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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Arenas and Solo Que Ranked Warzones


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I think there should be arena teams it would make pvp more playable for some players like 3v3s or 4v4s with a gear min level and cross server pvping because im always playing the same people
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I would like to see arena teams being 4v4, no objective other than killing the other team, and to see a requirement of using 1 of each arch-class (i.e. smuggler, consular, trooper, knight).


There definatley should be some sort of class/role requirements. Let's avoid a team of smashers. Or a team of scrappers. Or all tanks and healers. Oh boy... :rolleyes:

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This is by far the thing I want the most on pvp. Not sure about solo queue for rwz, but it could be possible to at least queue as 4 ppl.

Anyway, the priority should be for x-server queues, altough sometimes I think DEVs just read everything on this forums as "please make another crap wz".

Edited by Capote
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Oh yes solo ranked warzone queuing... That would just be a joy to have when you get into the match and realize you're going against a full guild premade or even worse that half your team is still in leveling greens :rolleyes:


4 man premade for ranked I could deal with, solo.. Hell no

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I would also welcome SOLO queing for Ranked Warzones, since Ive been playing this game for almost a year on the Progenitor Server and never seen a Ranked Warzone!


Yes it will prove to be difficult since you need a team more than ever, but still getting better PVP gear and mods is a very long term process with normal warzones (weekly and daily rewards).

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I would also welcome SOLO queing for Ranked Warzones, since Ive been playing this game for almost a year on the Progenitor Server and never seen a Ranked Warzone!


Yes it will prove to be difficult since you need a team more than ever, but still getting better PVP gear and mods is a very long term process with normal warzones (weekly and daily rewards).


solo ranked pvp would be same as current regular warzones, with difference, you would meet full guild 8 man premades with perfect composition far more often, you woud get stomped harder, faster but had rewards in reward comms not wz comms.

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solo ranked pvp would be same as current regular warzones, with difference, you would meet full guild 8 man premades with perfect composition far more often, you woud get stomped harder, faster but had rewards in reward comms not wz comms.




I have no idea why anyone would ask for solo que RWZs. If you want RWZ comms and don't care about losing then you should just start a PuG RWZ group on Fleet and get farmed all day by the PvP guilds, because that's what would happen anyway if you were allowed to solo-que for RWZs.

Edited by DimeStax
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Do you guys have any suggestions about Character Transfer to a PVP server?? When I was asking for Ranked WZ in our Progenitor I got a reply that all people (doing RW) left for the PVP servers via the Transfer.


This could be worth it, to PVP, gear up and come back to smash the guys in the former server :)

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areans cant wait for, but hope there is a role requirement limit or something.


Solo que ranked warzones HELL NO.


Que as a group 4 yes this is really needed and likelyhood is you would get pulled to another 4 man premade so would have a decent chance, but a proper 8 man pug group v the best pvp ranked teams every time i think not.

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