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How does one truly live in balance with the force?

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And going to one extreme or the other, doesn't always seem to create the powerful force user, they all say it does.
Yup. Seriously, Kreia had it right on so many things. Over-reliance and 'addiction' to the Force (especially one side of it) just makes its user a miserable tool.
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The Dark Side isn't all about doing bad things. It's about passion; vivid emotions, while the Light Side is more about serenity and clarity.


The Jedi often deny their feelings because they fear what feelings can do. People think with their emotions; this is simply a fact of brain chemistry. A person with powerful emotions may find themselves unable to think with clarity or reason.


At the same time, emotion is what makes life worth living. To abandon all emotions is to abandon life itself. The Jedi Order can often lose sight of just what it is they're fighting for, simply because they avoid understanding emotions as regular people do. How can you truly understand the pain of people you're fighting to protect if you've never felt pain yourself? How can you know the value of a person's life if you've never experienced passion?


To find balance is to live passionately, while still maintaining clarity.

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I really think the Sith Code says it best. The ultimate peace is death, and "Peace is a lie", life blooms forth eternal, exploding forever in the violence of life's beginning and end. There is only life, only Passion...and in Passion is the balance of life and death. Who is the Jedi or the Sith but the saber of The Force its self? The Sith know this. The Jedi live in the chains of their lie.


On another note, in RL, ya, if you take Jung and mash it up with some Nietzsche, you get the Sith Code. I much prefer rp'ing Sith though, it just seems like so much more honest and balanced a choice lol.

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