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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So much for full custization


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THEY CAN EXPAND on the system once it is in place, do you want to wait 3-4 more patches until they can FULLY implement it OR get some modifications now and more later??


People WHINED SO MUCH about the bugs in "Unify Color to Chest" in beta that they REMOVED it from the game for MONTHS after launch. I would rather they left it in and deal with some armor pieces just not acting right (some still don't) than have them remove it.


I mean seriously, I think BIOWARE could've given you a primary, secondary color set, 500 new hair styles, 17 new races, scalable body types, massive height modifiers and you people would complain about them not adding the ability to scale your feet, hands separately. WOW you people amaze me every freaking day at how much you DEMAND.


This is what I mean. The REAL issue is they have been half-assing stuff from the start with this game! Considering the money spent on development, and the years spent, this game should have been polished. To keep saying, "I would rather they leave the broke stuff in so we can use it," rather than hold it until it works, or taking it out to fix it is just ridiculous. This is not about people complaining about the scale of feet, this is about them giving the least that they can and some people acting like it's a miracle. Hold the dyes until you can give us a decent system.

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