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What do you consider a successful run?


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successful is no one dying due to me - if they're dumb.. like getting knocked off of ledges or bridges, or standing in fire, or not getting out of a boss' cleave or ignoring the mechanics of a fight then if i keep them up it's a bonus but I don't feel like I failed by not saving them from their fail.


I can keep a group up when they do right, and can usually keep them up when one person brain farts. What I can't do is keep them up if they insist on taking 9k damage every second standing in a puddle they shouldn't stand in, or eating a 45,000 damage cleave they shouldn't be in front of.


also if the boss enrages then the healers did our jobs.. the dps did not do theirs.

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One of the must fun was before 2.0 a EC Pug, where we pulled 3 mobs at begining 2 @ a time, and we pulled thru with no wipes.

I get bored in perfect games (Im kind of ovegeared for most content). So I have been runing a DPS 1st /Heals 2nd Hybrid in most HM 55 FPs, to feel the heat. I consider a good run where I do good DPS and everyone in the group still survives. Sometimes barely but we are all left standing. I do have to admit I have trouble when someone does something they shouldn't to top them off again, but it's a fun challenge.

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I never feel 'successful run' on my healer.

did tank had to use his cooldowns? so what, maybe he's under geared and mobs do hit hard.

dps died? maybe that muppet used group taunt to 'save the tank' (who just used def CD lol).

I died? maybe.. ah wait, that doesnt happen, I'm an operative :rak_03:


on my tank or dps, I do get that feeling (if I kept threat nice against two marauders who just refuse to attack same target) , but healer? it's dependent on the team and nothing more to it.


only moments when I'm proud of my self, is when I save pull with flash bangs (so I have few seconds to heal with less dmg), CC switch (when dps/tank breaks one droid and I quickly target-cc another droid which is to far away for them to break it).

Amaizing healing? that's my job, nothing 'successful' about it. always have to keep it up.

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In a good pug? No one dies. In a bad pug? I don't die. :p sad, I know, but repairs are expensive and I will do my absolute best to keep everyone alive...but sometimes that doesn't happen. I am happy when I can get through abysmal pugs without dying once.


Generally, assuming an average pug, it's successful if I can get some dps in rather than play catchup on healing. If I can throw some lightning around it means that people aren't standing in aoes, he tank is managing his CDs adequately, threat is being controlled, and I haven't had to spam heal my heart out and toast my Force reserves.

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