybe we could even have a mumble server or something.


4:30 - 5:00 - GENERAL ASSEMBLY

- opening announcements

- approximately 3 topics of discussion will be agreed upon and layed out, with each speaker designated to about 10 minutes for their proposal or what-have-you and response from assembly attendees. (a moderator WOULD indeed come in handy)

- these could include proposed changes to assembly dynamics, explanation and promotion for upcoming server events, discussion of galactic politics, etc


5:00 - 5:20 - POST ASSEMBLY

- organizers could stay and continue discussions that didn't get resolved, or plan for the next meeting

- brain storming for events, or discussion of grievances


DRESS CODE: (optional but encouraged!)

- formal armor set for male characters

- elegant armor set for female


perhaps guilds could color code them (now that we have dyes in game) or something, but a uniform for these events would add unity and tradition. you can buy these armor sets from social item vendors for CHEAP. Though I do understand that some players might detest some of these outfits. These are nuances that could be discussed

at the first few meetings.


:csw_probe: - beep boo boo beep



this will likely be a humble premonition of things to come. This will be an informal, general meeting for all those expressing interest, to evaluate the level of interest and energy in this project.


I'll be trying to organize core-collectives to take on the work. If you're interested in an organizer role, send an in-game message to Veg (on republic side) or Seitan (on imperial side). Though I aim for this to be as organic and fun as possible, with as little conscious effort as it takes. It would be nice for this to become a well oiled machine that runs on its own, based on little more than weekly meetings.


This idea could work! The flaws I've seen with similar attempts at constructing overarching RP communities in the past is they aim to exceed practical expectations. I saw a really awesome one that wanted to have server wide elections, actual members run for senate positions, stuff like that. It seemed SO cool, but I don't think this community and this game could support something like that. Something structured enough, but also not TOO demanding or TOO involved seems just right.


Shout outs to Jen'Jidai, Knights of Sokan, Esoteric Order, Alpha Company, Sons of Korriban, OmniCorp, Clan Epsis, Republic Creed, Infernal Harvest, The Guardians, SerraTek Industries, Moe's Swoop Garage, The Shadow Hand, Shattered Republic, Red Hand, Shadow Council of the Sith. I know there's some really awesome RP communities out there who are all kind of isolated from each other but have all done some really cool things in the past (and still are). Together we can make this community strong. Server transfer do threaten the stability and activity of our humble little home. Let's make it worth staying here.


Any and all levels of commitment are welcome. Organizers, spectators, and everything in between. This may be my pet project in making but I don't hold the reigns. I want this to be all of ours. I want this to eventually grow to having monthly or bi-monthly cross faction Galactic Convergences on rotating neutral planets (discussing in /say channel). Maybe this would blossom into a RP organizing guild purely for all of our alts. I don't know! The future is unwritten. Jeeze the present is unwritten. But I think this could be really great, a lot of fun, and just what our server/our game needs.


Thank for reading, and may the force be with you. :csw_yoda:

Edited by JamesDisaster
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Uninvite Black Star Dynasty, they are -not- a real roleplaying guild. I see you're smart enough not to invite red hand or shadow council of the sith, so uninvite the guild that is just as bad as them.


And where's Sons of Korriban's invite? We're as old (if not a few hours younger/older) than Jeni'jidai in game.


Screw dress codes


I am a -Darth-. I will dress how I damn well please, you are not getting me out of my robes.

Edited by Swerto
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Okay okay okay. Let's not get all hot headed and take things personal. I went on general chat and said, "What are some of the more active RP guild on this server currently?" I just threw up what I was told. The shout outs in my post were just naming a few. Any and all RPers (guild or not) are welcome to come. I didn't mean to ostracize anyone by NOT listing you. I'm sure some of the best went unlisted. I've spent most of my time on Republic so I'm better versed with that community.


Shout outs were just vauge names to list a few. If you're guild is interested in sending some representatives please post in the thread below!! :tran_eek:


Also, if you want to help with the organizing and you're on the Republic send an in-game mail to Veg. If you're on the Empire send an in-game mail to Seitan. I am just an organizer I don't claim to own or run this event entirely. I want this to be very group oriented.


I'm so happy to see interest expressed at all!


Also I'm going to add some of the names that were listed in the OP. I claim relative ignorance to the guild politics of Jung Ma. That is partially why I'm calling for these regular summits.

Edited by JamesDisaster
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Hey. This is cozgrove from shadow council of sith. I really like your idea and I think our guild will as well. I can contact you on your imperial character about helping with organization. I will bring this up to our leader and our guild because we are a roleplay guild :D
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And where's Sons of Korriban's invite? We're as old (if not a few hours younger/older) than Jeni'jidai in game.


Jen'jidai was formed in 2009 actually. Not that it matters either way of course. This isn't about guild horn tooting. Thank you though! Do not take it personally, not everyone is familiar with ALL the guilds.


As the majority Jen'jidai's RP'ers have left to join another guild, I believe it's Penumbral, I will be forwarding this information to them. REGARDLESS, those of us RPers who do still remain with Jen'jidai will be there to offer our support. <3 Thank you for making mention of us. We will help in any way possible.

Edited by Luniara
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You should Invite Banky to this event.


Everyone is invited. The shout outs were just to name a few. Anyone interested in an organizing role send in-game MAIL to Seitan if you're on the EMPIRE or to Veg if you're on the REPUBLIC.

Edited by JamesDisaster
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I think this is an awesome idea, though as Clan Epsis is a Mandalorian guild, we would show up for something like this in armor, as that is our formal dress.


That being said, we will try and send someone to attend, as long as real life issues allow us to.

Edited by Tougod
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:csw_probe:- beep boop sccchhhzzzzzz click click -



Poll date recovered by our probe droids have detected sufficient energy and resources among the Imperial ranks to conduct the first meeting of the newly formed IMPERIAL COUNCIL - This will be an ongoing summit of highly influential individuals within the Empire - Guild leaders, noteworthy Imperial politicians, Sith Lords, high ranking military officers, Mandalorian clan leaders, as well as ambitious youth looking to get involved with Imperial politics.


THE IMPERIAL COUNCIL [name up for change] will have our first meeting this Sunday - June 2nd in Kaas City at 4:00 PM ((server time)). It will be held in front of the monument to Lord Ergast. This event is open to all to discuss galactic wide community events, military strategy, war time politics, news from the holonet, and anything else deemed worthy of discussion. This first meeting will be a chance for interested parties to meet, discuss ideas or concerns, and let the council take form.


There will be an informal meet and greet from 4:00 - 4:25 at the Nexus Room Cantina. Around 4:25 we will walk south to the monument of Ergast, and around 4:30 is when the meeting will actually begin, for those late comers.


Guilds, special force squadrons, mercenary companies, Sith cults, send your most diplomatic representatives. Together we can build a united front against the Republic aggression.






Were you an up and coming Imperial governor, now stuck on some backwater rock on the outer rim and you feel like your career isn't going places?


Are you serving time in an Imperial prison and you're feeling like a change of scenery??


Then why not consider a position organizing or proselytizing for THE IMPERIAL COUNCIL?! If you are interested in a role as an organizer or an emissary for the council

send a message through the Imperial Mail Service to Sith Lord:: SEITAN.

Edited by JamesDisaster
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I think this went really well. I hope it goes equally well for the Republic side. I'd suggest that when we meet up on the Republic Side some of us that helped create the Imperial ideas join in to help them organize as well as we did (if not better) on the Empire side. I know Unshrouded Alliance (Myself most likely) will attend that meeting.
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