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Star Wars: War of the Dream Teams Rules Clarification Thread

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Ok my ideas for this whole thing...... this is going to be long so every one knows



#1 Resupply: you should gain half of the bonus's you get from planets and suppliers back every turn they should spawn at the planets you get them at suppliers should spawn where you choose when attacking only 10% of what you get from supplier should be able to be sent while defending nothing should stop you from gaining 100% of your suppliers stuff at location.


If you control the ground and enemy controls the space you still get the ground troops because that's what you control but you can not move the troops off the planet because you are cut off.


#2 Maximum troops for having 3 planets should be double starting value for 6 triple 12 quadruple and 24 quintuple no bonus's above 24 (this is done like risk you get more max when you have more planets because you have to spread your troops out more)


I Vote in favor of Tune's proposal on two conditions.


One, Tune (or someone else) should reword/rewrite Section's 1 and 2 for clarity.


Secondly, If I'm clear, we need to posses (our) supply planet (determined by the player) to gain supplier's troops? If so we should have everyone declare their supply planet in the leader, planet, treaty thread. The entry should look like this


 [type] hub- [planet name] (supply)


*numbers in red added for organization sake. I (or Tune himself) will post an organized In-character version of these rules divided into sections (Resupply #1[.1, .2, .3 ect..] and Combat #1[.1, .2 ect] should they be accepted.

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I Vote in favor of Tune's proposal on two conditions.


One, Tune (or someone else) should reword/rewrite Section's 1 and 2 for clarity.


Secondly, If I'm clear, we need to posses (our) supply planet (determined by the player) to gain supplier's troops? If so we should have everyone declare their supply planet in the leader, planet, treaty thread. The entry should look like this


 [type] hub- [planet name] (supply)


*numbers in red added for organization sake. I (or Tune himself) will post an organized In-character version of these rules divided into sections (Resupply #1[.1, .2, .3 ect..] and Combat #1[.1, .2 ect] should they be accepted.


your supply planet isn't necisary by these rules to get your suppliers stuff, I will try to reword the intent is that as long as your supplier is alive you get the bonus's from the supplier to any where you chose while the bonus's you gain from the planets you control should spawn on the planet you gain the bonus's from (ex. Aurb's ship's should spawn and Kuat while the 50 infantry units he gains from San Hill will spawn where ever) though the idea that having to have your econ world to get stuff from supplier is an interesting idea I can make an amendment to add that and I will try to make it more clear.

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your supply planet isn't necisary by these rules to get your suppliers stuff, I will try to reword the intent is that as long as your supplier is alive you get the bonus's from the supplier to any where you chose while the bonus's you gain from the planets you control should spawn on the planet you gain the bonus's from (ex. Aurb's ship's should spawn and Kuat while the 50 infantry units he gains from San Hill will spawn where ever) though the idea that having to have your econ world to get stuff from supplier is an interesting idea I can make an amendment to add that and I will try to make it more clear.


Doesn't have to be your econ world. How bout where ever your supplier is?


Adds a bit of risk, like "Do risk my supplier to reinforce this world, or where do I build up my forces" Gives the supplier an active role.

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Doesn't have to be your econ world. How bout where ever your supplier is?


Adds a bit of risk, like "Do risk my supplier to reinforce this world, or where do I build up my forces" Gives the supplier an active role.


That's actually really interesting I will add that as an amendment if you wish but I really like that Idea your supplier bonus goes where your supplier is my only concern is actually defending I still feel attacking and defending should limit (if attacking) or help (if defending) thus why I have the rule only 10% of suppliers forces can be sent to a place your attacking with no limit to number of troops from supplier to a place where you are defending how do you propose I amend it to make this still possible (also I edited it to try to make it more understandable let me know if anything else needs to be cleared up and thanks for working with me on this.)



Also I purpose another amendment if you lose all of your supply of something (no bonus's from planets or suppliers) you gain 2% of the base amount where you chose (EX. you have no academy but you have a force sensitive troop as elite troops you then gain 10 to this where ever, only 1 may be sent to a place where you are attacking) this way people who lose some of their resources aren't completely crippled.

Edited by tunewalker
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Also I purpose another amendment if you lose all of your supply of something (no bonus's from planets or suppliers) you gain 2% of the base amount where you chose (EX. you have no academy but you have a force sensitive troop as elite troops you then gain 10 to this where ever, only 1 may be sent to a place where you are attacking) this way people who lose some of their resources aren't completely crippled.


I vote for.


I do propose, however, that this 2% is immediately deployable. If you're down that badly, you might as well be allowed to use everything. Besides your government would be in a critical state, they'd mobilize everything they could so it would make sense In-universe as well.


*i'd tack this on as an amendment to your proposed rules. We need to consolidate votes so we don't need the council to vote on a dozen things when they get on.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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I vote for.


I do propose, however, that this 2% is immediately deployable. If you're down that badly, you might as well be allowed to use everything. Besides your government would be in a critical state, they'd mobilize everything they could so it would make sense In-universe as well.


*i'd tack this on as an amendment to your proposed rules. We need to consolidate votes so we don't need the council to vote on a dozen things when they get on.


Ok adding it now but how about the first part how do you purpose the offense and defense portion of the supplier bonus be handled if we change it to supplier troops being added at supplier local.



Another proposition on the 2% thing like your proposed supplier idea but it should be where ever your representative is as some one who has convinced the people you have to step up and defend you.

Edited by tunewalker
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That's actually really interesting I will add that as an amendment if you wish but I really like that Idea your supplier bonus goes where your supplier is my only concern is actually defending I still feel attacking and defending should limit (if attacking) or help (if defending) thus why I have the rule only 10% of suppliers forces can be sent to a place your attacking with no limit to number of troops from supplier to a place where you are defending how do you propose I amend it to make this still possible


Ah, I understand.


Lets try this, Supplier troops work like this,


1. 10% are available offensively assuming the Supplier is with the fleet, (and the rest spawn at the last controlled planet visited by supplier with no immediate usability).

2. Meanwhile the full number are available defensively assuming the supplier is present, essentially providing a defender's bonus and preventing overpowering mobile attack spawns.

3. If supplier is on world not under attack or he/she/it is attacking, then supplier troops are unusable for spawn turn.


for example, If I attacked Kuat and Aurbere's supplier is present, he can use all troops from said supplier defensively,


where as if he attacks me at Ralltiir, he can only bring 10% of his supplier's troops (if he has his supplier with his forces) and the rest spawn back on Kuat like normal.


If my supplier is on Mandalore and nothing is going on, then spawned troops aren't movable until the next turn.


This makes the Supplier a useful siege asset and defense asset however he can't bring too much to bear at once.

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Another proposition on the 2% thing like your proposed supplier idea but it should be where ever your representative is as some one who has convinced the people you have to step up and defend you.


Too complicated for now but file that under *for next time* imo.


edit: on second thought, agreed.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Too complicated for now but file that under *for next time* imo.


edit: on second thought, agreed.


OK going to be adding both in as amendmants will see if I can word to be unconfusing. probably just going to copy paste actualy.



OK all amendment added original is still there but any and all amendmants that are agreed to will immediately override any original's meaning AMENDMANTS>ORIGINAL so long as the amendment is agreed upon.


EDIT: again thanks for this star let me know anything else that can be clarified or what else you think should be amended to make this game more fun interesting or fair.


Edit: I am going to add one more amendment as there is nothing that adds bonus's to uber units the 2% bonus will automatically apply but rather then spawning at the rep's local it spawns at your econ center as it is the place where the wealth of your team is concentrated at.... thus you will gain 1 UBER ground force at your econ center every turn.

Edited by tunewalker
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Totally confused. Which probably means its too complex.


I'm also confused as to why a distinction is being made between supplier troops and other troops. There are no distinctions, you just have troops.


I'm also opposed (if I've interpreted it correctly) to this percentage limit on amount of forces deployed. Not only does it become unnecessarily confusing and complex both visually and in practice when you start flooding the rules with percentages, but it also seems unrealistic. In real combat if you wanted to deploy your entire force, you could. However this would be foolish as it would leave your planets exposed. So I feel restrictions will come naturally, anyone who deploys their entire ground force on one planet is going to start losing their own planets very quickly.


Instead I'd propose the following: we have some sort of fixed garrison for each of our planets which we can decide the nature of for ourselves and can be different for each planet. However once decided these garrisons become fixed and cannot be changed. And if a planet is lost the garrison is lost


Our remaining forces are all stationed at our respective military hubs. These forces can be moved about as we please in any quantity that we desire - restricted only by the amount our ships can carry. Planets can be reinforced with additional forces but these do not count to the overall garrison but are classed as reinforcements and 'separate' therefore.


In terms of resupply, forces are replenished completely after two turns. If you lose your supplier this increase by an additional two turns, an d if you lose your economic or military hub it also increases by two turns. And if you lose your intelligence hub you can no longer perform covert operations - though if you have just completed one such operation and are awaiting your 'reward' you still receive it.


I think this method is far less complex, easier to understand and therefore easier to implement. Thoughts?


EDIT: In terms of capture and loss. If you capture a planet you gain all its bonuses instantly, and if you lose a planet you lose the bonuses it previously gave you.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Totally confused. Which probably means its too complex.


I'm also confused as to why a distinction is being made between supplier troops and other troops. There are no distinctions, you just have troops.


I'm also opposed (if I've interpreted it correctly) to this percentage limit on amount of forces deployed. Not only does it become unnecessarily confusing and complex both visually and in practice when you start flooding the rules with percentages, but it also seems unrealistic. In real combat if you wanted to deploy your entire force, you could. However this would be foolish as it would leave your planets exposed. So I feel restrictions will come naturally, anyone who deploys their entire ground force on one planet is going to start losing their own planets very quickly.


Instead I'd propose the following: we have some sort of fixed garrison for each of our planets which we can decide the nature of for ourselves and can be different for each planet. However once decided these garrisons become fixed and cannot be changed. And if a planet is lost the garrison is lost


Our remaining forces are all stationed at our respective military hubs. These forces can be moved about as we please in any quantity that we desire - restricted only by the amount our ships can carry. Planets can be reinforced with additional forces but these do not count to the overall garrison but are classed as reinforcements and 'separate' therefore.


In terms of resupply, forces are replenished completely after two turns. If you lose your supplier this increase by an additional two turns, an d if you lose your economic or military hub it also increases by two turns. And if you lose your intelligence hub you can no longer perform covert operations - though if you have just completed one such operation and are awaiting your 'reward' you still receive it.


I think this method is far less complex, easier to understand and therefore easier to implement. Thoughts?


EDIT: In terms of capture and loss. If you capture a planet you gain all its bonuses instantly, and if you lose a planet you lose the bonuses it previously gave you.




Let me see if I cant simplify things for you or word it in a way you can understand...... The reason a distinction between supplier troops and planet troops because as this is set up your troops spawn at the location of the planet that gives them a bonus, suppliers are not planets so rather then that they go where your supplier is. You may attack with what ever size force you wish but when you resupply at the end of every turn if the battle is still on going then only a maximum of 10% of our suppliers units may be sent to that location the rest spawn where your supplier was before the fight started. If any one is having a problem with the math just ask me and I promise you I will do it for you.



10% of 10, is 1 (1st number is number of frigs gained if suppier has standard ships, 2nd is number that can be sent to a battle in progress)

10% of 2.5 is .25 (cant be sent) (decimal points represent an unbuilt ships or unfinished vehicles they are their but unable to be moved thus you can never sand yourself more capital ships in the middle of a battle frigs only)

10% of 2500 is 250 (1st number is the number of troops if a supplier can provide bio bonus 2nd is the number that can be sent to battle in progress)

10% of 250 is 25 (1st number is the number of Vehicles gained if supplier has a vehicle bonus 2nd is the number that can be sent to a battle in progress

10% of 50 is 5 (same but for uber wealth bonus/ force user bonus)

10% of 1000 is 100 (same but with droid bonus)


Frontline infantry 2%=200

Elite infantry 2%=10

Infantry killer 2%= 20

LV's 2%=20

HV's 2%=10

UBER 2%=1

Specialist 2%= 10

Medical 2%= 10

Anti vehicle 2%= 5

AA 2%= 20


Frig 2%= 1

Capital 2%= .2 (again decimals represent unfinished ships)\


There %'s all done for every one here if there is one I miss let me know.


I HATE the idea of losing and gaining bonus's for planets your opponent captures while your opponent should gain the resupply and you should lose it, you should not lose any forces that you CURRENTLY have from losing a planet other then the forces that were on the planet.


Also this completely loses any ability for siege, hit an run tactics sitting back and building your forces. Your plan disallows to many strategies that would be viable other wise for me to consider it a good idea so personally on the council or no my imput is that its a bad idea you replenish to fast have nothing implace to build forces above your starting value and seem to say that attacking and defending should be about the same its TO simple and eliminates to many strategies.

Edited by tunewalker
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Let me see if I cant simplify things for you or word it in a way you can understand...... The reason a distinction between supplier troops and planet troops because as this is set up your troops spawn at the location of the planet that gives them a bonus, suppliers are not planets so rather then that they go where your supplier is. You may attack with what ever size force you wish but when you resupply at the end of every turn if the battle is still on going then only a maximum of 10% of our suppliers units may be sent to that location the rest spawn where your supplier was before the fight started. If any one is having a problem with the math just ask me and I promise you I will do it for you.



10% of 10, is 1 (1st number is number of frigs gained if suppier has standard ships, 2nd is number that can be sent to a battle in progress)

10% of 2.5 is .25 (cant be sent) (decimal points represent an unbuilt ships or unfinished vehicles they are their but unable to be moved thus you can never sand yourself more capital ships in the middle of a battle frigs only)

10% of 2500 is 250 (1st number is the number of troops if a supplier can provide bio bonus 2nd is the number that can be sent to battle in progress)

10% of 250 is 25 (1st number is the number of Vehicles gained if supplier has a vehicle bonus 2nd is the number that can be sent to a battle in progress

10% of 50 is 5 (same but for uber wealth bonus/ force user bonus)

10% of 1000 is 100 (same but with droid bonus)


Frontline infantry 2%=200

Elite infantry 2%=10

Infantry killer 2%= 20

LV's 2%=20

HV's 2%=10

UBER 2%=1

Specialist 2%= 10

Medical 2%= 10

Anti vehicle 2%= 5

AA 2%= 20


Frig 2%= 1

Capital 2%= .2 (again decimals represent unfinished ships)\


There %'s all done for every one here if there is one I miss let me know.


I HATE the idea of losing and gaining bonus's for planets your opponent captures while your opponent should gain the resupply and you should lose it, you should not lose any forces that you CURRENTLY have from losing a planet other then the forces that were on the planet.


Also this completely loses any ability for siege, hit an run tactics sitting back and building your forces. Your plan disallows to many strategies that would be viable other wise for me to consider it a good idea so personally on the council or no my imput is that its a bad idea you replenish to fast have nothing implace to build forces above your starting value and seem to say that attacking and defending should be about the same its TO simple and eliminates to many strategies.

But battles won't be ongoing. The are debated in that turn and end in that turn so no resupply will be required. This is necessary for a smooth, orderly debate. If we move on without tying up lose ends chaos will ensue.


And why not the bonus idea? Sure it can be a big loss but people have to lose somehow. If we introduce to many safety nets the war will reach stalemate. It also means we don't have to set up an entirely new system and instead just use the one we have in place - which can be applied to suppliers etc. as well. I mean, how exactly are you going to adjust the %'s when people start gaining and losing planets.


I see your point on your final third paragraph. But I'm not sure how you plan to adjust the %s when people start losing and gaining planets...

Edited by Beniboybling
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But battles won't be ongoing. The are debated in that turn and end in that turn so no resupply will be required.


And why not the bonus idea? Sure it can be a big loss but people have to lose somehow. If we introduce to many safety nets the war will reach stalemate. It also means we don't have to set up an entirely new system and instead just use the one we have in place - which can be applied to suppliers etc. as well. I mean, how exactly are you going to adjust the %'s when people start gaining and losing planets.


I see your point on your final third paragraph. But I'm not sure how you plan to adjust the %s when people start losing and gaining planets...


If you read my loss thread I don't agree with battles all ending in a single turn some battles take longer then others thus the length of the battle should be determined by number of ships and skill of opponents by having battles decided in just one turn hit and fades become impossible again another strat that shoud be viable.


And the percentages never change...... Planets have a set amount that they give based off your bonus's with starting (just half what ever the starting bonus is and that's what you gain for resupply) The other %'s are if you control no planets with something or is talking about deployable supplier units to an attack.


I am using already in place numbers and bonus's to calculate resupply.



Let me see if I can explain again.... if take a place that has a ship yard everyturn I will gain 10 frigs and 2.5 capital ships at that new system I have. the person who used to own it doesn't get that resupply any more because they don't own the planet that the resupply is coming from.

Edited by tunewalker
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If you read my loss thread I don't agree with battles all ending in a single turn some battles take longer then others thus the length of the battle should be determined by number of ships and skill of opponents by having battles decided in just one turn hit and fades become impossible again another strat that shoud be viable.


And the percentages never change...... Planets have a set amount that they give based off your bonus's with starting (just half what ever the starting bonus is and that's what you gain for resupply) The other %'s are if you control no planets with something or is talking about deployable supplier units to an attack.

The tide of battle is still there. These 'debates' aren't just going to be consisted of, you put forward and argument, they put forward an argument. I've hosted my fair share of Kaggath's and I can assure you it is far than hit and fade. We don't have to pause it then come back pause and come back, it can all be done in one sitting I feel.


Nonetheless, I do see the pros of this argument. But how exactly would we choose when the 'pause' the battle and when to 'resume' it?


And finally, you say the %s never change. What if my supplier is assassinated? Or my factory world destroyed. Surely this has some effect on resupply?

Edited by Beniboybling
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The tide of battle is still there. These 'debates' aren't just going to be consisted of, you put forward and argument, they put forward an argument. I've hosted my fair share of Kaggath's and I can assure you it is far than hit and fade. We don't have to pause it then come back pause and come back, it can all be done in one sitting I feel.


Nonetheless, I do see the pros of this argument. But how exactly would we choose when the 'pause' the battle and when to 'resume' it?


And finally, you say the %s never change. What if my supplier is assassinated? Or my factory world destroyed. Surely this has some effect on resupply?


If you lose the supplier you lose the resupply the supplier gives (if you have troops from him already you don't lose them just next turn he will supply nothing, same with the factory world as all the forces come from the worlds any loss of the worlds results in loss of the bonus's you don't lose what you already have from it, it just doesn't give you any more next turn.)


Also I have a loss system in place (did you read the original thread) the argument will be a ratio of how much some one loses and then depending on the scale of the battle council decides how long it would take (1-5 rounds) if nothing changed so if you have a 1:1 ratio and 4 rounds are decided some one has 15 ships and another has 10 then both will lose 2.5 ships (2 ships are destroyed and one is badly damadged) next round comes in we move as usual and if the battle stays on going we decide the ratio again and number of turns again if nothing changes then the 2.5 are lost from both fleets again totally a 5 loss this is just an example its in the origin thread.

Edited by tunewalker
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I don't think battles should take multiple turns. If anything, the space battle will be one turn, the land battle will be another one. But I don't think battles should be taking more than that. Having participating in the Kaggath threads, I can say that taking 'breaks' in the midst of battle is not a wise course. Especially when people are adamant that they are going to win.


Regarding troop losses. That should be handled by the Council. The Council will judge the arguments of each side, along with canon facts to decide a winner, and how many troops they lose.


Also, when a world is lost, the previous owner should no longer receive the bonuses it provided. They no longer own that world, thus they should not receive benefits from it.

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I don't think battles should take multiple turns. If anything, the space battle will be one turn, the land battle will be another one. But I don't think battles should be taking more than that. Having participating in the Kaggath threads, I can say that taking 'breaks' in the midst of battle is not a wise course. Especially when people are adamant that they are going to win.


Regarding troop losses. That should be handled by the Council. The Council will judge the arguments of each side, along with canon facts to decide a winner, and how many troops they lose.


Also, when a world is lost, the previous owner should no longer receive the bonuses it provided. They no longer own that world, thus they should not receive benefits from it.




Yes troop loss will be handled by the council the proposition put forth in regards to loss if the person is saying they will win then the ratio changes in their favor (2:1) the ratio is a representation of the person who "wins" the argument and by the degree that they won.



...... no one has actually read the thread....... all of these concerns are in it..... if you don't control the world you don't gain the resupply the world provides..... this is in the original thread.....



Honostly this debate should pause till you guys go back and read the thread I have all of this in place.

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If you lose the supplier you lose the resupply the supplier gives (if you have troops from him already you don't lose them just next turn he will supply nothing, same with the factory world as all the forces come from the worlds any loss of the worlds results in loss of the bonus's you don't lose what you already have from it, it just doesn't give you any more next turn.)


Also I have a loss system in place (did you read the original thread) the argument will be a ratio of how much some one loses and then depending on the scale of the battle council decides how long it would take (1-5 rounds) if nothing changed so if you have a 1:1 ratio and 4 rounds are decided some one has 15 ships and another has 10 then both will lose 2.5 ships (2 ships are destroyed and one is badly damadged) next round comes in we move as usual and if the battle stays on going we decide the ratio again and number of turns again if nothing changes then the 2.5 are lost from both fleets again totally a 5 loss this is just an example its in the origin thread.

I read the original thread, and I'm not going to lie but I did not understand a word of it. :o


Anyway, concerning this ratio thing. In most scenarios its going to be a total loss for the loser given that the winner has a space and ground advantage any remaining forces will likely be decimated. Although this won't always happen I'm just making it clear.

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Alright, I've seen Tune's and Beni's proposals. While I support Tune over Beni, I can see Beni's issue with complexity.


I hereby propose this organized rule set (for Resupply only) based on a simplified hybrid of Beni and Tune's rules as well as my own positions on the matter.



Section 1 - Resupply

1.1 Basic Functions- Each turn, half of what a player began with (see This thread) is returned to the player. These forces spawn at their Military Hub. Using the movement rules listed here troops may be deployed at the player's discretion.

-------1.1.2 Forces Cap- Maximum troop caps (including starting planets):

Your forces have a maximum cap based on the number of planets you have.

For control of 3 planets allows you to have a maximum double your starting value.

Control of 6 planets allows you to have a maximum triple your starting value.

Control of 12 planets allows you to have a maximum of quadruple your starting value.

Control of 24 planets allows you to have a maximum of quintuple your starting value.

No maximum bonus beyond controlling 24 planets

1.2 Ships-Ships may spawn at a shipyard controlled by the player.

1.3 Suppliers- If a supplier is outside one turn reach of the Military Hub and on a planet controlled by the player, spawned troops may be sent to the supplier instead.

-------1.3.2 Sub-rule- Ships may only spawn to supplier if the player controls both the space and the ground.

1.4 Garrisons- A player's garrison is mandatory. When they place a garrison on a planet, it is permanent. This garrison is bolstered by local support and fortification, giving it a defenders advantage that will factor into any decision made by the council. Minimum 100 troops per planet. Players can also have stationed troops that can move to other planets but get no defensive advantages.


Section 2 - Combat

(as relating to Resupply)

2.1 Ground Spawned Reinforcements- If an enemy controls the space over a planet, no reinforcements can reach the surface

2.2 Naval Spawned Reinforcements- If an enemy controls the ground, naval reinforcements may still spawn if the player controls the shipyards per 1.2 and 1.3/1.3.2

-------2.2.2 Sub-rule- These ship must spawn at the main shipyard.

2.3 Supplier- Rule 2.1 does not apply for grounds troops if the supplier is present on the surface.


Section 3 - Conquest

(as relating to Resupply)

3.1 Basic Functions- Upon conquering an opponent's world, the player gains full use of all facilities (Factories, Population, Academies, Economy) to add to their forces resupply at half the value originally listed here

3.2 Shipyards- Captured Shipyards do not require capture of the ground to be benefited from. They do however follow rules 1.2 and 1.3/1.3.2

3.3 Conquest Cap- A player can only receive Resupply (including bonuses) from 12 planets. They may, however pick and choose what planets to be resupplied from. Planetary bonuses gain this way must follow rules set here


Reposted so ya'll don't have to dig for it


*Troop placement is still being decided


*rules written in darker color text to allow for easier reading.


I'd like your official votes on this proposed Reupply/conquest/garrison rule-set. Aurbere and Sel I need your votes on sections 1.3 and 2.3 (combined) in particular.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Alright, I've seen Tune's and Beni's proposals. While I support Tune over Beni, I can see Beni's issue with complexity.


I hereby propose this organized rule set (for Resupply only) based on a simplified hybrid of Beni and Tune's rules as well as my own positions on the matter.



Section 1 - Resupply

1.1 Basic Functions- Each turn, half of what a player began with (see This thread) is returned to the player. These forces spawn at their Military Hub. Using the movement rules listed here troops may be deployed at the player's discretion.

1.2 Ships-Ships may spawn at either the Military Hub or a shipyard controlled by the player. If an opponent controls the ground of a planet with a shipyard, the ships will spawn at the Military Hub from which they may be moved based on the movement rules.

1.3 Suppliers- If a supplier is outside one turn reach of the Military Hub and on a planet controlled by the player, spawned troops may be sent to the supplier instead.

-------1.3.2 Sub-rule- Ships may only spawn to supplier if the player controls both the space and the ground.

1.4 Garrisons- A player's garrison is optional. Should they place a garrison on a planet, it is permanent. This garrison is bolstered by local support and fortification, giving it a defenders advantage that will factor into any decision made by the council.


Section 2 - Combat

(as relating to Resupply)

2.1 Ground Spawned Reinforcements- If an enemy controls the space over a planet, no reinforcements can reach the surface

2.2 Naval Spawned Reinforcements- If an enemy controls the ground, naval reinforcements may still spawn if the player controls the shipyards per 1.2 and 1.3/1.3.2

-------2.2.2 Sub-rule- These ship must spawn at the Military Hub.

2.3 Supplier- Rule 2.1 does not apply for grounds troops if the supplier is present on the surface.


Section 3 - Conquest

(as relating to Resupply)

3.1 Basic Functions- Upon conquering an opponent's world, the player gains full use of all facilities (Factories, Population, Academies, Economy) to add to their forces resupply at half the value originally listed here

3.2 Shipyards- Captured Shipyards do not require capture of the ground to be benefited from. They do however follow rules 1.2 and 1.3/1.3.2


If anyone wants to add something you may propose it, just be wary of making things complicated.


*rules written in darker color text to allow for easier reading.


This is almost what I have in place as is the only thing that I am concerned with that mine took into account is that there is no max cap on troops listed here so some one could effectively get 10x's the number of forces they started with if they are left alone that's to much a limit to max needs to be in place.... also does any one think the Plot Armor rule should be allowed as layed out thus allowing your command staff to be more prominent in battles.... I just fear over simplified rules with things being to simple the creativity of people in how they conduct the war is completely lost .... I don't want this thing to be over with quickly it should be a thread that goes on for along time just look how long the rules are taking to set up.



Also no rule for hit and fades or siege war scares me (again something my plan would allow for).

Edited by tunewalker
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. I just fear over simplified rules with things being to simple the creativity of people in how they conduct the war is completely lost .... I don't want this thing to be over with quickly it should be a thread that goes on for along time just look how long the rules are taking to set up.


This is only the first time we're doing this. We can always do it again. For a first time we really should have it be simple and add new rules next time. As I have said previously, when its all done and over with I'll start a feedback thread so observers and players can tell us what they liked, didn't like, and what could be done better.


I will however include a cap on conquest Resupply.

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This is only the first time we're doing this. We can always do it again. For a first time we really should have it be simple and add new rules next time. As I have said previously, when its all done and over with I'll start a feedback thread so observers and players can tell us what they liked, didn't like, and what could be done better.


I will however include a cap on conquest Resupply.


edited above to voice more concerns as they came to me..... I almost feel a over all cap still needs to be there as I under stand it end of turn 1 If you have done nothing you will have 1.5 your starting value.... 5 turns later its 6 times your starting value and only going up if you have conquered nothing you don't have the space to hold that much of anything.

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edited above to voice more concerns as they came to me..... I almost feel a over all cap still needs to be there as I under stand it end of turn 1 If you have done nothing you will have 1.5 your starting value.... 5 turns later its 6 times your starting value and only going up if you have conquered nothing you don't have the space to hold that much of anything.


I think the unit numbers you start with should be the cap. This would prevent camping.

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