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Why can't I dye my gear?


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I am confused, I was under the impression that my enjoyment/experience of the game was going to be enhanced because there was this new feature being added that allowed me to dye my gear? So I am all excited about this, because now I would be able to dye my gear the colors I wanted and really immerse myself in my character and the game.


However, my enjoyment/experience in the game was not enhanced, nor could I dye my gear they way I wanted. In fact the opposite happened in that my enjoyment/experience of the game has decreased and I am more frustrated now then before.


Here is the issues with dye:


1.) Crew skills making dye colors and selling them on the GTN is a SUCCESS!

2.) Dye colors sold on vendors is a SUCCESS!

3.) Dye color schematics on faction vendors is a SUCCESS!

4.) Dye colors sold on the CM in random packs as (common, not common and rare) is a MAJOR FAILURE!

5.) Dye colors sold individually as primary or secondary is a SUCCESS!

6.) Dye colors sold together as a set (primary and secondary) is a FAILURE!


I am a Sub and do not have an issue with buying things from the CM to support the game. The way I would recommend fixing issue number 4 listed above, is to sell the dye colors as individual items on the CM so I can BUY the dye color I want!


The problem with issue number 6 is that I no longer have the option to color the way I want. I am being forced to pick from color combinations that I do not want and there is NO single alternative (sold as a individual primary OR secondary) dye color.


Here is the issues with dying gear :


1.) Can dye the "primary" color of the gear is a SUCCESS!

2.) Can dye the "secondary" color of the gear is a SUCCESS!

3.) Can dye the "BASE" color of the gear is a FAILURE because you can not dye it at all.

4.) Can dye the "primary" and "secondary" color of the gear at the same time is a SUCCESS!.


However, the over all problem with regards to dying the gear is that I can not dye the gear the colors I want. Most of the colors that I would want to use are "rare" in dye packs or grouped in a dye "primary/secondary" dye module where I do not like the color it is with. Plus, as stated above, I can not dye the "BASE" color because there is no option.


The only recommendation to fix this is to have 3 slots on each piece of gear, primary, secondary and base color slots and then only have single dye modules to fit in each slot.


I am so disappointed in they way this was implemented, because there was no consideration regarding player enjoyment/experience. It was 100% designed around "how can profit be maximized" (see random dye packs).


MMOs to the player is all about the "FUN FACTOR" and once removed, then there is no point in playing the game. There is nothing wrong with the CM and making money and I support it. However, there is everything wrong with not balancing the fun factor and trying to maximize profits.


I love a lot of the things you have done to the game, but you all dropped the ball on this one.



Edited by Tealamek
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