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People with experience of playing both Guardian/Sentinel


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Been imperial since beta, about to roll a republic, think its about time, but having narrowed it down to the warrior, im unsure between the two advanced classes. So just a quick question to the guys that have leveled both, which do you guys prefer and why?


Are they worlds apart? or do they have quite a few similarities? Which is preferred at endgame PvP and PvE?


Any other information you'd like to add, i would appreciate it.


Thanks in advance!

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Personally, I feel that they have narrowed their differences post 2.0. prior to that, I would have said that my jugg has a rotation that feels much smoother. But now with sunder on a CD similar to Zealous Strike, they both have a pretty similar feel in approach to skills. leap in, use rage/focus generating skill to generate rage, jump into rotation.


Both focus on building bleeds for damage, or in executing high damage Aoe skills via building proc based charges (different skill trees). the difference is sentinel has an additional tree that emphasizes direct damage over bleeds, but other then that they are similar in general philosophy.


the biggest difference is the Guardian has a tanking tree, while the Sent has the second more direct damage tree. they also share the focus tree (which is the heavy AoE tree). Guard uses one saber, and hits feel heavy and powerful. Sentinel uses two, and hits feel flashy and fast.


the Sentinel has an additional global proc to maintain called Zen. it basically stacks whenever you hit stuff, and once it reaches 30 you have a few skills that you can trigger that will use the zen procs to do either defensive or offensive buffs. It's an additional proc that the guard does not have to worry about. guards have a few other things that are spec specific, such as Keening (chance to reset your dispatch and make it useable outside the 30% health window), but nothing as global as Zen.


Personal preference? I like both. I actually prefer the juggernaut over the gaurdian mainly due to skill animations. which one do I play the most? the guard/jugg. I like the single saber look, and I've always played a tank class at some point in my MMO's. I find that the biggest differences that make most people choose are:


one or two sabers

tanking viable option or no

skill animations


thats about it. Im sure i missed a ton of details on each class, but when I play both, they realy feel similar in allot of ways except what I pointed out above. both are viable DPS specs, and wanted for their respective roles in FP's and Ops. Pick your poison.

Edited by Elyxin
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I'd say it depends on if you want to have the option to tank or not. If you do, then go Guardian, if you don't, then Sent would be great for you as it is a pure dps class. Also consider the animations/mechanics of their specs. Look up the talent trees for both, while they are subject to change over time it still gives you an idea of what they are about. And lastly the best thing to do is look up some gameplay on youtube or twitch or something and see if you like what you see.


Also some major points to consider, do you prefer a single saber or 2 sabers? Would you like the utility of taunts or group buffs? Compare the unique abilities, Force camo, god mode (sorta) for 4 seconds, and double saber throw of sent vs. leap to friendly, saber reflect, and Enure (Boost max health for certain amount of time).


Oh and I almost forgot, as what is preferred for endgame? Well tanks are almost always hard to come by, so if you like the idea of near instant queues, tanking is a good option to have. For pvp In huttball both classes have their uses. Sent has its group wide speed buff, Guardians have Guardian Leap (Friendly leap). For the other wzs a Sent is still a good option with It's burst potential, and Guardians aren't too shabby either. Plus Guardians have taunts which can be very useful if you actually use them (You'd be amazed how many people that have taunts never use them in wzs).


For pve dps obviously the sent does outplay the guardian, but if played right the Guardian is still more than viable, so really base it off personal preference and not just numbers.


Thank you for reading my 2 cents, peace.

Edited by Wrthlessnoob
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For pve dps obviously the sent does outplay the guardian, but if played right the Guardian is still more than viable, so really base it off personal preference and not just numbers.


Thank you for reading my 2 cents, peace.


The classes are balanced pretty well in 2.0


If you are in similar gear and know your class, there is no class that is better than another. There are however boss mechanics that favor certain classes (i.e. a boss that moves around a lot favors ranged DPS because melee have to chase it around), but that works both ways so it isn't a factor in choosing really. In one fight you might suck, but in the next fight you excel. In single target DPS, as in DPS'ing a training dummy, all classes are parsing pretty similar numbers currently. So just pick what you think is cool and make it work.


Astellon - The Shadowlands

"Your friendly neighborhood rage jugg"

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If your looking to PvP you have to ask yourself how good are you at keeping track of cool-downs, player positions, and general situational awareness. While everyone needs to be very situationally aware for PvP, the Guardian/Juggernaught must take it along with Sorcerers to the next level. Juggernaughts/Guardians even while DPS specced are expected to protect their healers. This means throwing out taunts, and if neccessary switching stances to throw out a guard.


You need to know whose important and in trouble, intercede, push their aggressors away, then take them solo.


You need to know your play-style. A marauder has Cloak of Pain (30% damage reduction), Saber Ward (20% and 15% DR), Undying Rage (4-5 second 99% damage reduction), and Force Camo (invisibility escape), making it ideal for those who want to get in, face tank for awhile, and eventually get their target.


A guardian on the other hand has the play style of seggregating your opponents from the pack (with the exception of Rage), because you don't have the "I win" button.

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