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Rage build 2.0


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Hello all.

What's your mind about which Rage build is best?


I'm looking in 2 possibilities:




or classic 5-5-36:



Think, first will be greater because of not small offhand bonuse. Or Brutality and Force Lash give more damage?

Edited by ElfarianRUS
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I've done both but prefer the 1st one because I find myself using Slash a decent amount and prefer the extra damage. Rage isn't much of an issue with the quick build to centering and Zen usage.
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If you can't manage your rage / fury without 3 points in enraged slash, you are prioritizing abilities wrong. There is one best spec for PvP for Rage:




The main thing that makes a marauder better than a jugg is the 30% aoe dmg reduction talent. This is why good rated teams only bring marauders - maras can get in there and actually take the aoe damage while putting it out, juggs just die. That and undying rage / cloak is amazing.


Dual wield mastery is nice, but 36% increase on your offhand damage which hits for 300-400 at most, and misses at least half of the time anyway, is not a good use of 3 talent points. The majority of your damage will be from smash, scream, vicious throw, etc.


Strangulate is pointless since force choke does not build stacks now, and it is only used situationally or to help in a 1v1. Points are better spent elsewhere.


For a PvE build, take the 2 points out of Defensive Roll and get 3/3 Enraged Slash. Or, if you have several healers and don't care about taking the extra damage, you can do that in PvP as well. Just keep in mind 2-3 smashers can burst you down now before you can say "Oh Shi-".

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't think you need any points in enraged slash at all. Better put that 1 point into stagger.

Yup. Used to mistakenly run a 3 Enraged Slash build and always had massive rage overflow. So it's either 1 point in stagger, or 1 point in choke.

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If you can't manage your rage / fury without 3 points in enraged slash, you are prioritizing abilities wrong. There is one best spec for PvP for Rage:




The main thing that makes a marauder better than a jugg is the 30% aoe dmg reduction talent. This is why good rated teams only bring marauders - maras can get in there and actually take the aoe damage while putting it out, juggs just die. That and undying rage / cloak is amazing.


Dual wield mastery is nice, but 36% increase on your offhand damage which hits for 300-400 at most, and misses at least half of the time anyway, is not a good use of 3 talent points. The majority of your damage will be from smash, scream, vicious throw, etc.


Strangulate is pointless since force choke does not build stacks now, and it is only used situationally or to help in a 1v1. Points are better spent elsewhere.


For a PvE build, take the 2 points out of Defensive Roll and get 3/3 Enraged Slash. Or, if you have several healers and don't care about taking the extra damage, you can do that in PvP as well. Just keep in mind 2-3 smashers can burst you down now before you can say "Oh Shi-".


That build, aside from the 1 wasted point in enraged slash, is probably the optimal build. But I still think you highly overrate defensive roll. 2-3 smashers on anyone is probably gg (unless they are getting fast, focused heals and guard). Besides smash, the only other aoe that is relevant is orbital/freighter. And even with the points in defensive roll I wouldnt advise people to face tank orbital strikes.


Youll survive longer with endurance augments than you would with power augments too. It doesnt mean its right. Builds that dont take defensive roll do more dps. Rage is a vicious slash spam spec alot of the time. If someone is using assault, when they could be using vicious slash, then they are losing out on alot of dps (depnding on how often this happens throught the wz).


On a target dummy, putting no points into enraged slash, Im sure you can keep rage up infinitely and never have to use an assault.


In a rwz, with changing conditions, dps hard switches, and many breaks in your rotation/priority, it is alot harder to never have to use a rage builder.


If in your parses scream or vicious throw(?) is contributing more than VC to your overall dps, one thing is for sure. That either you or I have no clue how to play a rage spec marauder. Scream is on a moderately long cd. VC is spammable and does comparable damage.


I mean all in all, I agree that the spec you listed is probably the best spec but...It is a dps loss in favor of survivability. Depending on the comp you are facing, a 3 point enraged slash build is better and will ensure rage surplus for the changing conditions and hard switches.


Vicious slash spam to reduce smash cd is what makes the spec as good as it is.


If the only thing they changed about the rage tree was that VC no longer reduced the cd of smash, it would be a crushing blow to the spec.


Vicious slash, which is spammed quite often during the course of a wz, refunding rage on every cast is big in the overall scheme of things. At least for me/the way I play/imo

Edited by LegendaryQuan
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  • 1 month later...

Here is what i have been rolling with lately.




I don't bother with force choke, and go with cloak of rage, as cloak of pain is pretty much free DPS as i use it on cooldown. I also pick up cloak of carnage in the carnage tree, as accuracy is not that useful as my gear gets my force accuracy up to 108% which is more than enough. 105% seems optimal. Then I max out enraged slash.


I am still playing with it, so it is by no means my final build. My survivability is a non issue, i can hold a node solo if need be plenty long enough for help to show up, and I am smart enough to not stand in AOE when avoidable. (thats why i don't bother with defensive roll)

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