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Hello Begeren! Glad to be here!


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Just wanted to drop a line here and throw up an introduction to the community of Begeren Colony! I'm a newbie player just now coming into my second week of play, and wow! I'm really feeling the love on this server- Friendly and helpful people, RP to listen in on in all sorts of nooks and crannies of the game, and a rather negligible amount of trolling. Clearly I picked the right server!


I'm a 21 year old MMO-addict, currently indulging my hobby on a very weird schedule as I settle into working and potentially taking further college classes. I've played a variety of MMOs- From STO, to Rift, to WoW, and even EQ2; But one thing has always been a constant for me... I love an RP atmosphere! The (sometimes) creative outlet of storytelling and typically nicer population have always drawn to my inner lore freak, and I've had a blast in the past coming up with personalities for my characters.


I'd love it if I could get in on some roleplay here, too! I've already met at least one RPer who seems to be running interesting stuff, and I'm very interested in making more friends. I'm not -quite- ready to join a guild, though, thanks to my erratic schedule- But if you want to make a new IC friend or just goof off and enjoy some light socialization, feel free to message or post at any character bearing the surname 'Issus'. I primarily play on my Imperial Agent, Rems Issus. Hope to see you in-game!





(EDIT: I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to post an IC character bio in this or not, so I excluded it. If anyone is interested in hearing about my RP character, or if such postings are allowed, do let me know!)

Edited by Remissus
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