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I need help deciding whether to romance Vette or Jaesa.


My character is a Dark Side Sith Juggernaut with Immortality spec. Keep in mind that the character I romance will also likely be my battle companion the majority of the time.



+ Funnier dialogue

+ Better voice actress (compared to Jaesa)

- Always loses affection whenever I choose Dark Side actions

- Not as thematically appropriate as Sith Master / Apprentice



+ Is compliant with my Dark Side actions

+ Works well with the Sith Master / Apprentice theme

- Dialogue is a bit boring

- Inferior voice actress (compared to Vette)

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To be honest, your wanting of a Master/Apprentice theme for the romance just screams "power abuse", but if we put that aside...


Jaesa is completely mad.


With your Sith Warrior's personality, do you think he'd want to be in a relationship with a sarcastic, flighty, unaligned (as in, non-Imperial, non-Sith) woman, who believes in uncovering her people's past, the goal of which will likely be to ultimately give them a culture that is free and separate of the mass enslavement of her species? Also, dependent on your Warrior's own species, would he want to be seen or be actually with an inferior and slave species?


Compare that to a woman so mentally broken by the tortures you put her through, that she has utterly turned against everything she once was and simply cannot remember (nor rightly fathom) her actions and their consequences? DS Jaesa, as she is currently, is insane. From an RP sense, she is a liability to the Warrior, if only because she seems to have no real sense of danger and would likely attack any Sith who so much as looks sideways at either of you.


Of course, you can also watch all of the other woman's conversations on YouTube. So, really, you're only missing out on hitting the buttons yourself.


I'd personally go for Vette.

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As Tatile already said, think of your character's personality. Jaesa is insane and messed up, and in a way, one could say that romancing her like that is abusing her condition. However, if you sith is truly a ds guy who couldn't care less about other people's feelings, that shouldn't bother him. In Vette's case, she's pretty light-sided and would critizise your ds choices - would your warrior be able to stand that or would he be constantly annoyed by it?


Personally I like Vette better as a character, but my only male sw falls under the category of "couldn't care less about other people", so I guess he'll end up abusing Jaesa's moment of insanity.

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I'd go for Vette. Not only it's somehow intriguing to observe relationship beetween nice person like Vette and ruthless monster which DS warrior is, it also reminds of Malgus and his Twilek story. Plus Jaesa can do very well without you dating her. But Vette staying on you ship with no romance doesn't make much sense IMO. I think realistically she would escape from DS Sith if he took her collar off for whatever reason.
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