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Jedi shadow KEN =NO dps in pvp?


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I run a Vengeance spec Jugg but I run PVP in Soresu form, guard my healers/ball carriers, and Taunt anything not attacking me. I don't score high on damage but there really isn't a need for it. My absorbs and damage reduction are more helpfull than straight up damage. I am currently 27 and although I do not top the damage I usually top the medals and more medals equals more coms.


I run with a guilded group so we have healers about 50% of the time. Even when I don't have healers I can shrug off most damage and still win in 1v1's. I hate to mention 1v1's because the game is a strategy game not a kill em all game.


I also have run all of the instances (FPs) as a tank in Vengeance spec and Soresu form and we have not had much issue. The four boss breaching team fight was the only one that was diffucult but that was prob due to us running a level 27 instance with a level 21 healer.



I have a vengeance spec Juggy and can PVP and Tank with the best of them. We don't need nerfs or boosts we need patience and skilled players. Please don't change anything with Warriors/Knights they are perfect the way they are currently.

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i'm infiltration spec and i average around 100-120k damage per game, my highest was 180k. It's a great class, only time i wasn't able to win a 1v1 it was against someone 30 levels higher than me.


If your not max level you might wanna pvp with infiltration, kinetic is harder to pvp with at low level, but from what i understand it is awesome at higher level.


i have to say that i was fighting losts of higher lvl player while bolster is nice it dose notaccount for amour and sux


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