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The Order of Eternal Light


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Hi there all I am looking for some help. So here is the problem, I have a republic guild which is practically dead and I am looking for experienced players who are willing to help me get the guild back up and running and back on track. I have put money into setting up a guild bank and stuff so really want to see this succeed

1. Looking for people experienced in Role play to help me set up some things (im new to this side of things).

2. Looking for people to generally help with the day to day running of the guild. (cant be online all the time)

3. Generally looking for active members.

4. Looking for people to run ops teams etc. as this is something I have never done.

If you have any questions please ask here or in game.

Yours in the cause


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I'm genuinly new to the server, have played on the European PvP server for about 7 months now.

I'm willing to help you on your ''quest'' to set up the guild, though I haven't created a fitting character on the server yet, I'll do that when I get home!


Want me to help you, I'll pm you my ingame character name once I created the character.




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I'm currently looking for an RP guild to join. I really like the name of your guild. Are you still looking for members?


I've got four chars, two of which would like to join: Sage 43 and Gunslinger 14, slowly levelling up.


Good: I've got heavy RP experience from Neverwinter Nights and pen-and-paper-roleplaying games.

Bad: Not online as much as I would like.


Let me know if you're still recruiting!


Rgds/Shawleen and Xeleena

Edited by Shawleen
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