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Single saber Marauders


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Why would you gimp yourself by playing a single saber Marauder? Several of your skills won't even work. If you want to play a single saber Sith Warrior. then go for a Juggernaut.


My believe is that Darth Vader is a Juggernaut anyways :)

Edited by SandsOfArrakis
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if they make a cover offhand saber that be awesome cause i do i like to play my DPS jugg more than my mara cause of the single saber but don't get to that often since my guild perfer my mara
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Good news, these already exist in-game! They are called "Juggernauts."




Yes but isn't it that a DPS Jugg hasn't got the DPS of a Marauder?


I simply meant that if you watch the movies 1-3 Anakin and Obi-Wan certainly look like they are dealing out some serious DPS with a single saber wearing light to medium armour - and the one saber look is iconic.


So I simply imagined a Marauder with a combat generator in their off hand and with its key abilities single saber only.

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Yes but isn't it that a DPS Jugg hasn't got the DPS of a Marauder?


I simply meant that if you watch the movies 1-3 Anakin and Obi-Wan certainly look like they are dealing out some serious DPS with a single saber wearing light to medium armour - and the one saber look is iconic.


So I simply imagined a Marauder with a combat generator in their off hand and with its key abilities single saber only.


DPS Juggs do just fine in both PVP and PVE. Maras can do slightly higher sustained in PVE, but it's not enough to exclude Juggs on a DPS basis.

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Yes but isn't it that a DPS Jugg hasn't got the DPS of a Marauder?


I simply meant that if you watch the movies 1-3 Anakin and Obi-Wan certainly look like they are dealing out some serious DPS with a single saber wearing light to medium armour - and the one saber look is iconic.


So I simply imagined a Marauder with a combat generator in their off hand and with its key abilities single saber only.


Most DPS ACs are on relatively even footing. It's not perfect, but skill difference between players is going to have more impact than design differences between ACs.


Both Anakin and Obi-Wan are Jedi Guardians. Remember that the movie continuity and the expanded universe are considered separate, so canon in one is not necessarily canon in the other. The Jedi are never seen wearing significant armor in Lucas' movie continuity, and even if they were the same canon, there's no reason to believe that tactics and customs would be the same across 4000 years' worth of time.


Obi-Wan was *the* poster child for Soresu, and Anakin/Darth Vader usually favored Shien (or Djem So, which is the same form). Both, conveniently, are available to Jedi Guardians.


A Marauder with a combat generator in its offhand and its key abilities single-saber only is called a Vengeance or Rage Juggernaut.


Edit: And with adaptive armor, there's no reason that you can't build what you'd consider an iconic look for any character. Keep in mind, however, that characters in general seem wear more bulky body armor in the KOTOR/TOR timeframe than they do later on in the movies.

Edited by Omophorus
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Most DPS ACs are on relatively even footing. It's not perfect, but skill difference between players is going to have more impact than design differences between ACs.


Both Anakin and Obi-Wan are Jedi Guardians. Remember that the movie continuity and the expanded universe are considered separate, so canon in one is not necessarily canon in the other. The Jedi are never seen wearing significant armor in Lucas' movie continuity, and even if they were the same canon, there's no reason to believe that tactics and customs would be the same across 4000 years' worth of time.


Obi-Wan was *the* poster child for Soresu, and Anakin/Darth Vader usually favored Shien (or Djem So, which is the same form). Both, conveniently, are available to Jedi Guardians.


A Marauder with a combat generator in its offhand and its key abilities single-saber only is called a Vengeance or Rage Juggernaut.


Edit: And with adaptive armor, there's no reason that you can't build what you'd consider an iconic look for any character. Keep in mind, however, that characters in general seem wear more bulky body armor in the KOTOR/TOR timeframe than they do later on in the movies.


Many thanks :) I get your points, they were very well made.


I want to like the vengeance Jugg bit from the talent tree it appears that it's damage is partly made from bleed affects. And for some reason I really don't like that! It's why my marauder uses the tree that gives you Ataru form (sorry for spelling) ie fast moving attacks.


I might try out the Jugg vengeance spec though. I presume I should just mod it with might mods etc?


Many thanks!

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Many thanks :) I get your points, they were very well made.


I want to like the vengeance Jugg bit from the talent tree it appears that it's damage is partly made from bleed affects. And for some reason I really don't like that! It's why my marauder uses the tree that gives you Ataru form (sorry for spelling) ie fast moving attacks.


I might try out the Jugg vengeance spec though. I presume I should just mod it with might mods etc?


Many thanks!


My spec of choice is Vengeance Yes, there are bleeds. However, the bleeds generally augment the damage of my main attacks instead of being the main focus. Vengeance has a lot of very "strong" and "weighted" attacks. And there are a few that hit quite hard as well.

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My spec of choice is Vengeance Yes, there are bleeds. However, the bleeds generally augment the damage of my main attacks instead of being the main focus. Vengeance has a lot of very "strong" and "weighted" attacks. And there are a few that hit quite hard as well.


I shall give it a go! If you don't wear adaptive armour should you always gear with heavy armour? Presumably so. And I presume the mods should be marauder style might ones? I guess examining the endgame Op gear will give me a good guide on gearing strategies!

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Yes, Veng is a very nice dps spec, and the bleeds are just a bonus, not a focus for it. (That would be anni.) Gearing wise, it is heavy/adaptive armor, and mods should be Might, just as a mara would use. End game armor for juggs had far more of the hooded looks, anyways. Was always a point of contention for maras, as we were stuck with the cyborg look and wanted the hoods.
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Yes, Veng is a very nice dps spec, and the bleeds are just a bonus, not a focus for it. (That would be anni.) Gearing wise, it is heavy/adaptive armor, and mods should be Might, just as a mara would use. End game armor for juggs had far more of the hooded looks, anyways. Was always a point of contention for maras, as we were stuck with the cyborg look and wanted the hoods.


Many thanks!

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Bioware have made it quite clear that they want every style to be recognised by the weapon you wield.


Yep I know, it's just a shame that this is because of PvP where you need to recognise what class(es) you are facing, so you can work out a strategy, immediately.


I knpw they Jugg has DPS but after having player a Guardian past 50 (defence) many of the abilities are to do with the control that a tank needs, even if you spec DPS.


I'd just like to see the focus on DPS and only DPS that a Nara has but with a single saber, only.

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