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Suggestion Character Animations


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I have a Suggestion for the game Star Wars The Old Republic: Altough this game has everything I would want in a MMORPG there is one thing I really miss, and that is that the Characters in the game lack Emotion.

I really want to feel connected with my character and the NPC's in the star wars universe, However its really hard if the character's dont show any emotion, for instance when you play as a Sith Inguisitor and you are at the cinematic that occurs when you confront Darth Thanaton, there is a moment when you lifed him in the air with Force-Choke and you see him reach for his neck but there is no emotion that shows you that he is in trouble and that he can't breath, and there are many more moments when things like this happens.


so my suggestion is that maybe in the next expansion you guys can also foccus in making the characters and Npc's more lifelike so people could care more what happens in the story.


Best regards: Great star wars Fan Jimmy B

Edited by JBouwman
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This is a great and obvious suggestion but there's a problem. This is really the first kind of MMO that focuses on the faces like it does. I've seen no other MMO that has cinematics like SWTOR does. That being said, they're the first and the first attempt of something isn't always perfect. The best facial animations I've seen in a game are in LA Noire which used a relatively new (I think) technology that improves the quality of said animations. Bioware probably didn't utilize it 'cause they spent so much money on the voice work and story development. That's why they had such a large budget on the game, because of the need for so much VO. Bioware said they were bringing their own "pillar" to the MMO genre and model animations wasn't part of it. :(
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