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2.0 Focus spec opener/rotation 55

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Just curious as to what opener and rotation you all are using for 2.0 PvP as focus spec at level 55. I know alot of it is situational, but as a normal opener to max dps and a filler in between your rotation, what are you using.



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Saber Throw > Force Leap > (Rebuke in the air) > Force Exhaustion > Zealous Strike


then whatever. this creates a big focus pool for doing some damage on individuals or AoE and then going invisible and running back out to the edge of the fight.


Usually I'll try to go force stasis (I have maxed on Power) and then sweep if trying to take a specific player down and finish off with blade storm or dispatch while retreating.

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Saber Throw > Force Leap > (Rebuke in the air) > Force Exhaustion > Zealous Strike


then whatever. this creates a big focus pool for doing some damage on individuals or AoE and then going invisible and running back out to the edge of the fight.


Usually I'll try to go force stasis (I have maxed on Power) and then sweep if trying to take a specific player down and finish off with blade storm or dispatch while retreating.


This is the Sent forums, I doubt he has sabre throw; unless you mean twin sabre throw.


What I start with is Valorious Call -> Force Leap -> Zen -> Force Sweep -> Force Exhaustion -> Master Strike -> Blade Storm.


Using Force Exhaustion and Master Strike after a Force Sweep is imperative due to the 9% damage boost after Force Sweep.

Edited by Xiij
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on my Marauder (level 40 so far) im going for this rotation when i hit 51(this is translated for Sent terms). Twin Saber Throw > Leap/Zealous Leap > Zealous Strike > Force Exhaustion > Force Sweep (3 Stack Singularity) > Blade Storm > Master Strike > Filler DPS waiting on Exhaust, Sweep, and Storm CD's (Preferably abilities that help reset the Z Leap CD)


The normal part of the rotation is your main burst. Ill disect it a bit. Twin throw grants 2 Focus when specced Focus tree thanks to the Force Health talent. Leap/Z Leap grants a Free Blade Storm and 100% crit Sweep. Exhaust gives 3 stacks of Singularity which is 99% more damage AND its a free sweep (Note Zen does the same so when Zen is up go ahead and use it) Then after Sweep for the next 6 seconds you get 9% damage on ALL abilities. So in that time you should use your free blade storm and use Master Strike for the rest of the time since its one of your high hitters (note that Master Strike may be on CD if you repeat the rotation and get to that part if it is just use the duration on filler DPS) The filler is there for waiting on the CD of exhaust (longest CD other than Master Strike) Sweep and Blade Storm (both on 12 sec CD) Z Leap should not be on CD for long because of Zephrayn Slash (same with normal Leap).


Let me know how you guys think of it!

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This is the Sent forums, I doubt he has sabre throw; unless you mean twin sabre throw.


What I start with is Valorious Call -> Force Leap -> Zen -> Force Sweep -> Force Exhaustion -> Master Strike -> Blade Storm.


Using Force Exhaustion and Master Strike after a Force Sweep is imperative due to the 9% damage boost after Force Sweep.


If you use Force Exhaustion prior to Force Sweep, you maximize the damage or Force Sweep.


Saber Throw > Force Leap > (Rebuke in the air) > Force Exhaustion > Zealous Strike


then whatever. this creates a big focus pool for doing some damage on individuals or AoE and then going invisible and running back out to the edge of the fight.


Usually I'll try to go force stasis (I have maxed on Power) and then sweep if trying to take a specific player down and finish off with blade storm or dispatch while retreating.


I agree with this and would also add cauterize prior to force stasis or after force sweep.

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