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LTB Resolve Hilt and Datacron Pulls


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I am in need of a new lightsaber hilt. I have managed to acquire mostly 69 (a few 72's) pieces of gear running FPs and ops and exchanging ultimate and eite comms when I've acquired them, but my lightsaber is still in need of an upgrade, being the only 66 remaining (not counting augments, which I have a [Advanced Resolve Augment 28] in all 14 slots on my gear). It really sucks to realize that the best craftable level 55 hilt currently is only TWO WILLPOWER superior to the best level 50 craftable one. Therefore, I am making two offers to purchase either of:


(A) The first artificer to successfully obtain the [Advanced Resolve Hilt 30] schematic, I will pay 500k tip for him or her to craft one for me. Currently, crafters seem to be selling armorings, mods, and enhancements at 100k profit and hilts and barrels for 200k profit, so I think 500k is generous. I can supply mats or, if you'd prefer to use your own, I will pay GTN price for mats + 500k.


(B) If a guild substitutes me in for a melee DPS for exclusively the Cartel Warlords fight within Hard Mode Scum and Villainy, and allows me to fight alongside them and award the [underworld Unassembled Mainhand Weapon] to me, I will pay said guild 2 million credits cash for said item. Naturally, as I said exclusively that fight, I will bid you farewell after exchanging the weapon and the money so your guildie can re-join you afterwards, My shadow is more than adequately geared, as I alluded to earlier, and I know the fight in story mode, although I will view a Youtube video of the hard mode version if anyone agrees to familiarize myself as much as possible. When I get my assassin up to 55, I have bind on legacy gear, two implants, and an earpiece awaiting him.


In addition, I have been having difficulty obtaining the Makeb +10 endurance datacron, the four times I've tried I've failed. I recall buying pulls to the +10 to all stats datacron on the Republic fleet in the past, and I would like to pay for a similar favor involving the Makeb one. I will pay 250k for a series of sage pulls to get my shadow the +10 endurance datacron there.


Also, I would like to obtain the +10 to all stats datacron on the Imperial fleet for my assassin. If anyone is planning an event involving sorcerer pulls to said datacron, I would appreciate knowing the day and time it is being held so I may attend, and what the event admission fee will be, as I would not mind paying.


More than likely, the two characters you're most likely to catch me on are N'och (my shadow) or Pugna'cious (my assassin).



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Don't think anyone on server has the resolve hilt 30 schem. Been lookin for awhile now, not that I am incapable of winning the token, I just don't seem to have good luck on it. Got ninja'd one run on my sorc, next days' run i win the token on my undergeared merc.



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I do not want to step on your feet but I am afraid that I find it quite insulting that you consider your 500k crafting fee for the rarest craftable and most sought after item in the game as "generous". I would virtually slap you in the face if I was able to craft the 30 Resolve Hilt as it would sell easily for 5 million+ on the market.


No one has this recipe as of today. Think again please.

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