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Lethality PVP


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I run all three specs. Eng & Lethality are my favorites. I've actually been running an Eng/Leth hybrid, which I actually like better than full Lethality.




Energy management is fairly easy and I get a lot of burst between having Cull and the Eng EP (the eng nades and orbital are nice too). However, having EMP is what really makes this class for me to be honest. I'm still crunching the numbers, but my damage is about the same with this and full Lethality.


Just some food for thought.


Lingering toxins?

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Lingering toxins?



It's a trade off, but I honestly don't miss them at all. Having the Eng EP, IP and Eng nades more than make up for lingering toxins and Takedown after each Cull. Once again, it's been my experience that the damage is on par with full lethality and IMO the hybrid actually has more consistent burst damage (Cull & EP+SoS) , but having EMP is what pushes it over the top for me.

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I run all three specs. Eng & Lethality are my favorites. I've actually been running an Eng/Leth hybrid, which I actually like better than full Lethality.




Energy management is fairly easy and I get a lot of burst between having Cull and the Eng EP (the eng nades and orbital are nice too). However, having EMP is what really makes this class for me to be honest. I'm still crunching the numbers, but my damage is about the same with this and full Lethality.


Just some food for thought.


I have been playing around with something similar, but I have to ask... could you free up two points on your interrogation probe that slows. Since you have the slow on corrosive grenade which I am sure you spam, and since the 30% slow doesn't stack, why not put those two points elsewhere? I know IP last longer, but I am sure in warzones the reapply of corrosive grenade will happen more to keep the slow going.... just was wondering your thoughts on this.... Those two points seem like a waste..... now if the slow stacked that would be great.... but you are already getting 30% slow from corrosive.... Those two points seem to be more useful somewhere else.... unless you like the 18 sec slow... after the corrosive expires....



Edited by Vortimous
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It's a trade off, but I honestly don't miss them at all. Having the Eng EP, IP and Eng nades more than make up for lingering toxins and Takedown after each Cull. Once again, it's been my experience that the damage is on par with full lethality and IMO the hybrid actually has more consistent burst damage (Cull & EP+SoS) , but having EMP is what pushes it over the top for me.


I agree that Hybrid is very fun because of EMP. EMP provides you with more mobility and infinite energy resources. However, I disagree on the burst being more consistent.


Hybrid isn't more consistent in burst because you're relying on EP for your burst (the only thing that changes with the respec) which is on a 30 second cooldown. Whereas what you're losing by going hybrid is every 9 seconds you can do Cull + Takedown with Full Lethality. Takedown does about 1500 less damage than explosive probe (after the ticks), but I can use takedown 3 - 5 times by the time you use EP once. Let's also not forget that our PVP set increases the range of takedown to 40 meters.


Hybrid you get EMP, a stronger crit on your frag grenade, a bursty dot added to EP, and a 3rd dot from IP.


In getting that you lose 45% damage on cull, takedown every 9 seconds, 70% movement speed reduction + dot on covered escape, 9 seconds of additional damage over time from dots, and the ability to flashbang someone that has your dots on them.


We could also get into the rest of the Engineering tree that you're missing out on in regards to utility, survivability, AOE damage, guarding points, and so on.


Yet, I'd highly suggest that all lethality players tryout hybrid spec and witness the differences for themselves based on their own playstyles. The playstyle is a bit different because of EMP. It's pretty fun because of having two rolls, two shields, two entrenches, two adrenal probes if the time specifically calls for it, but I'm willing to bet that anyone that knows what they're doing with lethality will always be able to do more output than the guy that knows what he's doing with hybrid and survive just as easily with the kit.


That didn't use to be the case prior to the expansion as hybrid spec was pretty ****in awesome, but I think the latter tiers of the lethality tree are a bit more important than you might think.


You're gimping yourself on the main damage output of lethality by going hybrid.


Conversely, you're gimping yourself on mobility and energy returns by going full lethality.


Again I want to reiterate that all specs are valid and good in PVP, it just depends on how you play them, how you gear for them, and the situations that you find yourself in while you're using them.


Also If this is Fish from my server, you're really ****in good and you need to quit being a dick and respond to my messages when i say we should queue for zones together.

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I have been playing around with something similar, but I have to ask... could you free up two points on your interrogation probe that slows. Since you have the slow on corrosive grenade which I am sure you spam, and since the 30% slow doesn't stack, why not put those two points elsewhere? I know IP last longer, but I am sure in warzones the reapply of corrosive grenade will happen more to keep the slow going.... just was wondering your thoughts on this.... Those two points seem like a waste..... now if the slow stacked that would be great.... but you are already getting 30% slow from corrosive.... Those two points seem to be more useful somewhere else.... unless you like the 18 sec slow... after the corrosive expires....





You certainly could put them elsewhere. You really only have 4 other options to use those 2 points in:


Calculated Pursuit

Vital Regulators

Stroke of Genius

Vitality Serum


IMO, the only real option is Vitality Serum (I could listen to arguments regarding VR). On my build, the 2% to endurance means about another 1k hit points, which isn't too bad. However, I like the slow on IP, because it does last 18 seconds instead of just 6 sec from CG. Also, I typically slap it on a target that I won't be focusing (ie: a tank ).


As I said, it's definitely something you could change in the build.

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Yeah, after my post, I realized that you have to put them somewhere to get up that tree and the remaining options are not really mind blowing or game changing.... so I can understand why you leave them there....
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What pet did you use to level up with lethal sniper? Some people on these forums say that Dr Lokin can keep you up in heroics solo, but when I tried him with my ops agent, I thought he sucked. I just about have him with my sniper and was wondering who you used. Kal so far has been my main pet since she tanks everything while I burn things down. I just don't know if lokin can keep you up with 4 things hitting you and you try and fight them all. At least with a tank pet, they are all attacking her. Without any heals to keep her up though, is it better to have them all on you and have lokin heal you? I do admit, I didn't gear him at all and it seems from the posts that he doesn't come well geared... maybe that was my problem. With my ops agent, I used kal till I got the ranged DPS girl (forgot her name) but she came after lokin. I destroyed with her. So is it better to have a tank pet taking damage or a healer pet healng you while you take damage or a DPS pet and just kill things fast enough that no one dies....


What did you prefer or use???



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What pet did you use to level up with lethal sniper? Some people on these forums say that Dr Lokin can keep you up in heroics solo, but when I tried him with my ops agent, I thought he sucked. I just about have him with my sniper and was wondering who you used. Kal so far has been my main pet since she tanks everything while I burn things down. I just don't know if lokin can keep you up with 4 things hitting you and you try and fight them all. At least with a tank pet, they are all attacking her. Without any heals to keep her up though, is it better to have them all on you and have lokin heal you? I do admit, I didn't gear him at all and it seems from the posts that he doesn't come well geared... maybe that was my problem. With my ops agent, I used kal till I got the ranged DPS girl (forgot her name) but she came after lokin. I destroyed with her. So is it better to have a tank pet taking damage or a healer pet healng you while you take damage or a DPS pet and just kill things fast enough that no one dies....


What did you prefer or use???




You sound like a hunter from WoW. Your question is extremely off the main topic. But I'll answer anyway.


All companions work the same way for all classes. They all work (depending on your playstyle preference) if you have their gear up to par with your own for your level. The healer and tank companions especially work well in this regard as they are support roles (and support your damage). The reverse of this is if you are a healer or tank class then you want a class that supports you in that regard and does damage instead. At level 55 when you have gear and your companion has gear you can use whatever you want to use. I personally use an HK-51 with pvp gear because I like to gank in the world.


Short Version: Figure out what works with your playstyle and gear it up.

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Also If this is Fish from my server, you're really ****in good and you need to quit being a dick and respond to my messages when i say we should queue for zones together.


I honestly just saw this. I promise I'm not trying to be a dick!! It's just been a crazy couple of weeks for me with starting a new job. Definitely hit me up and we can Q up together. :D

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I honestly just saw this. I promise I'm not trying to be a dick!! It's just been a crazy couple of weeks for me with starting a new job. Definitely hit me up and we can Q up together. :D


Congratulations on the new job! Working on joining that club soon. I shall try again. I have to friend you on there, I can't remember if you have a weird letter in Fish or not. Either way, if you see me on. Hit me up.

Edited by Jeeboplow
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  • 4 weeks later...

Nice writeup Jeeboplow. I used some of your strats and rotations last night on my level 30 sniper and the results were amazing.


Had a 14-2 KB/D ratio in a loss and a 10-0 in a win. Still learning the ropes so I expect results will get even better.



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Good guide, OP! I have some questions. What do you think about operative set bonuses? They gave + 5 enrgey and + 1 sec evasion/+10% dmg absorb to shield.

And has talent "counterstrike" any use in pvp? Or it's better to spend 2 points elswhere?

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  • 2 months later...

If I play full lethality I normally do like this:




However i really find hybrid to be a better and nore usefull spec. The extra single target burst from Clusterbombs is nice, and it helps with keeping energy high, even when doing max burst:




Not picking up augmented shields can be slightly annoying, but neither of these specs are made for 1 vs 1 encounters.

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Well, it depends on the warzone and alot on what classes both sides are running. 700k damage sounds just fine in most cases. Its easier to judge from the actual dps, but anyway it's not exactly the dps that makes you a good sniper. A lethality sniper running around doing nothing else but DoT tabbing all game doing 1600 dps can be really quite uselss in the overall picture :)
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  • 3 weeks later...
This seems to be all about warzones, but what about ranked arena? Aren't you concerned with the effects of dots breaking different CCs and clense spams? I'm in the process of leveling a sniper now, and lethality seems the most fun but I foresee those being problems in arena, which MM doesn't have Edited by VoidSpectre
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This seems to be all about warzones, but what about ranked arena? Aren't you concerned with the effects of dots breaking different CCs and clense spams? I'm in the process of leveling a sniper now, and lethality seems the most fun but I foresee those being problems in arena, which MM doesn't have


I've been doing a lot of arena's the last few days as a MM Sniper, and I have to say, the LOS issues are killing me. That's one thing that works in favor of the Lethality spec. While people can duck behind some rock or building or catwalk and break your LOS just as you are about to let off an ambush in MM, you can be a heck of a lot more mobile as Lethality. Using dots and the flashbang to full effect will be really interesting once I get fully back into Lethality. Thanks for the guide as it's given me a lot of ideas and I'm trying out your rotations. I am also really curious about min/max'ing my gear to best effect. Any chance you can follow up on that?

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For me in arena, lethality not working out too bad, but yeah in certain times being a cc braker is not good ofc, im tempted to try the hybrid set up now ive done some arenas, think the cluster bombs added to lethlaity just at the cost of weakening blast could be a good trade off in some of those close tight fights in arenas.


Anyone tried hybrid for arena?

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The DoT's breaking Mezzes is not a big problem. Ofc you need to pick up toxic regulators.

The thing about Lethality in Arena's is arranging what targets will be DoT'd and who will not. generally, its a bad idea to DoT the other teams marauder(s) since they need to be controled alot.

Pick 2 targets, who will be focussed depending on who has guard. Leave other 2 targets without DoT's to be affected by Mezzes from your allies. Use your FB on one of the 2 main targets when needed.


And yea, I play 3/16/27 in arena's i feel the added single target burst is worth it over weakening blast, although this has a shorter CD. Just be aware that Int. Probe will still break Your Flashbang.

Edited by ZipZep
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  • 4 weeks later...
I've been messing around with my spec's, but lately for arenas and warzones, I found that I've been doing better and surviving longer with Marksmanship, as Lethality just doesn't have the shear stopping power that is needed most of the time. However, I still use Lethality for duels as that is where it really shines. I can even take out Assassins if I time my moves and CD's just right.
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