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Spec for picking fights in open world


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Been kind of bored with warzones so I want to start picking and looking for fights and think my assassin would probably be best for that. I just have some work to do as my assassin has pretty much just BM gear from back in the RNG days; then I had stuck Recruit MK2 on him mixed in and rolled darkness to do dailies and make some creds here and there.


Am thinking deception is a must for burst and escapability. Any build suggestions or any exercise I could do to get familiar with the abilities priorities/rotations or improvisation you suggest would be appreciated. I like to learn as much as I can so I can get creative where possible and seems like assassin has more utility there than my scoundrel.

Edited by Technohic
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For deception, I've been using something like this:




I haven't really been looking at what to use or not as this isn't usually my main spec, however it is a fun spec.


My rotation goes something like (from stealth): spike, maul, forceshroud if need be, low slash, maul, recklessness, discharge, 2x voltaic slash, shock, repeating VS/S combo until either I have 3 stacks of discharge or low slash is available again to proc maul with. I can also vanish and get recklessness faster.


I haven't fought all classes in this spec, so I'm not sure how well it'll fair, but thus far it's been proving at least fun. I 3 hit a sage in a WZ, I was pretty amazed.


This is the darkness spec I generally run (in dps gear focusing on power):




The survivability (even with only a shield as the bare minimum of tank gear, as even it is min maxed with dps mods) is very nice and noticeable, the heals from the passive dark charge and harnessed darkness are nice, and my force lightning can hit for about 12k. The frontal maul is also great, and my shocks can get to around 7k.


As for rotation: shock, spike, wither, thrash until proc or another shock, electrocute, recklessness, force shroud, force lightning, shock, wither, thrash until proc or another shock, force lighting. Something like that anyway.


In both these specs, I'd say the hardest class to fight is, assassins. I also enjoy madness, but I find it better for pve.

Edited by MasterFeign
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Thats a little different than I was thinking for rotation, I guess. Seems like it still would work.


I was looking at it last night and I went with a 5/36/5 spec I saw someone posted and what I was looking at for rotation was Recklessness (while still stealth to give 3 static) Spike (out from stealth to give dupicity) > discharge > Maul > VS x2 > Shock combo and watch for duplicity procs to maul, use LS about 10 seconds in for the extra duplicity, discharge again when I get 3 static charges built up


Then, the reactive stuff to watch for would be hit blackout when I lose dark embrace, then if it goes on to where I need dark embrace again, use cloak; shroud when I think they might try to CC, slow when I think they might run (probably need to do that before they get full resolve after LS?), overcharge for a heal, deflection if shroud is not up.


That seem OK or am I missing something that would make that not be ideal?

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Yeah that rotation sounds just as well. I suppose it would depend on who you were fighting when choosing to start with discharge or maul. With a sorc, you'd want a maul especially if you use any other lingering force abilities they can cleanse.


Otherwise the only thing I would recommend is practice dueling. In an ideal world it'd be nice to get a full rotation down without being interrupted but that won't happen. That's why I love darkness so much because there is so much denial.


I'm also still practicing with deception too, so I'll fiddle around with it.

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Yeah; I like darkness but I want to kill quickly if at all possible, then escape. The goal will be to get geared at 55 and try to lure other 55s out; and if I can get one seperated, I would have to kill them and vanish before their friends might come running. otherwise; i would just use my sniper.


At some point; in the more distant future, I might gear my scoundrel (or maybe I level a shadow to stay familiar with just one general feel) and try to pick on both sides in the same general area. would love to just cause trouble and start an actual open world fight. But maybe that is a bit too ambitious and unrealistic.

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At some point; in the more distant future, I might gear my scoundrel (or maybe I level a shadow to stay familiar with just one general feel) and try to pick on both sides in the same general area. would love to just cause trouble and start an actual open world fight. But maybe that is a bit too ambitious and unrealistic.


You'd be surprised. Especially from which server you come from, often times guildies and others will come to defend those being attacked. I regular Outlaw's Den, and killing people questing there, tends to bring out the pvp crowd (if they aren't already there).


When the tatooine event happened a while back, I was able to organize the imps to camp the jawa vendor, and we did an Ilum style back and forth of it, until the servers went down. It was a lot of fun, and still is XD.

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1) Pick a spec, any spec


2) Go to Tatooine and gank someone 30 levels lower than you


3) ????


4) Profit.



Not saying it's right, just saying this is probably the method that is most commonly used.

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Thats a little different than I was thinking for rotation, I guess. Seems like it still would work.


I was looking at it last night and I went with a 5/36/5 spec I saw someone posted and what I was looking at for rotation was Recklessness (while still stealth to give 3 static) Spike (out from stealth to give dupicity) > discharge > Maul > VS x2 > Shock combo and watch for duplicity procs to maul, use LS about 10 seconds in for the extra duplicity, discharge again when I get 3 static charges built up


Then, the reactive stuff to watch for would be hit blackout when I lose dark embrace, then if it goes on to where I need dark embrace again, use cloak; shroud when I think they might try to CC, slow when I think they might run (probably need to do that before they get full resolve after LS?), overcharge for a heal, deflection if shroud is not up.


That seem OK or am I missing something that would make that not be ideal?


Consider using overcharge saber offensively as well - static charges can be painfully slow to stack and the extra % chance to trigger them helps tons.

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1) Pick a spec, any spec


2) Go to Tatooine and gank someone 30 levels lower than you


3) ????


4) Profit.



Not saying it's right, just saying this is probably the method that is most commonly used.


That would be fine if I just wanted to gank players for the sake of just killing them; but to do what I want, I think you have to take out some other max levels.

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I don't why open world specs would be any different than whatever spec that works well on 1on1 in a WZ. If anything it's probably slightly easier to do 1on1 in the open world because you can have your healer companion at least cover some of your weaknesses in survivality for an offensive-oriented spec.
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Open world pvp is a blast. It is always a nice accomplishment beating another characte of the same level or one above you. But fighting someone way below you is just boring. No challenge. However is is funny when a level 30 sent tries to jump you while on Alderan while data ton hunting. I stopped attacking as soon as I knew who it was. I didn't stop vette who fired two or three shots. It was too late. I felt bad. Maybe he thought I was an npc. But deception sin is the most fun in trying to stalk prey Edited by sgtpsych
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I don't why open world specs would be any different than whatever spec that works well on 1on1 in a WZ. If anything it's probably slightly easier to do 1on1 in the open world because you can have your healer companion at least cover some of your weaknesses in survivality for an offensive-oriented spec.


Well; 1v1 in a Warzone would be similar. I just had not been overly familiar with the skill trees for assassin after not really looking at it for some time. Wasn't sure at the time of making the thread if there would be something like sacrificing a little bit of ability to keep the force bar up in a warzone where I would have to continue fighting after just one guy; where in an open world I wouldn't care if I was absolute 0 force as long as I got my target and got away. no objective to worry about beyond that.


Open world pvp is a blast. It is always a nice accomplishment beating another characte of the same level or one above you. But fighting someone way below you is just boring. No challenge. However is is funny when a level 30 sent tries to jump you while on Alderan while data ton hunting. I stopped attacking as soon as I knew who it was. I didn't stop vette who fired two or three shots. It was too late. I felt bad. Maybe he thought I was an npc. But deception sin is the most fun in trying to stalk prey


Part of the reason I want to do this is the fun I had when I actually did run into other players while I was leveling. Taking out someone around my level impromptu has always been a far bigger rush than warzones.


That and I myself got jumped while leveling an alt by a couple level 55s the other day. It's not the first time it happened, but it was the first time where I actually appreciated what I saw them as trying to do as people started calling in their higher level guildies. Lower levels just will happen to be a casualty sometimes if you are trying to lure the higher levels off fleet or away from their regular operations or warzones or whatever they may be doing.


A lot of PvPers complain about no open world at end game; but yet there seem to be so few out there trying to make it happen. The more max level players out there fighting, the less it becomes necessary to lure more out by attacking their lowbies, and the more protection those lowbies have for those who would come just for that reason.

Edited by Technohic
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