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Why are players so poor?


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In one of the story missions for Republic on Makeb, you can hear the Vice Commandant on the comm says '1 million credits for whoever finds the intruder. 10 million credits for whoever brings me his head!"


Now i don't know about you, but you can easily assemble the galaxy's most fearsome team for 10 million credits. Heck, as a Republic super hero, I think I'll take my chances by giving away my own position for 1 million credits. After all it's not like these guys you're fighting are anything more special than whatever you've defeated before. Another mission have you blown up some droids and you're told that you destroyed several hundred millions (or maybe billions) worth of equipment, and here's your 8000 credit for causing this kind of damage.


One theory I have is that maybe our credits are supposed to be measured in Ks, so 8000 credit would be 8 million credits, and that seems like a reasonable reward for taking out an army worth hundreds of millions to build. A player with a 1 million net worth would really be 1 billion, so I guess he won't easily consider backstab a fellow Republic hero just for 10 more million credits.


Or maybe the Hutt Cartel do control all the money like the Wall Street fat cats and even the mightiest heroes is no match compared to embezzlement and economics.

Edited by Astarica
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Well, you have to figure some percentage of every reward goes to ship maintenance, tibana gas cartridges, flamethrower fuel, that sort of thing, then you've got taxes, social security, not to mention the health plan for yourself and all your companions, and by the time you get through all that, you're lucky to see a few hundred creds out of those million credit rewards.
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Well, you have to figure some percentage of every reward goes to ship maintenance, tibana gas cartridges, flamethrower fuel, that sort of thing, then you've got taxes, social security, not to mention the health plan for yourself and all your companions, and by the time you get through all that, you're lucky to see a few hundred creds out of those million credit rewards.



This. When I won the Great Hunt, after repair bills and carbonite rental fees and paying my 'companions' for their help, I had about enough left over for a pabst. Couldn't even take Mako out to a fancy dinner. (-100 affection)

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Troopers are on a very fixed income, while Jedi in general own less than a typical hobo.


Everyone else should be loaded though...


Whenever I ask a Jedi quest giver why can't they pay me more they always use the 'I own less than a hobo' excuse.

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The most ridiculous quest in this way is the one for scientinst in Gratham estate on Dromund Kaas. She promises you 60% of her profit if you collect technology she says, calls it "raining credits" and you two becoming wealthy. Then she sends you, like 130 credits or so :D
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The most ridiculous quest in this way is the one for scientinst in Gratham estate on Dromund Kaas. She promises you 60% of her profit if you collect technology she says, calls it "raining credits" and you two becoming wealthy. Then she sends you, like 130 credits or so :D


If you're going to complain about this you might as well complain about the so called "elite troops" on early planets being completely pathetic next to what's classed as "trainees" on some of the latter ones.


Although adding a 0 or two to EVERYTHING wouldn't hurt (or just a k)

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At least the Bounty Hunter had his friends throw him a party at the Penthouse in the casino in Nar Shadaa. I don't think any of the other characters could even afford it.


And that ended so well for all the guests.

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On top of what's already been said, Sith generally don't have much need for credits (they tend to use their lightsabers as credit cards), and Imp-Int agents... well, government contracts aren't all they're cracked up to be, I guess.


Not to mention all those disguises and exotic toxins they provide you probably come out of your paycheck.

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On top of what's already been said, Sith generally don't have much need for credits (they tend to use their lightsabers as credit cards), and Imp-Int agents... well, government contracts aren't all they're cracked up to be, I guess.


Not to mention all those disguises and exotic toxins they provide you probably come out of your paycheck.


In the SI storyline you can bribe fellow Siths. The funny thing is you don't even lose money for the bribe option, so I assume that implied the amount of the bribe was trivial compared to your wealth.

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Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular I believe don't actually get paychecks and instead are entrusted with an "allowance" to spend on basic needs and helping others.


Trooper as someone else said would have a fixed income and is too busy with millitary life for luxury.


Sith Warrior and Inquisitor would probably be filthy rich but cares little for the luxury life.


Imperial Agent would be like trooper and is

unemployed thanks to sith interference



Leaving us Smuggler and BH. The only two classes who would be filthy rich. Smuggler even more over the course of story.

Edited by Idunhavaname
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My smuggler is supposed to be super rich, not that she's poor by any means, but for being some epic crime lord, she's not getting any residuals.


Also I get a kick out of Malavai Quinn. We land on Makeb, and he tells my SW who is also his wife now, "I pulled Makeb's tourism profile, my lord. The resort prices are staggering, far above a captain's salary."


It's like, what are you implying Quinn? Is my warrior not paying you enough? Are you suggesting she's poor?:rolleyes:

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Leaving us Smuggler and BH. The only two classes who would be filthy rich. Smuggler even more over the course of story.


Bounty Hunters have to pay for advertising. What, you don't think all those people find oyu and offer you a job just because of your skills, do you?


Smugglers make loads of money, but the lifestyle is very expensive. The finest accomodations, food, companions, bribes - our expenses add up, man.

Edited by ThatGnome
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Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular I believe don't actually get paychecks and instead are entrusted with an "allowance" to spend on basic needs and helping others.


Trooper as someone else said would have a fixed income and is too busy with millitary life for luxury.


Sith Warrior and Inquisitor would probably be filthy rich but cares little for the luxury life.


Imperial Agent would be like trooper and is

unemployed thanks to sith interference



Leaving us Smuggler and BH. The only two classes who would be filthy rich. Smuggler even more over the course of story.


Lol the big cash in at the end of act 1 or 2 or whatever if was is a credit box with like 990 credits. Yeah....

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Didn't you know that each toon has a 'side profession'? Weapons dealer, clothing vendor, waste disposal, dead animal pick up including waste...yup we do it all and still make less than the Bounties we have on our heads :rolleyes:


Hell, my Jedi is a drug dealer selling stims, adrenals and illegal compounds to others...

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