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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sith Marauder Carnage or Rage?


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So ive read through the specs and im torn between Carnage and Rage so i feel like im going to like C alot more than R but the only thing is R has those many basic power and skill boosts and I would prolly hate the thing i heard about the having to be looking for execute so im torn cuz im stuck between the more paying attention carnage or the as they say "noobish monkey" more basic user friendly spec, also what are each of those 2 specs best for opinions would be great thx!!!
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I love Carnage, its so much fun and so bursty. Things just melt under my sabers. I tried Rage post 2.0 for all of about 10 minutes before I got sick of it.


Rage seems a lot more rotation based while Carnage is a messy priority system but when the procs line up its insane. I do love me 9 seconds and 7 abilities with 100% armor penetration.

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Both specs are pretty straightforward. Rage is leap in, Smash, press a bunch of buttons until you can Smash again. Carnage is leap in, Gore, press a bunch of buttons until you can Gore again (yay Slaughter proc.)


Of course I'm simplifying things, but neither spec is difficult to play. Rage will pull higher numbers and in PvE clear trash easier because of AoE. Carnage, if you don't have framerate or latency issues, is very fast paced and fun and the animations are sexy. I like Carnage more when Raidcall isn't making me lag, because its 1v1 ability is far better. You can potentially 100-0 someone in about 6 seconds.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The thing I'm trying to figure out is if rage is capable of keeping pace with anni and carnage in single target PvE now. There are a lot of conflicting reports with nobody putting up actual hard numbers for anyone to sift through. If rage is able to keep up with the other two in single target, its ridiculous AoE winds up being an added bonus on top of something that's already astounding. But if it still lags behind single target? I'll probably wind up as annihilation again.
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Rage follows a pretty easy rotation. Leap/Obliderate > Battering > Crush > Smash (3 stacks of Shockwave) > Scream > Ravage > Rage Building/Attacks to Dump rage (depending on how much rage you have left over) > What you didnt do in the previous slot to fill time waiting for smash and Scream CD > Repeat Rotation


The ability to leap at any range < 10 Meters is a godsend for marauder. it helps keep the gap closed in PvP and it keeps our DPS up in PvE because it procs the free Scream AND Crit smash. some people may call you a "noobsmash" or "lolsmash" but dont worry. Gearing correctly and such will keep you in the competetion. Rage needs alot of Surge and Power to fuel their Crit Smashes, having 20% crit can help too because Force Scream critting is kinda handy (force AND Melee crit should be ~20%).


I just recently went from Anni to rage and i love the simple rotation that isnt hard to follow. There is ONE downside to the rotation. enemy Movement, If the enemy moves outside your smash area and you leap with either leap to them your rotation goes out the window. if you have to leap when your in the Smash OR Scream part your rotation should be auto put to the bottom part where you Build/Dump rage till your Crush, Leap/Obliderate, Smash, AND Scream CD's are all complete. That's the one downside to the rotation and playstyle of Rage.

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