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Is Annihilation bad now?


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Been gone a while from my Mara since around 1.2. I used to play Annihilation and do great in Wzs. I see alot more people specing Carnage or Rage and almost no one playing Anni anymore, has its days of pvp usefulness come and gone?
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Anni can still do good with a good enough player but there a few downsides to the spec that make it less desirable then the other 2.

1. healers have got a lot better and know to cleanse the dots. They also got buffed to crap in 2.0

2. crit nerfs = less annihilate crits = less anni burst (both other trees have auto crit attacks) not to mention less self heals

3. self heal nerf in 1.5 (I think?) = less survivability

4. Some buffs to classes in 2.0 make anni get kited alot more. The other 2 trees have always been less prone to being kited but it really shows with some of the other class buffs (bhs etc)

5. ramp up time, this spec takes 6 attacks to reach 6 stacks of juyo and takes 40 seconds roughly to get 4 stacks of annihilate. Stuns easily lock out your annihilate buffs.

6. The burst is lacking compared to the other trees, the single target dmg is GREAT (its an amazing pve spec) but the burst is not as much and can be easily healed through even without your dots being cleansed.


This isnt to say the spec is totally horrible in pvp i think it can still destroy random bad pugs but against a premade or in rwz the gameplay of anni just wont work (and tbh never really has carnage/rage has always been a better choice there)

Oh and for the record i LOVE anni i played it as my main spec since launch until just before self heals where nerfed in 1.5 (i think? i played it even after smash got buffed) then i switched to carnage but even then for a while i'd switch between carnage/anni depending on my mood. After 2.0 its been pretty much exclusively carnage its probably the best healer killing spec for maras and offers great team utility which i enjoy about the spec. Also its slightly less faceroll after 2.0 then before where it was a bit boring (IMO now i got to be on my toes a bit to keep track of all the procs).

Edited by AngusFTW
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