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Using Maul without the proc (PvP)


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Are people really this fortunate to not have to mess with even a decent heal-strong team? If so you should savor your luck. In a game with single digit total deaths on one/both side it usually looks like this. You attack a healer and look for stuff to interrupt, except he never has to cast any reasonably interruptible heals. Sometimes his health might look like it goes below 70%, but it's most likely a mirage and if you blink at the wrong time, it's going back up to 100%. In such a game you might do 1 million damage, but you'll see a healer heal for 2 million damage and still have plenty in the tank. If it's an Op he'd heal for that amount while having 80% of his energy at all times, while 1 million damage is clearly the limit of your damage potential (if you could do more you'd have done more). Often environmental hazards (Pylon explosion, Huttball fire trap) accounts for more kills in such a game than all the DPS on both sides put together. In such a game your standard rotation is completely meaningless. While mauling someone 3 times is almost certainly not going to work, it has (your crit %)^3 chance of being extremely lucky and maybe you'll see a healer's health dip below 50% for longer than 2 seconds, and then someone might actually be able to do something to kill that healer. Most likely not, but it's better than "I think I saw that healer's health went under 70% but it's probably just a mirage." Edited by Astarica
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Yes, I have been in games with 3-4 healers and its quite difficult to bring one down with cross healing but their team is not killing anything either. You will not be facing these types of teams all the time and you make it out that healers are unkillable.


Deception is a healer killer, that's my roll in ranked is to find the top healer and be glued to their hip. Once I get them under 50% its a simple "switch to star" and bam, one dead healer.

Edited by cycao
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How do you get someone to 50% who can casually heal for twice of your DPS in the first place? Yes it happens at some point because the healer may fall asleep or make some seriously bad mistakes but it simply doesn't happen very often if the other side is at all decent. Just look at any of the screenshots of people healing for 2 million or more out there. A Deception Assassin isn't going to come anywhere close to 2 million damage no matter how hard you try to pad your DPS, and the guys healing for 2 million often have plenty left in the tank while doing so. But you're seriously thinking you can somehow get a guy who can heal twice of your DPS casually, and is likely guarded, to 50%?


Part of the problem that exacerbrates the current heal-strong metagame is that most DPS are still in denial thinking they can kill healers. Yes you can still kill bad healers, but even that is getting increasingly difficult. DPS, as a whole, is becoming fairly irrelevent in the current enviornment and your best use is often the fact that you can spend your whole time capping an objective without any harm to your team because you were never going to kill anyone to begin with, while the opposing side's healer at least has to consider the possibility of getting killed if he's capping instead of healing.

Edited by Astarica
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