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Dyes - have I got this right?

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Dyes are one time use only, seriously? I just bought a dye pack and I got Black/Black in it, hell yeah!.... but hold on, what's the point in using it when it's money down the drain as soon as I change my outfit? Better off selling it on GTN, if that's poss.


I think this is the first, and last, dye pack I'm buying from the CM. Thanks but no thanks.


If you introduce a persistent colour pallette, similar to GW2 then I'd be back in a blink.

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you are correct. its a garbage system. if you got black/black, i'd defenitely put it on the market for an insane price. its guaranteed to sell.


i don't understand how a system like this made it into the game.

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Dyes are one time use only, seriously? I just bought a dye pack and I got Black/Black in it, hell yeah!.... but hold on, what's the point in using it when it's money down the drain as soon as I change my outfit? Better off selling it on GTN, if that's poss.


I think this is the first, and last, dye pack I'm buying from the CM. Thanks but no thanks.


If you introduce a persistent colour pallette, similar to GW2 then I'd be back in a blink.


You're lucky you even got black/black. I bought like 6 and got a bunch of crap.

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I think the dye system is so incredibly limited i'm just gonna pretend it didnt get released. I had hopes for this, but nope.

Good thinking BioWare, but you should have let this feature sit on the workbench for a few more months. There are so many other games which have a dye system, you could have copied any one of them and it would have been better than what you have made. You don't always have to reinvent the wheel, there are plenty of working systems for this out there.



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The dye system was indeed a massive letdown and my biggest irritation yet in the game. I absolutely loved the way GW2's dye system worked. Why on Earth could they not have put something like that in, instead of having to invent this absurd system?


Of all my characters my bounty hunter is the ONLY one I can get to look even remotely close to how I want it to look. Sith War? Nope, have to win a freakin lottery, same for the inquisitor and my trooper. My Jedi might look decent in one of the multiple brown dye packs I managed to get.


I sure as hell am not going to be waiting for the dyes I want on the GTN either, they will be ridiculously priced because of this bs system.

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I was really disappointed with this Dye system, tbh I was only going to use it once so that by Black Talon's inquisitors robes wouldn't unify every other piece of clothing to purple, but it seems i either have to spend goodness knows how much money on random dye modules, or just wait to find the black-black dye on the GTN and spend an unholy amount of credits for it.
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No need for me to create another thread. This title took the words right out of my mouth. "Customization" turned out to be painfully underwhelming. Beyond mentioning the shameless monetization of the procedure there is no point in stating more other than to say it isn't the greatest disappointment.


The dyes are paired and hard set in primary and secondary roles. I can't even "flip" colours or designate which appears as primary or secondary. I was hopeful that this system would dramatically increase the diversity of appearances by allowing everyone to claim their avatars. Sadly it looks like we will in all probability be wearing the same colour dresses to the prom. Congratulations to the designer for taking drab conformity and transmogrifying it into tacky conformity.

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Sadly it looks like we will in all probability be wearing the same colour dresses to the prom.

And what bothers me is the colors we're getting are largely the same fugly colors I wanted to change in the first place.

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This isn't customization. This is a farce and a seriously disappointing let down of what was being touted as an amazing feature. Thanks for misleading us, yet again. I guess I really shouldn't be surprised. I'm honestly going to ignore this feature, much like collections (since it's broken anyway), and just pretend that all we got in this patch was the Cathar.

How is this customization when all we get are pre-selected colors? I want to color my own armor. I DON'T want to have to pay cartel coins for it, and I want to CHOOSE my color. That's what makes it CUSTOM.

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I think it might work out better if you find the orange-framed (Adaptive) chestpiece or outfit you want your character to stay in, and just upgrade the Armoring, Enhancement, Mod and Augment when needed - then you don't have to worry about losing the dye you chose made the outfit become.


At least, that's how I'm planning to take care of it. Most of the rewarded armor has hoods on them, which I'm not that fond of (I don't want to cover up the nice hairstyles I gave my characters). So, until Adaptive, Hood-less versions come out - any rewarded armors with Modifications in them, I'll just take them out of and sell the outfit piece for more credits to use on items I want.


There are more colors I hope to see in future releases of Dyes: Turquoise, Cyan, Teal, Aqua, Light Purple, Indigo, Light Pink, Magenta, Frost/Ice Blue, and Silver - as Single Color Dyes, and Two-Color Dyes.

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