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Ode to Infamous


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Make sure it's not them just stimming up or buffing or swapping legit gear :) Most will know the difference but some newbies won't.


I'm no newbie, I know the values PVP gear give you, and I'd love to get ahold of this stim that gives me 5k extra health plus bonuses to other stats.

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Sorc bugs?


Yes there are a few one with Lightning Effusion the charge will reduce force cost of Dark Heal and take no charge so you can spam dark heal until Lightning Effusion expires at a reduced Force cost. I think it's 12-15 seconds Focal lighting 1 point in the talent will not give you any results only 2 points will end up procing the bonus to alacrity.

Fadeout not granting immunity to movement imparing effect this has been broken for sometime force leap will stop you while sprinting. A few others minor things that don't benefit us.

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Sorc bugs?


Well I often run with lightning sorcs in my guild and occasionally they will be unable to cast for 20 seconds or more while enemies get to attack them freely. They die and then get the faceplant in respawn bug and get kicked out of warzone, and all the while I'm talking to them in vent so I know their internet is fine...


So somewhere there is a bug in lightning tree, possibly exploitable on the part of the people attacking the lightning sorc.


As corruption spec I've only seen this happen to me once, in the presence of a very brazen lag switch that happened repeatedly in the same warzone at very convenient moments for the other team...lagged out my entire team so badly that the cheaters would just wipe us with no opposition. Meanwhile no one on my team could do anything even when my client displayed a stable 70 ms connection to server. (Yeah not the greatest connection...but I know the difference between 70 ms and 30k ms LOL.) Part of the reason why I got fraps was so I could turn it on when the lag got too suspicious.


The force leap/charge rubberbanding when fadeout is active is annoying, but unfortunately intended as knights/warriors QQed about leaping to targets that are no longer there--so bioware responded by coding, shall we say, a "return" to the leap destination in the event the root is broken during the animation delay between starting the leap and landing. Yes it's annoying, especially as it goes through skills that allegedly provide immunity to movement-impairing effects, but it just means that we sorcs have to adapt and get better at anticipating leaps and time our sprints better :)

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Yes, lightning effusion is currently bugged to provide a 75% Force cost reduction to heals while not consuming the buff. Telekinetic effusion, on the other hand, is working as intended (heals do not benefit from the cost reduction.)


In lightning, if you cast chain lightning the second it procs, your abilities sometimes lock up entirely for upwards of 20 seconds, as the game can't decide whether you should have a cast bar or not. You can hit all your abilities and trigger the global cooldown, but absolutely nothing will cast.

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They will never fix this game, we should just accept there will always be retarded glitches and when they fix them it will bring upon more glitches.


only problems they think are worth fixing are the problems in the cartel market. Bolster bug in pvp? Thats ok. Someone can't buy cartel coins? Oh snap time to take the servers down! :D

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I'm no newbie, I know the values PVP gear give you, and I'd love to get ahold of this stim that gives me 5k extra health plus bonuses to other stats.


That was just a general announcement not aimed at you :)


The force leap/charge rubberbanding when fadeout is active is annoying, but unfortunately intended as knights/warriors QQed about leaping to targets that are no longer there--so bioware responded by coding, shall we say, a "return" to the leap destination in the event the root is broken during the animation delay between starting the leap and landing. Yes it's annoying, especially as it goes through skills that allegedly provide immunity to movement-impairing effects, but it just means that we sorcs have to adapt and get better at anticipating leaps and time our sprints better :)


This isn't the solution... I use my root break with immunity but OH they get to pull me back where I was a second earlier bouncing around trying to figure out wth is going on with my screen spazzing out and i am still rooted but now my ability is also on cooldown because of an animation delay? I am not going to sit there trying to figure out the timing the cooldowns on multiple JK's in each warzone having this ability. Why is it knights/warriors get an upperhand in this situation. The rubberbanding needs to be fixed not just accepted.

Edited by Desiirea
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I wasn't initially referring to exploits, I was referring to hacks... Too many times to count, when Fekken is about to die, he will flip his little lag switch and teleports across the map, Jordo used a kill command hack on a friend the other day, somehow did 32500 damage in an insta-kill, Kylen has repeatedly managed to cap nodes while dead, instantaneously, or during the entire duration of a channeled attack, plus far too many other "funny" occurrences when in matches against them to blame on the ****** game engine this game runs... Don't get me wrong, I think Infamous is the best pvp guild on the server, what gets me, is why people with this much talent insist on cheating... I'm hoping that with this post the other guilds will help to call them out on this, and make pvp fun again.
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I wasn't initially referring to exploits, I was referring to hacks... Too many times to count, when Fekken is about to die, he will flip his little lag switch and teleports across the map, Jordo used a kill command hack on a friend the other day, somehow did 32500 damage in an insta-kill, Kylen has repeatedly managed to cap nodes while dead, instantaneously, or during the entire duration of a channeled attack, plus far too many other "funny" occurrences when in matches against them to blame on the ****** game engine this game runs... Don't get me wrong, I think Infamous is the best pvp guild on the server, what gets me, is why people with this much talent insist on cheating... I'm hoping that with this post the other guilds will help to call them out on this, and make pvp fun again.


i'm infafused :confused:

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only problems they think are worth fixing are the problems in the cartel market. Bolster bug in pvp? Thats ok. Someone can't buy cartel coins? Oh snap time to take the servers down! :D


Pretty much, tbh I dunno why I haven't gone back to wow again, arenas are 1000x better and actually require....skill?-ish This game is faceroll + glitches + more faceroll.

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I wasn't initially referring to exploits, I was referring to hacks... Too many times to count, when Fekken is about to die, he will flip his little lag switch and teleports across the map, Jordo used a kill command hack on a friend the other day, somehow did 32500 damage in an insta-kill, Kylen has repeatedly managed to cap nodes while dead, instantaneously, or during the entire duration of a channeled attack, plus far too many other "funny" occurrences when in matches against them to blame on the ****** game engine this game runs... Don't get me wrong, I think Infamous is the best pvp guild on the server, what gets me, is why people with this much talent insist on cheating... I'm hoping that with this post the other guilds will help to call them out on this, and make pvp fun again.





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Pretty much, tbh I dunno why I haven't gone back to wow again, arenas are 1000x better and actually require....skill?-ish This game is faceroll + glitches + more faceroll.


this game is all about lookin perty :rolleyes:

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I wasn't initially referring to exploits, I was referring to hacks... Too many times to count, when Fekken is about to die, he will flip his little lag switch and teleports across the map, Jordo used a kill command hack on a friend the other day, somehow did 32500 damage in an insta-kill, Kylen has repeatedly managed to cap nodes while dead, instantaneously, or during the entire duration of a channeled attack, plus far too many other "funny" occurrences when in matches against them to blame on the ****** game engine this game runs... Don't get me wrong, I think Infamous is the best pvp guild on the server, what gets me, is why people with this much talent insist on cheating... I'm hoping that with this post the other guilds will help to call them out on this, and make pvp fun again.



I've never run cross any of this when fighting the infanoobs. Is this Eelum?

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This isn't the solution... I use my root break with immunity but OH they get to pull me back where I was a second earlier bouncing around trying to figure out wth is going on with my screen spazzing out and i am still rooted but now my ability is also on cooldown because of an animation delay? I am not going to sit there trying to figure out the timing the cooldowns on multiple JK's in each warzone having this ability. Why is it knights/warriors get an upperhand in this situation. The rubberbanding needs to be fixed not just accepted.


Oh Desi...


I don't even know where to begin! :)


Now we all know how Bioware won't dare touch warriors for fear of the massive QQ and contrast this to the way they treat sorcs...


Warriors QQ about their targets escaping their leaps, Bioware implements rubberbanding to appease them


Anni marauders whine when their self-heals got nerfed, bioware buffs rage in about 4 consecutive patches so they have a "viable" spec


Everyone who is not a smasher QQs about silly AOE autocrit for almost 8k on short cooldown, bioware moves a small amount of smash damage to other attacks between the smashes, but to compensate smashers build their stacks faster (less time for healers to cleanse force exhaustion), jugg smashers get a shiny new defensive cooldown, overall smash spec damage is slightly buffed. Admittedly marauders kinda got the short end of shiny new level 51 abilities, but they already had plenty of cooldowns to begin with.


Compare with:


Everyone QQs about bubblestun, not only does BW make it self-only (as universally expected) they also revert it back to a mez AND move our knockback root 27 points up in lightning tree, the last part of which almost no one had even thought to ask for


They put Force Haste, a kiting talent practically designed for healers, way up in the turret DPS tree (and seriously if it has to go to a DPS tree on account of it making heals OP, it belongs in balance/madness, the kiting DPS tree)


They take away instant lift from balance/madness, ostensibly to nerf assassin cc, but the sorcs are collateral damage and no one seems to care. Madness is left with just about zero utility to take it over lightning's newfound burst and AOE slows on chain lightning


Despite the IMMENSE QQ on PTS that Force Barrier is little more than a 10-second self-stun (most of the people who've seen me use it in warzones know otherwise ;) ) Bioware leaves it unchanged, in fact nerfing it ever so slightly by making it drop the huttball and such, leaving the sorcs to continue their (uninformed) QQ about it...


No matter how much sorcs/sages complain, force speed rubberbanding with the warrior/knight leaps will never be fixed, as it is intended and Bioware favors the leapers.


And yet...


I still had more fun on my sorc in PTS than I did on my scoundrel--even with the scoundrel's lolroll.


I had so much MORE fun on Andreus than I did Matari that I don't even really bother with Matari anymore, except for crafting.


In fact, I had so much ridiculous trollin' fun on Andreus that I went and made a sage! :)


TL;DR: I guess what I'm trying to say in this giant wall of text critting you for 15k is that even though some of the stuff that Bioware did seems not rational, we still have the stuff we need to have fun. You can either adapt to the new reality, warts and all, or you can QQ. One option is productive, the other isn't.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Nothing worse then hitting force speed, move 20 meters forward then all of thr sudden get teleported back to the same location you started from.


Thats my only gripe with my sage, other than force wave not hitting targets in my cone.

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Kylen is very good at corner-capping and things like that. But that's not cheating IMO, I classify it as "ninja skills" in spite of the fact that I have no idea how to do it.


I did catch someone in a PvP guild (not in Infamous) abusing the augment glitch last night, though, so we do see some of that on our server.


It makes me sad when people go on about how OP warriors are. It seems like whenever I switch to a new class, that class becomes OP. :p

Edited by Khalhazar
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I've never run cross any of this when fighting the infanoobs. Is this Eelum?


@Neo. Sounds like Eelum to me. The same person that first told me I armor hack (lolwut?). Then he told me I damage hack (that was when I switched specs to focus). Then told me I crit hack (still in focus spec). Now as of late he is telling me I speed hack. I don't know where he gets his information or how he provides reasoning but thats the thing. He never provides reasoning or proof. Simply says you do because he said it so.


@Everyone. There are obvious people who are using the augment/enhancement bolster glitch in PvP. It is a sad thing to see. But I also think people are way too jumpy when it comes to hacks/glitches. They see someone rubberbanding? Lag Hack. They see someone with increased speed due to transcendence? Speed hack. They see someone get demolished because they have no PVP gear? Damage hack.


Now as of late, in a civil war last night I got accused of augment glitching because I had 39k HP. What said person failed to realize was I had popped enure which increases my max HP by 30% for those who still don't know. My baseline is just over 30k because I am basically BiS conqueror gear minus a few mods/enhancements and 1 armoring.


30000 x 130% = 39000. This becomes a l2p issue.


A lot of the hackusations are due to the said persons lack of knowledge when it comes to classes. When 2.0 dropped I saw a sniper double scamper (or w/e the sniper version is called) to the endzone in huttball. I immediately thought that person either was lagging or was hacking because my understanding of the class was snipers can only use it once every 20 seconds. I immediately learned that they can use talent points into a talent that gives a double scamper from 1 CD. Was I aware of that previously? Nah. And that is why I thought it was fishy but once I learned about it I moved on.


And that is what people need to do; move on. There is a clear distinction between hacks/glitches and simply bugs/lag associated with the game. Honestly after all this I'm not discrediting glitches/hacks in the game. A guildmate of mine ran into an imp who was clearly augment glitching. A powertech with 36k HP on the fleet yet around 44k in a warzone. Unless PTs got a magical skill like enure I don't see how that is possible. Bolster doesn't bolster your HP THAT much and it also doesn't bolster over 30k (unless glitches are used).




Glitches are present because of biowares unability to fix bugs. Hacks are present because of the F2P/Biowares lack of staff to appropriately attack this issue. We as a community need to smarten up and understand the difference between the game goofing up and a glitch/hack.


This isn't the solution... I use my root break with immunity but OH they get to pull me back where I was a second earlier bouncing around trying to figure out wth is going on with my screen spazzing out and i am still rooted but now my ability is also on cooldown because of an animation delay? I am not going to sit there trying to figure out the timing the cooldowns on multiple JK's in each warzone having this ability. Why is it knights/warriors get an upperhand in this situation. The rubberbanding needs to be fixed not just accepted.


Do you think this leap issue is a one-sided street? I've had times where I leap to a target and instantly get teleported back to my original location. Not only did I lose my gap closer, I get blown up because now I have to walk at a slowed pace to that target. The game just goofs up due to poor programming and it affects both parties. The leap target and the leaper. It isn't favoritism. It is simply game mechanics (which are broken FYI).

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I wasn't initially referring to exploits, I was referring to hacks... Too many times to count, when Fekken is about to die, he will flip his little lag switch and teleports across the map, Jordo used a kill command hack on a friend the other day, somehow did 32500 damage in an insta-kill, Kylen has repeatedly managed to cap nodes while dead, instantaneously, or during the entire duration of a channeled attack, plus far too many other "funny" occurrences when in matches against them to blame on the ****** game engine this game runs... Don't get me wrong, I think Infamous is the best pvp guild on the server, what gets me, is why people with this much talent insist on cheating... I'm hoping that with this post the other guilds will help to call them out on this, and make pvp fun again.


Send me your frapsed clips and or screenshots of the 32k insta kills.


Oh you dont have any? I guess we will just have to keep hacking.

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Do you think this leap issue is a one-sided street? I've had times where I leap to a target and instantly get teleported back to my original location. Not only did I lose my gap closer, I get blown up because now I have to walk at a slowed pace to that target. The game just goofs up due to poor programming and it affects both parties. The leap target and the leaper. It isn't favoritism. It is simply game mechanics (which are broken FYI).


That's the problem. Look I'm not screaming favoritism here. Matari is. I simply pointed out that Bioware needs to fix their game. I am actually ok with where my class is today for the most part. Adaptability isn't a problem. I have lasted on this class with nerfs that sent most of the other well known healing pvp sages/sorcs on my server at that time rerolling, quitting pvp, or the game altogether.


It is not QQ to point out that cooldowns on talented abilities get blown and you get smacked between the eyes with the graphics rubberbanding. It's strong critique aimed at the developers. How this is INTENDED and should just be acceptable is beyond me. I never dealt with graphical rubberbanding back in 2000 playing Everquest on an Emachine (which was a piece of **** btw even back then for those that don't know! LOL.) It's 2013 and I expect a little more from games now. I'm not going to sit to the side quietly and pretend all is cookies and cream in SWTORpvpland. I will open my mouth and say straight out... they. need. to. fix. it.


P.S. I am laughing at the idea of 'productive'. We are talking on an online forum about a mmorpg game. It's all about wasting your time. Productive gaming? LOL isn't that an oxymoron?

Edited by Desiirea
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Do you think this leap issue is a one-sided street? I've had times where I leap to a target and instantly get teleported back to my original location. Not only did I lose my gap closer, I get blown up because now I have to walk at a slowed pace to that target. The game just goofs up due to poor programming and it affects both parties. The leap target and the leaper. It isn't favoritism. It is simply game mechanics (which are broken FYI).


That's the problem. Look I'm not screaming favoritism here. Matari is...


I would love to see data on how often guardians get teleported back after leaping vs. how often sorcs get rubberbanded back through fadeout, because the latter is 100% replicable on demand. Usually happens multiple times in a warzone too, though most of the time I can keep it down to manageable levels with proper timing, preserving most of my fadeout for its intended use.


Been that way for months.


And we get to deal with this, which is precisely why that rubberbanding is there, and why it will never be fixed...

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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I would love to see data on how often guardians get teleported back after leaping vs. how often sorcs get rubberbanded back through fadeout, because the latter is 100% replicable on demand. Usually happens multiple times in a warzone too, though most of the time I can keep it down to manageable levels with proper timing, preserving most of my fadeout for its intended use.


Been that way for months.


And we get to deal with this, which is precisely why that rubberbanding is there, and why it will never be fixed...


I don't have "data" however from personal experience it happens to me at least once per 2 or 3 warzones. It really depends on the map. If it is a leap intensive map like huttball it will happen at least once. Some times it won't even rubberband me back to my original location. If I am leaping vertical to an upper platform it will drop me down below as if I got rooted mid flight or something.


It is without a doubt an issue but I'm just letting you know you aren't the only one being affected. Us knights/warriors are too.

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Kylen is very good at corner-capping and things like that. But that's not cheating IMO, I classify it as "ninja skills" in spite of the fact that I have no idea how to do it.


I always thought corner-capping was classified as exploiting. I'm not talking sneaking back onto the wall to LOS people, but straight up sticking yourself so far into the corner you're barely visible to someone staring straight at you. There's a difference between "ninja skills" and "utilizing" programming bugs to cap while hidden in a wall. I know there are those who will say "it's all part of the game" but they're poo poo heads, so they're wrong (that's right, I went second grade on y'all).

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