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Legacy Vehicles and/or Pets


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I know this isn't a new topic, but I think it's an important one.


Can we please consider making pets and/or vehicles legacy wide unlocks.



  • Encourages alt usage (I won't have to worry about which character I use if I'm doing a op/boss/flashpoint etc. If I'm just doing it for the pet or mount ("I guess I can bring my healer...but my tank is the one who needs the mount...")
  • Give more unity between characters. Right now the only thing that realistically connects my characters in my legacy are legacy titles, a few global unlocks, and my legacy name. It would go from "My sage has a special mount" to "I have this special mount"
  • It could more people to work toward special mounts. For myself I don't care about, for example, I feel less inclined now to finish up the World Bosses I need for the Coral because the vehicle would only be usable by my Sage, or I'd have to do it on all my characters which isn't really appealing



  • People with a rare mount/pet on multiple characters could feel cheated [This could be partially mitigated for vehicles/pets that are normally not bound (such as cartel pack vehicles), by giving the players with extra copies an itemized version to sell or give to a friend]
  • Special vehicles/pets that are rewards for accomplishments/loot would not reflect that CHARACTER's ability to do the appropriate instances/bosses. While I do not view this as a major issue you could potentially not allow the appropriate vehicle/pet to be used until the player has the appropriate codex entry (for example they cannot use the tank mount without a certain Nightmare mode EC codex)
  • Potential problems with very special mounts such as the Nightmare mode EC tank mount (which is very durable which may not be intended for low level usage), this is not a huge issue and could be fixed by now allowing the use of that mount until max level.


Obviously I focused on vehicles above, mainly because there's a little more exclusivity with those (and it was just easier).

Also if I missed any (relevant) pros or cons you can think of, of course just post it and I'll add it (if it makes sense).


And of course on a case by case basis if there's a good reason making certain vehicles (very specific ones) only unlocked for specific characters that'd be okay (for example any pets only usable by one faction etc.)

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I'm curious to see what Bioware has to say about this, or anyone who thinks this isn't a good idea. I'm inclined to lean towards allowing this, because I've had to delete toons that had rare mounts, and it felt like losing all that hard work and effort.
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Necro aside,


collections is there for certain items off the CM. For everything else they are earned. You don't think that having the NIM Speeder from EC on a lvl 35 toon isn't just a bit stupid?


At that point it loses all of its prestige and you end up with just another speeder.

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Necro aside,


collections is there for certain items off the CM. For everything else they are earned. You don't think that having the NIM Speeder from EC on a lvl 35 toon isn't just a bit stupid?


At that point it loses all of its prestige and you end up with just another speeder.


Yes, collections is there for CM items. For everything else, the question is, did your toon earn it, or did YOU earn it. If YOU earned it, then it should be Legacy wide. If you didn't, let me know how you get a toon to go out and do it for me. :)


There isn't any prestige anymore with mounts and pets anyway, few people know or care what this or that NiM mount is due to all the CM mounts.


This idea of having to do content over and over across alts is fine for 2 or 3 alts, once you get a set of 8 of them, it is nuts.


I'm never going to find all the datacrons, or codex entries, or a dozen other things across my alts, it would become a full time job. I'd be inclined to do so if it was legacy wide.

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