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Just turned 55. Need gearing help and advice :)

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Hey :)



Just recently hit lvl 55 Sentinel Watchman build


atm I just have orange cartel armor with makeb mods


my HP is at its best 19.7k (I am told the best is something around 27k) :p




Any advice on how to build a good endgame Sent, for lvl 50-55 HM Flashpoints ?


I like my crits in mods to be high, I have heard too also pair them with Surge and or Power.


Also to get the mods and or armor, u can get from Basic comms ?


Any help ?



Thanks :)

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Hey :)

Any help ?



Thanks :)

Run dailies on Makeb for basic comms to get 66 level armorings, mods, and enhancements by buying basic gear from the gear vendor on fleet. Run 50 HM daily group finder to get basic comms, as well.


Gearing weights on a watchman sentinel currently go something like this:


Strength > Accuracy (To 100%) > Power > Surge > Crit.


You want a crit rating of zero. Take no crit on any of your armor pieces. None.


For armorings you want Advanced Might Armoring 28, 30 or 31s.


For mods you want Advanced Deft Mod 28, 30, or 31s.


For Enhancements you want a mix of Advanced Initiative Enhancement 30 or 31s and Advanced Adept Enhancements 30 or 31s.


For augments on your gear you can use Advanced Might Augment 28 or Advanced Overkill Augment 28.


For crystals in your mainhand and offhand lightsaber, use +41 power crystals (mod level 56) of your color of choice.


For implants try to grab the crafted Artifact Microfilament Might-D Package off the GTN.


For ear piece try either the crafted Artifact or Black Market MK-2 pieces (Drops only).

Edited by KenseiMahou
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thanks for that :), so crit comes last ? I thought they were good, as they increased the chance of striking a crit hit ?


as far as crystals go, I have those Lime green ones from a cartel packs. Those are +41 i think ?

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thanks for that :), so crit comes last ? I thought they were good, as they increased the chance of striking a crit hit ?


as far as crystals go, I have those Lime green ones from a cartel packs. Those are +41 i think ?

Make sure they are +41 power.


Also crit rating does increase your crit chance, but the diminishing returns on crit rating is very bad. So other stats are "worth" more than crit. :)

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Thanks for all that! great info. Do you reckon it's the same for combat build?


Even more for Focus and Combat because of the guaranteed crit procs in those specs. Watchman might in theory benefit of crits with the focus refund for critical hits on a burning target, but that advantage is minimal due to the high amount of critical rating you would need to feel a diffenrence. Currently I play with zero crit rating as watchman and doesn't feel focus starved.

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