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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Orange shells - how do they work?

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'Necro' = Necromancy the dark art of returning the dead back to life. In this case a thread/topic that was last active nearly 6 months ago :)

No big deal, 6 months is not that big a time. I've seen people reply in other game forums (not looking at the post date after a search), correcting the OP on an issue where the issue was resolved in a patch 5+ years ago.


Impressed that some try and keep companion gear matching, all my companions tend to get orange gear, but my Troopers 'Havoc' squad looks more like the Dirty Dozen or Dad's Army than an Elite killing outfit.... I'm not spending more money on them. They get any junk I no longer want, or random drops that are vaguely suitable :D

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Problem is: I'm a casual player with a family who needs my attention. I can only devote a decent chunk of time to play in the evening after putting everyone to bed - and even then I end up cutting into my own sleep time if i go late. I don't care for PVP, and can hardly find time for OPs or Flashpoints. So I don't expect to ever see Elite or Ultimate gear. I am getting my classic and basic commendations from dailies and story quests, and that is probably the best I'll see.


I'm really only here for the story, dailies get redundant (didn't I kill this guy yesterday?) but that does not mean I don't want good gear to make it all easier. Maybe in hopes that someday I can knock off these flashpoints I have in my quest log.


Here's another question tho', to follow the first - assuming I'll get enough commendations to suit myself up and have extra, can I buy gear for my companions (Like Kira) and rip out the armor/mods/enhancements and put them in my companion's orange gear too?


FYI: My main character is a Sentinel if that helps.


(Oh, and what is a Necro?)


To answer your question, YES! You can totally gear up your companions by buying Comm gear and ripping out the mods.


I understand your plight re. time available to play the game. For what you're doing, Basic Comm gear will be more than enough.

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IE Could I keep the first orange sabre I get right through the game wjile upgrading it periodically?

many thanks.

Ok I have a friend that has done that she still have her first saber she was givein on the starting planet for jedi now she is a 55th level Sent and still rocking the same saber but with 69 mods and such in it ;)
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