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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Best way to counter cross-healing?


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Hello all,


I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips for taking down cross-healing pairs or, gof forbid, triplets, as it seems that as soon as I can focus one down with the help of others, we can't get the other one dead before the first healer is back in the action! Particuarly when contesting 'south' on Novare Coast.


Thanks in advance.

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If they have 3 healers you have to rethink how you approach the game. For example, it is no longer sufficient to try to cap your side on Hypergates. You have to try to cap their pylon or at least delay them, since there's no guaranteed you'll ever be able to cap your own pylon. But that's fine if they never capped theirs either, and they'll have a hard time stopping your disruption team due to a lack of DPS.


There's really no reliable way to kill 3 healers all healing each other. But you don't have to kill them to win on most WZs once you recognize that 3 healers implies no DPS and just react accordingly.

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If they have 3 healers you have to rethink how you approach the game. For example, it is no longer sufficient to try to cap your side on Hypergates. You have to try to cap their pylon or at least delay them, since there's no guaranteed you'll ever be able to cap your own pylon. But that's fine if they never capped theirs either, and they'll have a hard time stopping your disruption team due to a lack of DPS.


There's really no reliable way to kill 3 healers all healing each other. But you don't have to kill them to win on most WZs once you recognize that 3 healers implies no DPS and just react accordingly.


What he said, of course if youre with a pug you're probably screwed because to get enough people to change their 'usual' strategy on the fly happens practically never. In essence the best strategy against 2 or 3 healers is fight where they ain't.

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we can't get the other one dead before the first healer is back in the action!


A Shadow/Assassin or Scoundrel/Operative should be on the ball and ooc CC'ing the healer running back to keep them out of the fight for 16 seconds. Or whomever on your team can chain the most CC if those two aren't available. Once their resolve is full if you need more time, use roots.


The same way you take a side node in CW.


This is Stun Wars after all.

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There's really no reliable way to kill 3 healers all healing each other. But you don't have to kill them to win on most WZs once you recognize that 3 healers implies no DPS and just react accordingly.


If I see 3 cross-healers at a mid or south scrum I do just enough damage and harrass them enough to keep them focused on me and healing themselves so they are not contributing to the fight. You don't necessarily need to kill a character to take them out of the fight. And 1 for 3 is a good deal.

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The best way to deal with heavy heals is to mirror the enemy team's distribution. If you see them split 4/4 you do the same too. Now, since you won't know they're heavy heals until you actually see them you're at a slight disadvantage here, but on the reverse, a heavy heals team is unlikely to kill anybody fast so you've a lot of time to react. If you do see something very weird, like the enemy immediately send 4 guys to attack your 'natural' pylon in Hypergates, you should suspect they're heavy heals and at least adjust by the time round 2 comes around.


The reason why you mirror their strategy is that a heavy heals team tries to win by element of surprise. By mirroring their distribution it eliminates their element of surprise. It doesn't matter how crazy their strat is, you can simply do the same thing. Normally attempting to execute a crazy strat is risky, but if you know the enemy is heavy heals and hence, low DPS, the risk for executing a crazy strat (theirs) is very low because they can't kill anyone and they certainly won't be surprising anybody if you just copy their strat. The game will then become a stalemate, and you use that time to figure out where they're weakest and adjust.


What does NOT work is say they send 3 healers + 1 tank to your natural pylon in Hypergates, you figure 'we should be able to beat 4 guys' and just flood your natural pylon. It is entirely possible 3 healers + 1 tank can hold 8 people for longer than 2 minutes needed. Rather, you've to think 'if they got 3 healers + 1 tank here, who is guarding their pylon?' You can pretty much send any 4 guys, and since they got 3 healers + 1 tank here, they can't possibly have very strong defensive classes left, so even if you sent 4 DPS to attack their pylon it's about 50/50. Most likely you'll be able to spare a healer on the 4 to attack (not like 3 healers + 1 tank is going to kill anybody on your pylon side), and you can be pretty sure 1 healer + 3 DPS versus whatever 4 guys they left behind should be a draw. And that's fine because you just end up with no pylons capped this round. Now, after this round, you should start noting where their best players tend to be and figure out a better plan than just copy their strat.


In general, any suspicious strategy should be responded by the mirror strat simply because that's always the safest thing to do. When you have more time to analyze the enemy team, you can think about how to counter it.

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