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Major continuity error (Trooper Act 1 spoilers)


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Okay, so in Trooper Act 1, at various points on Coruscant and especially at the finale, you find out Tavus and the others in Havoc Squad defected because, due to the Treaty of Coruscant, they were left behind on Ando Prime, and they were forced to find their own way off. This is countered by the Threat of Peace comics, which shows a then-Lieutenant Tavus with Orgus Din during the Sacking of Coruscant–on Coruscant, not Ando Prime. What is the explanation for this?
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Simple really; The two events happened seperately. Possibly even years apart. Ando Prime occured AFTER the Sacking, soon after the start of the Cold War.


Oh, did it? I was sure it said the reason they were abandoned was because of the Treaty.

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Oh, did it? I was sure it said the reason they were abandoned was because of the Treaty.


Tavus blames the Treaty not as a sort of direct "they signed it leaving us immediately unsupported as a result" but more of a "we were doing something that violated it anyway, and when we ran the risk of being exposed, the Republic cut us off, rather than risk being seen as breaking it".


That's the assumption I was always under, at least. The Trooper story doesn't really bother going into much detail, so I suppose it could be the other way, but my way seems to make more sense, at least.

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Tavus blames the Treaty not as a sort of direct "they signed it leaving us immediately unsupported as a result" but more of a "we were doing something that violated it anyway, and when we ran the risk of being exposed, the Republic cut us off, rather than risk being seen as breaking it".


That's the assumption I was always under, at least. The Trooper story doesn't really bother going into much detail, so I suppose it could be the other way, but my way seems to make more sense, at least.


Agreed. I always thought that the Ando Prime mission happened during the cold war, in knowing violation of the treaty, and the Republic only started disapproving when it looked like the mission was going to be exposed.

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In addition to what has been said, I don't think the "Threat of Peace" comics are canon. There are too many things which don't make sense when compared to the game. For example, Satele is a padawan in the comics, and she is also a padawan in the Hope trailer. (which would make her a padawan for over 28 years)



Edit: As said below, I meant the Return trailer.

Edited by Maaruin
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In addition to what has been said, I don't think the "Threat of Peace" comics are canon. There are too many things which don't make sense when compared to the game. For example, Satele is a padawan in the comics, and she is also a padawan in the Hope trailer. (which would make her a padawan for over 28 years)

"Hope" took place 14 years before the treaty was signed. Long time, but still not that unreasonable. You're thinking of "Return".


I think that she's been retroactively said by the Old Republic Encyclopedia to have become a Knight sometime in the 3670s, making her relationship with Dar'Nala in Threat of Peace more like Anakin and Obi-Wan's in Revenge of the Sith (or Kira and the Hero's relationship after the end of Chapter 1).

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