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Question regarding the BT-7 Thunderclap


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After seeing the seating arrangements of the briefing room, and the number of jump-seats near the boarding ramp it seems that the ship is designed to transport a lot more troops than just one squad. Even the holo-terminal seems to be the same one that, in the clone wars tv series, is used on Acclamator class assault carriers.


So I just wanted to know, is there any mission where you actually make use of all this space?

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My guess as to why theres so many chairs would be that the Thunderclap was not designed to be Havoc Squad specific. Whereas Havoc Squad only use 5-6 members, other squads would use 10+ etc.

Edited by Idunhavaname
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My personal theory is that the Thunderclap is meant to operate as a mobile command center. Land in a rough place, brief all officers involved in the coming op, and then use the ship as a staging point. Many seats also mean it can be used as an evacuation vehicle when Vulcan is destroyed I mean when the Empire invades.
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BT-7 is a troop transport. Meant to get people into the fight in some pretty hellacious circumstances.


In short run ops, probably drop in a full company of grunts. It just so happens Havoc Squad needed a mobile command center. Ship happened to be available and SpecFor in any genera i've ever seen gets top picks first.


Though It would be nice to see the Havoc Squad CO eventually be given a whole set of special forces teams to command from the BT-7. I mean as a Major, I think you'd be incharge of a few teams, not just commanding 1 solo right?

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As the others said, it was probably intended to be used by more than just one squad, as a type of mobile command center. There are at least two doors in the cargo hold room that you cannot enter, which likely lead to a galley and either a prison block or a training room. In all likeliness, through the galley there is probably a hallway to (at least) one more room of barracks, for a full compliment of (at least) eight beds in addition to the commander's private quarters. If you look at the outside of the ship, you will see that the portion of the ship that would actually have rooms (which excludes the extended portion where the wing is) is much larger than the portion that is actually open. This means the two doors could hide far more than just one or two rooms–maybe even three or four each (likely only one or two on the far door, beside the workbench, and three or four in the left-hand door beside the captain's locker).
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