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Server Transfers, 11 Months Later...


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I'm really disappointed. Not only that you ignore the high demand for EU <> NA transfers which became clear in this thread, but you also ignore all user asking for a valid reason.



I am willing to bet, they will lose alot of subscribers if they don't allow EU to NA transfers.

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one of these posts needed a bump to empharise the importance we place on character transfers, please dont let us continue having to play on a server that we no longer have anything invested in, or that is simply dead, PLEASE give us transfers on the date as specified, we all know and expect it to come out with bugs, please dont hold off if achievements aren't perfected with transfers. Me and and a number of others that have posted have stated our views that transferring a toon to another server we actually play on is much more important than perfect working achievements on everything.


PLEASE, OH PLEASE just release on time. Here's hoping

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Worst of all? No reason this should not be a free service. Feels as 'gougy' as not being able to remove your headgear under FTP, which is beyond doubt the most petty thing I have ever seen a developer do. Even as a sub game, Rift had transfers forever ago, and it was always free.
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For those that don't read the dev tracker but want to know if transfers are coming:



Hey folks,


Yes, Paid Character Transfers are still slated for 2.2.1. The reason we didn't post anything about it is that simply put, nothing changed. I will typically only post about something changing from what I had already stated previously.


Paid Character Transfers are still slated for 2.2.1 which is targeted for next Tuesday, June 25th. I will let you know if anything changes, the second it changes.



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Worst of all? No reason this should not be a free service. Feels as 'gougy' as not being able to remove your headgear under FTP, which is beyond doubt the most petty thing I have ever seen a developer do. Even as a sub game, Rift had transfers forever ago, and it was always free.


I played SWG for 6 years and we always had to pay for transfers (up until the last few months of the game ) and there were two different costs:


Without Items


With Items

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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I'm really disappointed. Not only that you ignore the high demand for EU <> NA transfers which became clear in this thread, but you also ignore all user asking for a valid reason.


Furthermore the problem I talked about in my first post got extended to all user now. The double exp weekends are starting and people will make new characters. So you can either pick to level a char on the server you would like to transfer on without your hard earned legacy unlocks or you make your situation worse and level it with the unlocks on your current server and pay 1.800 cartel coins for it.


Both options doesn't sound good for me.


I think it's clear that they are waiting for the dust to settle from the APAC transfers and then the same-area transfers. Unless it has something to do with the price difference.

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I think it's clear that they are waiting for the dust to settle from the APAC transfers and then the same-area transfers. Unless it has something to do with the price difference.


i don't think this is clear. i think bioware has shown through it's decision making in the past that they are not interested in releasing content that improves player experience. they have said things about future releases that might add value to our subscription and gameplay experience, but there isn't much with regards to things they've actually done to support that.


the general population mergers were not implemented in a way that provides the best experience for players. we were not allowed to choose destination servers or stitch our characters together on a single server. apac transfers took months for them to do anything, then they said 'we're listening' while most people in that thread were saying 'that's not what we want.' as i understand it, that was implemented in a way that prevents them from transferring to european servers, limiting their options. as i recall, what the apac people posting on the forums wanted was a single apac server. those are examples related to transfers, but most things, like new content patches being mostly limited to cartel market updates, or new chairs that you can only sit on for 15 seconds, support the conclusion that bioware is not trying to make this a better game for the people who play it.


i guess tuesday we'll get an idea if bioware is listening to the people, and if they're trying to make this a better game instead of just screwing their customers and using deceptive advertising to convince us if we just stay subscribed for a couple more months they'll turn things around. just a couple months, then they'll start paying attention and improve their game. everything else they've done since f2p has just been an anomaly.

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i don't think this is clear. i think bioware has shown through it's decision making in the past that they are not interested in releasing content that improves player experience. they have said things about future releases that might add value to our subscription and gameplay experience, but there isn't much with regards to things they've actually done to support that.


the general population mergers were not implemented in a way that provides the best experience for players. we were not allowed to choose destination servers or stitch our characters together on a single server. apac transfers took months for them to do anything, then they said 'we're listening' while most people in that thread were saying 'that's not what we want.' as i understand it, that was implemented in a way that prevents them from transferring to european servers, limiting their options. as i recall, what the apac people posting on the forums wanted was a single apac server. those are examples related to transfers, but most things, like new content patches being mostly limited to cartel market updates, or new chairs that you can only sit on for 15 seconds, support the conclusion that bioware is not trying to make this a better game for the people who play it.


i guess tuesday we'll get an idea if bioware is listening to the people, and if they're trying to make this a better game instead of just screwing their customers and using deceptive advertising to convince us if we just stay subscribed for a couple more months they'll turn things around. just a couple months, then they'll start paying attention and improve their game. everything else they've done since f2p has just been an anomaly.


Excellent post!


We can only hope that we will see EU <=> NA transfers, since there are no cross server que's, hopefully they will let us choose any server, anywhere. After all, they have really done nothing for the PvP players of this game so far.

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About the paid server transfers, any news about the cost? Still 1800 CC to change a toon?? I have 3 toons, so i need to pay 1800 for each? humm can you devs give Subscrivers a bonus for that. As an example: move one toon for free and pay the 1800 for each toon that left? it would be a great help for me i can assre you that.


Thank you in advance

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Frankly, the cost they are talking about is cheap compared to other games. I'm more than willing to pay that price per character to transfer them to the server of my choice. I for one am pumped for next Tuesday (assuming they don't postpone it). For almost the first time since launch I will be able to play this game with friends.
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Frankly, the cost they are talking about is cheap compared to other games. I'm more than willing to pay that price per character to transfer them to the server of my choice. I for one am pumped for next Tuesday (assuming they don't postpone it). For almost the first time since launch I will be able to play this game with friends.


Same as i, i found out, almost a year after a portuguese guild on a diferent server :(

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eric had suggested that if new news came up he would tell us.


i expect transfers will be available tomorrow


except for those who want NA <--> EU transfers. those will not be available.


most people who take advantage of this service will be forced to choose between splitting their legacy across multiple servers (likely abandoning characters they've been playing) or having the cost scale with number of toons. of course, transferring servers is optional, so if someone doesn't want to be in that position, i guess transfers aren't available to them either.

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Don't. Bioware has a serious hardon for announcing last minute that something went wrong.


Yea I hate that, they could've at least notified us about what went wrong with server transfers with APAC as soon as possible, we need to know the issues but yet they only say its targeted at this specific date at the same time probably knowing the issues but not officially telling us. I only found news about APAC xfer issues in players/user's threads late on the weekend.(Just constructive feedback for the forum community managers etc.)


Anyway, Eric did say tho, that if they are silent, it means its still targeted.

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Hey folks,


The free rename for subscribers is looking good to hit with 2.2.1 in tomorrow morning's maintenance! Hope that helps.




PS - Unrelated, but sure to come up... Paid Character Transfers are still looking good too!


Yay count on it 100 percent now.

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Are you guys really going to charge 13 bucks for a character transfer??? Or is this just hear say on the forum, has there been an official statement on pricing???


thats pretty cheap, i paid a lot more in WoW, The secret world, rift etc.

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Are you guys really going to charge 13 bucks for a character transfer??? Or is this just hear say on the forum, has there been an official statement on pricing???


This xfer will be the cheapest in the industry.

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