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Cathar, 2.1 and RotHC. Bioware lied again


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You people are nothing but blatant liars, cheats and scammers. You hyped the whole Rise of the Hut Cartel expansion with we'd be able to see Makeb and play Cathar. Then you drop this Customization update that is purely a money grab since everything in on the cartel market for everyone. Then I read the patch notes and check some things to see you *********** lied to everyone again. You said Cathar would be a playable race with purchase of the expansion then you make the asinine decision that it should be only available on the cartel market for everyone. It's not unlockable in any other way.


I don't know if that decision was made by Bioware or by EA but maybe you people should stop spreading lies to your player base. Show some god damn integrity and be honest with the players. We're the ones paying your salaries and you treat us lit carp, spin lies about stuff and pull bone headed stunts like this. This is why some many game companies are shutting down because you don't give a damn about players. This is just another example in a slew of examples of how you don't give a damn about your players. Thanks for another patch that proved you're a bunch of liars.

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Failure on your part.


Since RotHC has been marketed, NOTHING has said we'd be able to play Cathar.


So in otherwords, they're lying because you are misinformed.


Sorry, that isn't how it works.

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You people are nothing but blatant liars, cheats and scammers. You hyped the whole Rise of the Hut Cartel expansion with we'd be able to see Makeb and play Cathar. Then you drop this Customization update that is purely a money grab since everything in on the cartel market for everyone. Then I read the patch notes and check some things to see you *********** lied to everyone again. You said Cathar would be a playable race with purchase of the expansion then you make the asinine decision that it should be only available on the cartel market for everyone. It's not unlockable in any other way.


I don't know if that decision was made by Bioware or by EA but maybe you people should stop spreading lies to your player base. Show some gosh darn integrity and be honest with the players. We're the ones paying your salaries and you treat us lit carp, spin lies about stuff and pull bone headed stunts like this. This is why some many game companies are shutting down because you don't give a damn about players. This is just another example in a slew of examples of how you don't give a damn about your players. Thanks for another patch that proved you're a bunch of liars.


I do love those raging against their own inability to read and comprehend - please point to where they said Cathar would be a playable race with the purchase of the expansion.

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Failure on your part.


Since RotHC has been marketed, NOTHING has said we'd be able to play Cathar.


So in otherwords, they're lying because you are misinformed.


Sorry, that isn't how it works.


Yes they never said cathar would be released with the expansion, so that is a failure to actually read up on your part. Though it is a rather greedy decision to charge subs who already pay a monthly subscription additional fees in the form of cartel coins.

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I hate to break it to you but before they went f2p they did say the expansion and cathar would be directly tied to each other.


Not that I give a Sh*t bout the cathar or the expasion or f2p.

Edited by RakeshZeal
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I hate to break it to you but before they went f2p they did say the expansion and cathar would be directly tied to each other.


Not that I give a Sh*t bout the cathar or the expasion or f2p.


But it's f2p now. Which means things change.

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I hate to break it to you but before they went f2p they did say the expansion and cathar would be directly tied to each other.


Not that I give a Sh*t bout the cathar or the expasion or f2p.


And yet, after they went F2P -- and since the OFFICIAL announcement of RotHC -- it has been known Cathar were not included.



As far as "paying" extra. You "pay" for 500 CCs with your monthly sub. You get 100 free if you use any type of security key. 1 month and Cathar are INCLUDED in the price you're paying for the sub.

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You said Cathar would be a playable race with purchase of the expansion then you make the asinine decision that it should be only available on the cartel market for everyone.


Please provide a link for this claim. I at least have never heard that the cathars were supposed to be a free part of RoTH.


If you wont be able to porvide such link, you would be the liar, wouldnt you?

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