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Satele Shan, a wasted character?


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She was pretty much a Padawan rushed through training so they could use her Battle Meditation - it makes sense, at least to me, that she's paying lip-service to the Code and has a superiority complex.


Oh yeah...I vaguely recall that now(only played Kotor like 1 time)...so yeah, wasn't taught well right.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Hmm well let's leave the social commentary aside for the moment. You say that there are always interesting qualities to be found if you look deep enough. Ok what is interesting about Satele? What qualities are interesting about her? Being a Jedi paragon by itself is not very interesting. Yoda, who is held up as one of the best Jedi ever, is interesting because of his quirks and mannerisms. He gives out deep wisdom as well. Satele does not any of that. The argument put forth by some (and I agree with) is that basically in SWTOR she is boring because nothing really stands out about her. You get little interaction with her to begin and most of it is lack luster.


It is not the Jedi way of life that is boring. Nor is humility, patience, or reasoning boring either. Well patience is boring. I mean waiting is no fun :p . Yoda, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gonn, Mace Windu, Luke Skywalker are all great Jedi and lived the Code. The are all also very different and stick out and have personality.


So please what is interesting about her? How is she more than just her job title?


As to the social commentary, flashiness, fighting, and drama are not just qualities associated with the Sith but the series. Star Wars is about all those things. In fact when making the prequels Lucas wanted to show Jedi in their prime he intended them to fight better and be more flashy. Satele's most interesting moments are her fight scenes.


Now as to young people having poor impulse control, it depends on the young person. Some young people are like the Sith and others not. A good rule in life is not to paint any large portion of society with a broad brush. it is a lesson I have learned as I have gotten older. People are individuals.


Something i just thought of was in the Jedi Knight storyline Satele tells him/her that they are the future of the Order. I remember thinking all through Chapter 1 and into Chapter 2 that Satele was talking like my character was a better Jedi than her. Make so much sense now :p


I don't find her terribly interesting and I agree Yoda stands out more personality wise. I do however find her somewhat interesting. She has a unique look hairstyle, eyes, and clothing. She is fairly attractive and her lightsaber and fighting style are cool. The way she held her own against a Sith Lord of Darth Malgus calibur and using the environment to her advantage, also blocking his saber with her hand.


During the interactions with the Jedi knight she comes off like a typical textbook jedi master, but she radiates an aura of wisdom and tranquillity. I found her rather comforting to be around and she inspired me in a subtle way. Also if you play a dark jedi she calls you out and refuses you the title of master, even after you single handedly save the galaxy pretty much. That must have been a very tough decision for her to deny the galaxies saviour, but she did not cave in, and she did what she felt was right. It shows she is someone of strong character and cares little about being the coolest kid in school.


You are right people are individuals but there are an overwhelming amount of rotten kids out there at least in my experience. Yes there are plenty of exceptions as well. There are also wise sith and there also wreckless jedi but they are exceptions.

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In the Hope trailer where Satele fights and defeats Malgus she's in her early 30's. By the time TOR starts she's in her mid 50s, and nearly 60 during Chapter 3 of the game.


Malgus and Satele's roles are similar to Darth Vader and Obi-Wan. With age Vader didn't slow down and became more ruthless, less patient, etc, while Obi-Wan slowed down, hid, stayed out of conflicts, etc, etc.


Given Satele's age and position in the Order/Republic she's handled very appropriately in the game.


Also dark side characters are always going to seem more interesting than light side characters because they're always more passionate, do things on a whim, are over confident,etc, compared to the Jedi or Light Sided characters who tend to be more Noble, follow the rules, and things like that.


Satele's character is more interesting in the period between the cinematics and the game, where she has an affair with Malcolm (the Trooper from the Hope cinematic) and has a child in secret.


For a 60 year old, her **** are not that bad , and her wardrobe is quite limited :)

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She just seems wasted in this game because there aren't any quest about her.

The only reason Darth Malgus isn't thought of as a wasted character is because he had some conversations on Ilum and a flashpoint-plot revolving around him, otherwise he would be in-game just a boring Sith who only had a moment of glory in the cinematics.

Just like Satele Shan.


So the reason she is wasted is not because her title, the contrast with her ancestors or the fact that she follows the code. It's just because bioware didn't gave her some quests.

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