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Nameplates and arrow lost after instance switch to join team


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Please BioWare do something with this. We've already figured out that it's probably account related. For me and many other people who have bought that game nearly 2 years ago is unplayable in groups with other players and i have recently returned to SWTOR and I am a subscriber (but i guess not for long, because of this huge, tremendous bug). How can we pay for something that does'nt work?


I just had this happen is a WZ. It is bad enough that I was playing a class I rarely play and struggled to remember how to play it but to have to struggle to see who I have targeted (small indication on the ground, looking at the portrait) on top of this is really painful.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I want to join an ops group for Xenoanalyst on Ilum... I find a raidgroup but I have to zone to a different instance, and there you go: my target marker vanishes. So I have to relog, which I do and it's back, but my raidgroup is still in the other instance, so I have to zone again...and guess what? That's so annyoing and I'm dependend on that thing in a 16 men raidgroup, can't reliably target otherwise. Had to cancel the group because of that twice already. Means for me, I can't do this op!
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Im really getting sick of this bug, can happen changing instances, going into a warzone, or going into a FP via group finder.

Its periodic, but a lot of people get it so it shouldnt be too hard to replicate this problem using a dev account which can over ride the cooldown for planet instance switching.

A work-around for Flashpoints is, use the exit door, shuttle door or whatever mechanism you can use to exit, its usually right beside where you spawn at the start of the flashpoint, and then click the return to flashpoint button. This has worked every time for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Waiting for a group member to log back in right now because, as usual, after we transitioned to instance 2 of Dromund Kaas we both lost all nameplates on ourselves and other NPCs. I'm at a loss for words at this point that Bioware can't reproduce this or hasn't invested enough time for a fix. It is perpetual and frustrating.
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  • 1 month later...

Just now had this happen to me and not even quitting and restarting the game has fixed it. The best I can get is it shows my targets nameplate. But not the nameplates of enemies in proximity. I now have to target each enemy individually to see what it is and what difficulty it is.


And now I find out this bug has existed for 2 YEARS?

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  • 1 month later...
Hi folks,


Are you serious? 9 months of ignoring an issue and you open with: Hi folks? Have you been fired yet?


A lack of direct response is not an indication that your issue isn't being worked on, nor is it an indication that we don't see or care about it.


This is just ubelievable..


Well it's good to know you care, even though this problem seems to have existed for 2 years, it isn't solved and there hasn't been any response since the last:). But your still working on it right? right? hello? you there? o wait! Your not responding cause your in such a caring mood.

I'm gonna try this at work though. When my customers send me an email, i'll just ignore it for a few months and then tell them that my lack of direct response (or any response) is not a sign i don't give a *. It's just that I'm working so hard on the issue i have no time left to respond. Not that I solved the issue. But I do care! You have a direct or indirect response to this?


In all seriousness, the last dev post was how long ago? This problem still exists. I just hit level 50 and i can't do anything without losing my target arrow. The game is utterly unplayable with this bug, especially pvp.


Heres some advice on how to deal with your customers in the future. Grow some effin balls. Most of us are paying customers. You at least owe is a response. Acknowledge the issue with a damned post. Give a proper timeframe on when it is solved. Stop asking stupid questions. Stop making excuses. Do your job. Your behaviour is unacceptable.

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FWIW, this below descript describes the problem that still exists in game. I have not seen item 5, the rest is still currently an issue.


When this happens to me, it's only while switching layers/instances within the same world. I've never had it happen while going into a FP or a WZ.


1: It doesn't matter if I switch instances while grouped, while solo, from the map, from the ops frame, starting with a mount, starting with a companion out, etc. Nothing seems to make a difference.

2. There doesn't seem to be a way to predict it. It happens every so often (and tends to happen in bursts, then goes away for a while) and only while switching layers/instances on a planet/the fleet/etc.

3. If I target myself, I won't be able to see my name above my head. I do not lose nameplates over anyone else's head; however, I also don't keep a static nameplate over my own head, so maybe that is a related bit of information. Or maybe not; I dunno.

4. If I target anything else, I won't be able to see the plumbob above my target. I can still see the target circle below the mob/NPC, however.

5. About 50% of the time, if I target something, I won't be able to un-target it (i.e. I have to target something else and cannot have an empty/open target) even if the mob is dead or the NPC is very far away.

6. Mapping to another area of the same planet does not help.

7. Resetting my UI with ctrl+U does not help.

8. Traveling by elevator, ship, shuttle (not taxi), or any other mode of travel that causes a momentary black screen or a loading screen fixes things sometimes.

9. Zoning into a FP or WZ will help.

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