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Ode to Infamous


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Pretty much, tbh I dunno why I haven't gone back to wow again, arenas are 1000x better and actually require....skill?-ish This game is faceroll + glitches + more faceroll.


Pretty true half of the players don't know how to interupt a hard cast and will just try and faceroll you down by spamming abilities because they know it can be done. Wow was a lot more balanced as far as the dps classes went they were realtively all on par with one another.

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I always thought corner-capping was classified as exploiting. I'm not talking sneaking back onto the wall to LOS people, but straight up sticking yourself so far into the corner you're barely visible to someone staring straight at you. There's a difference between "ninja skills" and "utilizing" programming bugs to cap while hidden in a wall. I know there are those who will say "it's all part of the game" but they're poo poo heads, so they're wrong (that's right, I went second grade on y'all).


It is considering exploiting because they are abusing a bug in the system. Only body type 1 and 2s can execute this effectively. They basically shove themselves so far into the corner that even their name plate isn't visible. So either A you need to be staring at the corner or B you'll get corner capped. If you aren't staring at the corner the reaction time between when you here the "click" that someone is capping and when you interrupt the cap will be longer than usual as well.


Many players do it across many guilds so to ask them to all stop is unrealistic. The only thing I hope for is Bioware sees this issue and corrects it. Just like they didn't want people climbing over walls in civil war to get to mid easily. Or the first room in voidstar, changes can be made to established maps.

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I would love to see data on how often guardians get teleported back after leaping vs. how often sorcs get rubberbanded back through fadeout, because the latter is 100% replicable on demand. Usually happens multiple times in a warzone too, though most of the time I can keep it down to manageable levels with proper timing, preserving most of my fadeout for its intended use.


Been that way for months.


And we get to deal with this, which is precisely why that rubberbanding is there, and why it will never be fixed...


It's impacting us alot more than the guardians missing a leap being the target of leaps and knowing it's coming I couldn't tell you the last time I saw someone attempt a leap and had them not be there swinging away. I have a guardian and a Jugg and have not been effected by bounce back . The only exception is Huttball where once in a great while if I leap to someone they maybe on a ledge(fall off the eldge and may bounce around a little) but I haven't leapt to someone and then been yanked back unless someone pulled me or I was cc'd just after starting the leap.


Also I knew what you were doing Scyn I was just trolling you and it worked :cool:


I haven't seen Kylen do anything that wasn't in the realm of his class he sometimes will use his vanish ability at a near death time and then pop out after his HoT has rolled and go for a cap if I hit him his cap stops.


If anyone was hit for 30+k by another player they should report said person.


Desi your right to be upset with the Rubberband effect because it does affect us to a greater degree that non sorc/sages know becuase they don't play the class sometimes they can't understand how badly we are affected by it . I see someone flying in the air and I want to move out so they don't get a smash off before I can sprint away and due to this bug it often is the difference in us taking a big hit. We could avoid a lot of pressue if this was working correctly.

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I've only ever noticed an attempted leap to me fail in huttball, when I'm on a catwalk and a knight/warrior tries to leap from below. Sometimes they'll leap "short" and fall off the ledge.


Same thing can happen to the guy I'm trying to pull with my extricate.


Strange how I can sometimes LOS harpoons because of their delay but I've never ever been able to LOS a leap because it will rubberband me back lol. (The harpoon will only pull me back about a meter into the wall that I just took cover behind in such a case.) Why should it be easier for me to counter a gap closer that has over twice the cooldown of leap, than it is for me to counter leap itself? Not to mention that a bunch of knights run around with a SECOND leap as well... :rolleyes:


I should also clarify for Desi: I identify complaining about the rubberbanding as QQ simply because the complaining is ineffective and will almost certainly never actually result in a fix, not because I feel it is unworthy of addressing. I just don't believe the complaints will ever be heard/cared about by the same devs who admit to playing warriors and benefiting from the bugs.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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I've only ever noticed an attempted leap to me fail in huttball, when I'm on a catwalk and a knight/warrior tries to leap from below. Sometimes they'll leap "short" and fall off the ledge.


Same thing can happen to the guy I'm trying to pull with my extricate.


Strange how I can sometimes LOS harpoons because of their delay but I've never ever been able to LOS a leap because it will rubberband me back lol. (The harpoon will only pull me back about a meter into the wall that I just took cover behind in such a case.) Why should it be easier for me to counter a gap closer that has over twice the cooldown of leap, than it is for me to counter leap itself? Not to mention that a bunch of knights run around with a SECOND leap as well... :rolleyes:


I should also clarify for Desi: I identify complaining about the rubberbanding as QQ simply because the complaining is ineffective and will almost certainly never actually result in a fix, not because I feel it is unworthy of addressing. I just don't believe the complaints will ever be heard/cared about by the same devs who admit to playing warriors and benefiting from the bugs.


Again I agree with you that something needs to be changed as this wasn't nearly as problematic before. The same could be said about scamper. The animation is retarded for basically anyone but the scoundrel/operative. However sad to say I don't think we will ever get a fix for either of these issues.


Also I knew what you were doing Scyn I was just trolling you and it worked :cool:


Sure you did :rolleyes:

Edited by xContex
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Kylen is very good at corner-capping and things like that. But that's not cheating IMO, I classify it as "ninja skills" in spite of the fact that I have no idea how to do it.


i'm pretty sure kylen doesn't know how to properly "corner-cap". he may go into stealth, pop out and be inconspicuous as possible but i've never seen him inside the wall like i have seen others.


i've only actually seen one person do the corner-cap... "perfectly". it was a female operative. i could target but not see nameplate and my direct attacks would not work... i had to use aoe's. that was the only time i got really infamad at corner-capping :mad:

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When I get someone to take the time to try and explain that they are using a cooldown and then blow it again while trying to type what they did instead of attacking and killing people all the while I'm doting that person up and the enemy team it's double win. You even mentioned "u mad?" I wasn't mad because I was amused that you thought it was something serious.


Then you made a slow march to snow that let time expire before you go there with two healers even though you had a few kills out of it we were just slowing you down to take time off the clock. Because Strouds had mentioned you like to queue with 3 Healers I just threw that in there for good measure not that I believe it. How ever I did see later when I logged into my Trooper, you approach a Sage healer and say "PVP?" who wasn't in your guild.


I saw your hp at mid without the 39k and knew what you did when you were overwhelmed at snow to slow us down. I put it out there to get you thinking after the this thread had went into people using augment bugs. You'd have to hear TS to know the chuckles, laughs and stop trolling comments that went off.


Feken did the same thing to us in a later game however we just killed first and asked questions later.

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My favorite three things Infamous regularly does, is Fekens Lag Switch, Kylen insta-cappping nodes, and Jordo both leaping to, and pulling people in cover... Always makes my day. And its not just me saying these things, former Infamous playershave been relaying what they witnessed when playing with them. How do I know about the lag switch? Anyone ever play COD back in the day when people would splice a 2 port switch into their Ethernet cables? Basically you would try to attack the other person, but none of your attacks would land and then they would teleport somewhere else or you would just drop dead without seeing anything that hit you? Fekken and Arty do the exact same thing regularly when their fighting someone they knows their out matched by, except Feken usually just runs. The great thing about Infamous is that they aren't open with their hacks, with a few exceptions, most you just have to watch for, convenient lag spikes when their about to loose in a match, 10m or so teleportations, insta caps, using stealth outs or stuns on shorter than possible cd's, breaking stuns while your still doing the casting animation, or multiple times in a very short time frame, etc. I do not have video proof as my computer sucks, but I know other people will eventually bring forth videos.
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When I get someone to take the time to try and explain that they are using a cooldown and then blow it again while trying to type what they did instead of attacking and killing people all the while I'm doting that person up and the enemy team it's double win. You even mentioned "u mad?" I wasn't mad because I was amused that you thought it was something serious.


Then you made a slow march to snow that let time expire before you go there with two healers even though you had a few kills out of it we were just slowing you down to take time off the clock. Because Strouds had mentioned you like to queue with 3 Healers I just threw that in there for good measure not that I believe it. How ever I did see later when I logged into my Trooper, you approach a Sage healer and say "PVP?" who wasn't in your guild.


I saw your hp at mid without the 39k and knew what you did when you were overwhelmed at snow to slow us down. I put it out there to get you thinking after the this thread had went into people using augment bugs. You'd have to hear TS to know the chuckles, laughs and stop trolling comments that went off.


Feken did the same thing to us in a later game however we just killed first and asked questions later.


You have to see it from my point of view. Unlike you, I am told by numerous imps and rep that I hack/cheat/exploit on a daily basis. The fact that you decided to "troll" me just triggered my own defenses because I thought of you of a more intelligent person. Obviously if you were trolling than you are more intelligent than to simply call someone a hacker/cheater/exploiter for seeing something you don't know about.


Also, even though I don't remember exactly what happened 2 nights ago (I went out drinking last night), what I do remember is I only pvp'd for like 4 matches so I don't think you saw me. If I approach someone, especially a healer, it is because we are A) friends and B) I don't have a healer in the group. Like I told you mid fight I q with whoever is available. At the time of that civil war only 2 people in my guild wanted to pvp and both of them happened to be healers. I've pvp'd with a group of 3 other DPS before. It just happens. I pvp to pvp. Not to find a comp that I like. And I was out there at snow because I already accepted defeat. We weren't trying to push for snow otherwise we'd go directly to it. We were trying to get some kills out of it.

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No need to get all jumpy. You're not the only one who's had hackusations thrown your way, especially since 2.0 when people haven't really grasped the new changes made to classes, or were aware of the naked/augment exploits. I'm still trying to figure out what a heal hack is, because apparently I'm doing it. :rolleyes:
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No need to get all jumpy. You're not the only one who's had hackusations thrown your way, especially since 2.0 when people haven't really grasped the new changes made to classes, or were aware of the naked/augment exploits. I'm still trying to figure out what a heal hack is, because apparently I'm doing it. :rolleyes:


Makes me wonder what these f2p and other new players would think if they'd played against you and the other watchman sents/maras before the self healing nerf. >.>


It was never pleasant to see a sent/mara coming for your node to begin with, but when it was someone you needed almost a full team to drop, the word hack was thrown around alot.

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I don't think I've ever been accused of hacking... :( I'm terribad.... :(


I keep telling people if Bioware released how many tickets have been targeted at me. I'd have a book. People would rather complain than get better. It's really sad.

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I keep telling people if Bioware released how many tickets have been targeted at me. I'd have a book. People would rather complain than get better. It's really sad.


But to be fair that book would only have one author :D

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I keep telling people if Bioware released how many tickets have been targeted at me. I'd have a book. People would rather complain than get better. It's really sad.


Call me when you have people spamming in fleet chat calling for people to report you. That's what really crosses the line. Had people contact me pubside to let me know that was happening on the imperial fleet. But i'm still here aren't I? The only one who I know accused you of hacking was Eelum, I had an entire faction. So if you would have a book, I'd have a book series.

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That guy was obviously trolling. He said that you guys hacked, made up all this stuff, then said you guys are the best. Which leads me to believe it was one of you. If it was Eelum, he'd talk about how you suck and the only way you could perform was with "hacks". 4/10 for effort though.
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That guy was obviously trolling. He said that you guys hacked, made up all this stuff, then said you guys are the best. Which leads me to believe it was one of you. If it was Eelum, he'd talk about how you suck and the only way you could perform was with "hacks". 4/10 for effort though.

Relax dude I was joking

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Call me when you have people spamming in fleet chat calling for people to report you. That's what really crosses the line. Had people contact me pubside to let me know that was happening on the imperial fleet. But i'm still here aren't I? The only one who I know accused you of hacking was Eelum, I had an entire faction. So if you would have a book, I'd have a book series.


From what I understand I had an entire guild trying to get me banned for my "supposed hacks". Although I will tip my hat off to you for king of the hackusations. I do know for a fact you had more simply because you had both factions going at you. I simply had a guild but that guild sure did try to remind me on a daily basis of my armor/damage/speed "hacks".

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Relax dude I was joking


lol all these thin skinned pubs :D


From what I understand I had an entire guild trying to get me banned for my "supposed hacks". Although I will tip my hat off to you for king of the hackusations. I do know for a fact you had more simply because you had both factions going at you. I simply had a guild but that guild sure did try to remind me on a daily basis of my armor/damage/speed "hacks".


I miss those times, we had an entire thread on the old exiles forums showing off our hackusations :eek:

Edited by J_Fred
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lol all these thin skinned pubs :D




I miss those times, we had an entire thread on the old exiles forums showing off our hackusations :eek:

The exiles forums are still up. They just have a redirect page so we can't actually access them. The data is still there though. That thread was awesome though =p

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