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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

idea for next patch


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hi sorry for my english(i m french player)


I have two suggestions to submit to the developer they are small but useful


Drop BOX or drop chest system for characters (like Dropbox )


I think it would be nice to include a common chest connected to the characters of the same account. personal safe by character, and a shared stash(chest), each character of the same account can see and put or remove objects. this in order to reduce the unwanted change between main characters and rerols(log and relog ).

useful for craft and drops


this an example




Import keyboard shortcuts from another character would be a good idea and a gain temp to play directly


que pensez vous a propos de mes suggestions ?

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This has been suggested many times, usually called a legacy-wide bank or legacy-wide cargo hold. I think it's a great idea and think it will eventually come, but will probably need to be unlocked with CCs.


legacy-wide bank is very usefull tool for craft item pet rewards gold for other characters not necessery unlocked with CC for subscribers i think ..


vote for my Thread :)

Edited by banling
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