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Huttball Championships - Republic vs Empire

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“Ladies and gentlebeings! Welcome to the Pit! The bountiest and magnificent Giradda the Hutt salutes you!”


Round 3: Republic vs Empire


Welcome to the third and final round of Huttball Championships, where iconic Star Wars factions go head to head in a game of Huttball, the famed and feared sport of the Smuggler’s Moon. Let the shenanigans begin!


Listen up! These are the rules of Huttball! Two teams. Republic and Empire chosen by random draw. One ball, slippery as a greased Hutt! Grab the ball, throw the ball, get the ball over the opposing teams line anyway you can, and your team gets a point! Weapons, name calling, and cheating are all encouraged! But do not kick the ball!

Hutts don’t have feet! Show our sponsor Giradda the respect he deserves!



  • Do not fly with the ball! Jumping up to platforms only, no flying and no jumping over obstacles.
  • Do not wreck the Pit! Players cannot alter or destroy the arena!
  • Uber-abilities are not allowed!
  • Do not use mind tricks! Force users cannot use mind tricks of any kind on their opponents.
  • No immortality! All players can be killed, and when they are they respawn.
  • Each team has a team leader, who are responsible for tactics and organisation.
  • Each team has a support group of four – but they cannot grab, throw or catch the ball.
  • Astromech units have an unique ability: they can hack and sabotage the fire traps and wind platforms by hooking up to base of ball holder.
  • group of four – but they cannot grab, throw or catch the ball!


So, the teams:


Republic: The galaxy’s guardians of peace and justice have come together to take on the Pit! The grand master of the Jedi Order and hero of the Great Galactic War, its Bastila’s descendant: Satele Shan! As wise as Master Yoda and as powerful as Mace Windu, it’s ‘the Negotiator’: Obi-Wan Kenobi! Teacher of the ‘Lost Jedi’ and shining light in the darkness, it’s the Exile: Meetra Surik! And finally, the founder of Havoc Squad and the hero of Alderaan, it’s the Supreme Commander of the Republic Army: Jace Malcolm! And in support, the Republic soldiers from the Great Galactic War.


Empire: Evil overlords from the galaxy’s most insidious Empires have formed a sinister alliance dedicating to dominating the Pit! It’s the fallen hero of the Clone Wars, more machine than man and durasteel fist of the Empire: Darth Vader! One of the greatest warriors of the Sith Empire, held together by machines, fury and an obsession with revenge: Darth Malgus! He conquered a third of the galaxy, he struck fear into the Republic with an armada of assassins, it’s the master of the Star Forge: Darth Revan! One of the most notorious bounty hunters the galaxy has ever known, it’s the legendary faceless enforcer: Boba Fett! And in support, the Empire’s stormtrooper elite.


The teams have assembled, the bets have been placed, it’s time to choose a side – the paragons of light and good, or the disciples of darkness and evil?


Let’s play Huttball!

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Define elite Stormtrooper's because even the regular Stormtrooper's were elite. Though has Satele actually shown anything impressive aside from her two fights, which essentially she didn't even win or had to have some help? Yes they were of when she was a Padawan and Knight but even so, that is kinda what we all have to go by unless she has done something else.


Jace...he took Malgus by surprise and resisted(abit) of Force Lighting from him, so he is somewhat durable. Against Boba though, I am not sure he is gonna be able to content with the Hunter's wide rage of equipment he has at his disposal.


Suirk/Obi-Wan have nothing really against I suppose they could last, though seeing as this is Darth Vader in his suit. He won't be flying off the handle to try and kill his master, given he is more skilled and patient then he was in his youth. Malgus...eh have nothing really to say for I guess.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Well...she has shown good TK, Farsight, Telepathy, and Tutaminis and was an agile fighter, also being able to use a single or double bladed saber. Am I missing anything? I know I missed the Shatterpoint bit, but her using it doesn't add up because its said that she used The Force to blast through the door...said nothing about using Shatterpoint, unless the comic states that she did use it or shown something hinting at it. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Ok, so my question about the stormtroopers has been answered already, thanks Wolfninjajedi.


Quite epic teams. Are Satele and Vader the team leaders? (it shouldn't influence anything though)

I need to check some information about Revan and the Exile. Right now I only notice that Darth Vader is a master of the slow-motion immortal tank strategy (probably very strong at crowd control too) and from what I have seen and read, I guess that Satele and Obi-Wan are faster than the average Jedi/Sith-master.

I need to take a look at Malgus too...


And Boba can finally play huttball, yay!

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Anyway, gonna give the win for the Empire here. I mean the weak link for the Republic is Jace, we haven't really see him do much combat wise nor use anything really unique in terms of equipment that would be surprising for the Empire side. Boba has the edge over Malcom in terms of equipment, armor is probably the same though unless this is Boba in his actual Mandalorian armor. There is also the problem of mobility for Jace, as he is lugging around a giant blaster cannon compared to Boba who would be more quick being lighter in carrying an EE3 carbine, though Jace would have the edge in his rate of fire. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I assume we're going with the "at the height of their power" buff here, right? Because I'm a bit confused about which characters we're talking about, seeing as they have storylines and progress over time.



So I assuming it's:


Obi-wan as seen in Revenge of the Sith


Jace Malcolm as seen in Hope Trailer


Satele Shan as seen in Hope Trailer


Meetra Surik after defeating Darth Traya


Malgus as seen in the False Emperor FP



Is that right, or are they different than I'm thinking they are? Younger? Older?

Edited by Warren-Stride
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I assume we're going with the "at the height of their power" buff here, right? Because I'm a bit confused about which characters we're talking about, seeing as they have storylines and progress over time.



So I assuming it's:


Obi-wan as seen in Revenge of the Sith


Jace Malcolm as seen in Hope Trailer


Satele Shan as seen in Hope Trailer


Meetra Surik after defeating Darth Traya


Malgus as seen in the False Emperor FP



Is that right, or are they different than I'm thinking they are? Younger? Older?


Sounds about right as far as combat goes. At least for Satele/Jace, given after they aren't really seen fighting they seem to be more as advisers and the like.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Anyway, gonna give the win for the Empire here. I mean the weak link for the Republic is Jace, we haven't really see him do much combat wise nor use anything really unique in terms of equipment that would be surprising for the Empire side. Boba has the edge over Malcom in terms of equipment, armor is probably the same though unless this is Boba in his actual Mandalorian armor. There is also the problem of mobility for Jace, as he is lugging around a giant blaster cannon compared to Boba who would be more quick being lighter in carrying an EE3 carbine, though Jace would have the edge in his rate of fire.


Honostly I would give this to you and agree but I have to remember the last game and with it some elements are seriously being carried over to this game. The empire clearly has the power here and to me the republic clearly has the speed Like Greivous of the last game Sateele out paces the whole group Meetra like ventress out pacing every one but Revan and Vader Jace like Dooku can rain down some pain from a far but wont last long against most of the team once they close in and Obi-wan like durge being a near unstoppable tank he was the greatest master of soresu the order had ever seen, and unlike durge of the last game he is very unlikely to willingly walk into traps making him even more unlikely than durge to be incapacitated. Actually in this case I would call it even worse in favor of the republic here the difference in the agility is the same but unlike the last game there is no astromech to potentially lessen the speed nor does the empire have as much of a power advantage as the last game so by the speed advantage and even closer on the power scale I have to give it to the republic.

Edited by tunewalker
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Honostly I would give this to you and agree but I have to remember the last game and with it some elements are seriously being carried over to this game. The empire clearly has the power here and to me the republic clearly has the speed Like Greivous of the last game Sateele out paces the whole group Meetra like ventress out pacing every one but Revan and Vader Jace like Dooku can rain down some pain from a far but wont last long against most of the team once they close in and Obi-wan like durge being a near unstoppable tank he was the greatest master of soresu the order had ever seen, and unlike durge of the last game he is very unlikely to willingly walk into traps making him even more unlikely than durge to be incapacitated. Actually in this case I would call it even worse in favor of the republic here the difference in the agility is the same but unlike the last game there is no astromech to potentially lessen the speed nor does the empire have as much of a power advantage as the last game so by the speed advantage and even closer on the power scale I have to give it to the republic.


Except it isn't like that the guys on team Empire, haven't taken on fast opponents before. Malgus is rather quick himself, the only one that wouldn't be as quick(and even then he isn't as slow as a lot of people think) would be Vader. But then for Vader he has the advantage of his armor, among other things.


Obi-Wan/Surik are really the only ones the Empire would have to worry about, then Satele and then Jace. The latter two just haven't shown anything impressive or just don't have anything interesting in terms of equipment that the other side can't deal with.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Except it isn't like that the guys on team Empire, haven't taken on fast opponents before. Malgus is rather quick himself, the only one that wouldn't be as quick(and even then he isn't as slow as a lot of people think) would be Vader. But then for Vader he has the advantage of his armor, among other things.


Obi-Wan/Surik are really the only ones the Empire would have to worry about, then Satele and then Jace. The latter two just haven't shown anything impressive or just don't have anything interesting in terms of equipment that the other side can't deal with.


I would give malgus as quick if it werent for the fact that we have seen satele escape from him on multiple occasions and dealing with fast opponents in a fight and catching them are 2 different things its no different then the last game in that regard ya in a fight they can handle fast opponents they just arent catching them but we can give satele and jace several things jace has the same advanced training any of his caliber has but on top of that he is tough as nails satele is quick and agile and out paces the rest of the group at the same speed difference that Greivous had its just taken to the extreme here because unlike the last match no trap control to slow them down the arogance of the teams have switched to where now the most arrogant members are on the slower team while the speed team has less it really comes down to its the same game just even more so in the favor of the republic.

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I would give malgus as quick if it werent for the fact that we have seen satele escape from him on multiple occasions and dealing with fast opponents in a fight and catching them are 2 different things its no different then the last game in that regard ya in a fight they can handle fast opponents they just arent catching them but we can give satele and jace several things jace has the same advanced training any of his caliber has but on top of that he is tough as nails satele is quick and agile and out paces the rest of the group at the same speed difference that Greivous had its just taken to the extreme here because unlike the last match no trap control to slow them down the arogance of the teams have switched to where now the most arrogant members are on the slower team while the speed team has less it really comes down to its the same game just even more so in the favor of the republic.


But also remember, Satele had to be saved twice from Malgus the 1st by her master and 2nd by Jace. Jace has training yes from being apart of Havoc squad, however...that doesn't matter to guys who can just destroy his weapon or just drag him around using their minds. He has withstood Force Lighting yes, that is a feat...but he hasn't been shown to resist TK of which many of the Empire team has done..


There is also the fact of Boba here, who has a jetpack which the other side doesn't. He is very mobile and could get into position to get the ball and score a point or to get to the ball carrier and distract them.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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But also remember, Satele had to be saved twice from Malgus the 1st by her master and 2nd by Jace. Jace has training yes from being apart of Havoc squad, however...that doesn't matter to guys who can just destroy his weapon or just drag him around using their minds. He has withstood Force Lighting yes, that is a feat...but he hasn't been shown to resist TK of which many of the Empire team has done....in fact what is gonna stop Vader from doing this..




By a mere finger, he froze two people. If that is all it takes for him with a finger, just imagine what he could do with a hand. There is also the fact, since were using Darth Revan he could just use Force Drain and drain the life from Jace.


There is also the fact of Boba here, who has a jetpack which the other side doesn't. He is very mobile and could get into position to get the ball and score a point.


you can say the same thing for boba as for jace he is just as vunerable to that and while she did need to get saved it was only after she did the saving the second time and ultimately she was able to defeat malgus but again she doesnt need to fight him only get away she is able to hold her own against malgus and revan while she would lose quickly to vader it doesnt matter as like i said before she out paces them the who would win in a fight is completely irrelevant for the arguement that i am making they dont have to win the fight to win the war. each of the team is capable of force leap which makes the jet pack kind of a moot point and once he has the ball he cant use it so he has to already be in position again just like the last game. its just more so in favor for the rebels do to the speed advantage being teh same and the power advantage being even less in favor for the empire.

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you can say the same thing for boba as for jace he is just as vunerable to that and while she did need to get saved it was only after she did the saving the second time and ultimately she was able to defeat malgus but again she doesnt need to fight him only get away she is able to hold her own against malgus and revan while she would lose quickly to vader it doesnt matter as like i said before she out paces them the who would win in a fight is completely irrelevant for the arguement that i am making they dont have to win the fight to win the war. each of the team is capable of force leap which makes the jet pack kind of a moot point and once he has the ball he cant use it so he has to already be in position again just like the last game. its just more so in favor for the rebels do to the speed advantage being teh same and the power advantage being even less in favor for the empire.


I still don't see how the Republic has the speed advantage, all of them could use Force Speed or Leap to close the distance or what have you. Vader slightly less so has speed, but even then he has shown to be very fast.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I'm leaning towards Republic. Not sure though. This one's tough.


Because I live for out of the box arguments, Malcom and Satele are in love at this point. Which means once either are in danger or killed.... The Sith will undoubtably notice Satele's pain, at least. And they'll continue to exploit that weakness throughout the match. However, Malcom and Satele make a good team, so it might not be the best idea to get them to stick together.

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I still don't see how the Republic has the speed advantage, all of them could use Force Speed or Leap to close the distance or what have you.


Satele has shown to be much more agile then malgus and boba Meetra as well has shown to be agile Malgus has never really shown any feats of agility and he is a djem so user its primary weakness is speed and unlike Luke or vader this djem so does not have elements of ataru and makashi for extra speed. the agility automattically then goes to the republic as satele has greater agility feats then any one on the empire team and only vader and revan from what i can tell have feats that can keep up to meetra this is the exact same thing as the last game with Luke and Galen catching greivous and ventress only difference being no trap control that could potentially allow them to catch either of these 2 on a break away meaning it leans even more so in the republics favor.

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Satele has shown to be much more agile then malgus and boba Meetra as well has shown to be agile Malgus has never really shown any feats of agility and he is a djem so user its primary weakness is speed and unlike Luke or vader this djem so does not have elements of ataru and makashi for extra speed. the agility automattically then goes to the republic as satele has greater agility feats then any one on the empire team and only vader and revan from what i can tell have feats that can keep up to meetra this is the exact same thing as the last game with Luke and Galen catching greivous and ventress only difference being no trap control that could potentially allow them to catch either of these 2 on a break away meaning it leans even more so in the republics favor.


Satele has shown to be more agile? In combat perhaps, but in traveling where is this? He did leap pretty far in Deceived when fighting against Ven Zallow. As for Vader...










He seems pretty quick to me.


Revan right, haven't seen anything of him in using Force Speed to travel. So it seems 2/3's of the Empire team are quick, though I don't think the gap between is that big that the Empire can't pull a win. If speed was everything, then nothing else would matter.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Satele has shown to be more agile? In combat perhaps, but in traveling where is this? He did leap pretty far in Deceived when fighting against Ven Zallow. As for Vader...










He seems pretty quick to me.


Revan right, haven't seen anything of him in using Force Speed to travel. So it seems 2/3's of the Empire team are quick, though I don't think the gap between is that big that the Empire can't pull a win.


Again it doesnt have to be that big its the same size as it was with the rebels after all Luke was just as if not more agile then Vader an advantage is an advantage and there is no saying that an in combat agility doesnt apply to out of combat there is no reason to think that she doesnt have out of combat what she does in combat when it comes down to it I am not saying that the empire doesnt have agility its just not as agile and the gap difference is the same as the last game.

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Again it doesnt have to be that big its the same size as it was with the rebels after all Luke was just as if not more agile then Vader an advantage is an advantage and there is no saying that an in combat agility doesnt apply to out of combat there is no reason to think that she doesnt have out of combat what she does in combat when it comes down to it I am not saying that the empire doesnt have agility its just not as agile and the gap difference is the same as the last game.


Speed isn't everything though, there are other things to consider.

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Speed isn't everything though, there are other things to consider.


You are correct but again I already took those into consideration again unlike the last game the republic is actually able to last 1v1 or muli on multi even longer then the seps in the last game do to the lackof arrogance weakness along with no one on the empire team being a hard counter for any one on the republic so with the same speed advantage and an even closer in terms of power the decision should be obvious.

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You are correct but again I already took those into consideration again unlike the last game the republic is actually able to last 1v1 or muli on multi even longer then the seps in the last game do to the lackof arrogance weakness along with no one on the empire team being a hard counter for any one on the republic so with the same speed advantage and an even closer in terms of power the decision should be obvious.


No one being a hard counter?....Really? Obi-Wan and Surik are the only ones with anything credible, what has Satele done? What does Jace bring that can't be countered?

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No one being a hard counter?....Really? Obi-Wan and Surik are the only ones with anything credible, what has Satele done? What does Jace bring that can't be countered?


A hard counter means there is a 100% provable way to show how they lose near instantly Sateele is the grand master of the jedi of this era and took on malgus pretty well malgus is arguably on the same lvl as revan as is surik Jace is one of the best soldiers the republic has ever seen he has taken on his fair share of sith and bounty hunters while the team he is facing are exceptional there is no reason to say they take him out in a matter of a couple seconds and obi-wan we all know to be a hell of a tank with his form making him nearly untouchable unlike the last game which could be shown with 3 of the members losing extremely quickly (as in under 10 seconds) to a couple of the team this is not the case for any of the members on the republic thats what i mean about hard counters unless you can prove that some one can take out sateele or surik in a matter of seconds which I would strongly argue against.

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A hard counter means there is a 100% provable way to show how they lose near instantly Sateele is the grand master of the jedi of this era and took on malgus pretty well malgus is arguably on the same lvl as revan as is surik Jace is one of the best soldiers the republic has ever seen he has taken on his fair share of sith and bounty hunters while the team he is facing are exceptional there is no reason to say they take him out in a matter of a couple seconds and obi-wan we all know to be a hell of a tank with his form making him nearly untouchable unlike the last game which could be shown with 3 of the members losing extremely quickly (as in under 10 seconds) to a couple of the team this is not the case for any of the members on the republic thats what i mean about hard counters unless you can prove that some one can take out sateele or surik in a matter of seconds which I would strongly argue against.


Ah instantly you mean, well then no of course they won't lose instantly. But Satele's fighting record is rather small, and she needed help twice.As for Jace that can be debated, as he is just a skilled soldier nothing more, yes he has fought the Sith Empire but how many actual Sith has Jace faced? He took Malgus by surprise, and tanked some lighting...great but then he was about to die afterwards.

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Ah instantly you mean, well then no of course they won't lose instantly. But Satele's fighting record is rather small, and she needed help twice.As for Jace that can be debated, as he is just a skilled soldier nothing more, yes he has fought the Sith Empire but how many actual Sith has Jace faced? He took Malgus by surprise, and tanked some lighting...great but then he was about to die afterwards.


he took on quite a few sith on his way to malgus armies of them... like i said they werent that great and malgus and the whole team is kind of on another lvl then those guys but thats the issue with the same speed advantage and no one being able to take them out instantly its the same game as the last one but more in favor for the republic.

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